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The 2010 UKFF UK50(+) - Results

Big Benny HG

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The one 'comment' about PTW/my mother/etc alone is both untrue, and unnecessary, and bearing in mind it came from the mouth of a 'man' who lies more than he breathes, Nick 'I spit water over people because I can't get heat any other way' Bourne; who no sane person has ever listened to in their lives - speaks volumes about how much you people dislike me, if you'll believe a scumbag like that. I mean, you might want to ask people their personal views on the bloke who's saying that before you say anything about me.


The photo of me you've used is from 2007. Living in the past much? I've lost two and a half stone since then, and shaved my head. Want my new proper promo picture? At least get your facts half straight if you're going to do all this.


As for the police thing, it's just a situation at football that has been blown ridiculously out of proportion (why don't you ask Bedfordshire Police? Oh, no, that'd mean not assuming things on your behalf), that has nothing to do with PTW.


As for the comments about 'young females', I'll not even react to that on most levels. I'm certainly not married, and never was, I'll say that much; and my children are at a lot of PTW events (want to criticise me for that too? go ahead...some of us are proud to be a father), so if you want to assume (there's that word again, it's what people do when they only have rumour and hearsay to use against someone); go ahead. I can't stop you, but it shows how desperate people are when they have to sink to these comments. If you know me personally, you'll know I have the most amazing girlfriend who I am thoroughly unashamed to admit I am all loved up over, and am even trying to grow up for. Take the piss all you want there, because I simply don't care.


On a booking note, I never book myself to 'take glory', if anything, you can ask the people I work with; all I do is book myself to help put others over, and bump around (okay, I'm not great, try asking people I work with, I'm ridiculously humble on the subject, and I'm still learning; but who the hell isnt still learning?) for the boys. Wow, what a sin, the promoter that doesn't have to do it but wants to help, gets thrown about a bit to make his lads look good.


But I'll make the day of all of you, I'll tell you that I am legitimately not booking Dan Edge anymore. No, that's not a 'work', or a 'shoot', and anyone nearish to the situation will tell you that's completely genuine. Also, that wasn't the main event the night of our 'match'; as James Mason vs Johnny Kidd was. I doubt it actually will, as I have never been given any benefit of the doubt on this forum, but perhaps that will go someway to you all seeing some changes; same as the upcoming main event of PTW's October 9th show, which is James Mason vs Jonny Storm. I don't suppose either point will get the majority of you to see things even remotely differently, but I figured both things were worth a mention.


Anyway, deep down I always dreamed of making your little list, and am only quite disappointed in an odd way; that I didn't make first. There's always next year, I guess, and I will now go off and promote three PTW shows in three different parts of the UK in three weeks; to attempt to overcome and come to terms with my disappointment. Eitherways, despite the inaccuracy of most of what was posted; thank you for putting me on your list. Professional/two faced enough for you?


I love you guys! :thumbsup:


Yes because you really are the nicest guy on the planet aren't you?


You've never been a dick to anyone in your life have you?

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The one 'comment' about PTW/my mother/etc alone is both untrue, and unnecessary, and bearing in mind it came from the mouth of a 'man' who lies more than he breathes, Nick 'I spit water over people because I can't get heat any other way' Bourne; who no sane person has ever listened to in their lives - speaks volumes about how much you people dislike me, if you'll believe a scumbag like that. I mean, you might want to ask people their personal views on the bloke who's saying that before you say anything about me.


The photo of me you've used is from 2007. Living in the past much? I've lost two and a half stone since then, and shaved my head. Want my new proper promo picture? At least get your facts half straight if you're going to do all this.


As for the police thing, it's just a situation at football that has been blown ridiculously out of proportion (why don't you ask Bedfordshire Police? Oh, no, that'd mean not assuming things on your behalf), that has nothing to do with PTW.


As for the comments about 'young females', I'll not even react to that on most levels. I'm certainly not married, and never was, I'll say that much; and my children are at a lot of PTW events (want to criticise me for that too? go ahead...some of us are proud to be a father), so if you want to assume (there's that word again, it's what people do when they only have rumour and hearsay to use against someone); go ahead. I can't stop you, but it shows how desperate people are when they have to sink to these comments. If you know me personally, you'll know I have the most amazing girlfriend who I am thoroughly unashamed to admit I am all loved up over, and am even trying to grow up for. Take the piss all you want there, because I simply don't care.


On a booking note, I never book myself to 'take glory', if anything, you can ask the people I work with; all I do is book myself to help put others over, and bump around (okay, I'm not great, try asking people I work with, I'm ridiculously humble on the subject, and I'm still learning; but who the hell isnt still learning?) for the boys. Wow, what a sin, the promoter that doesn't have to do it but wants to help, gets thrown about a bit to make his lads look good.


But I'll make the day of all of you, I'll tell you that I am legitimately not booking Dan Edge anymore. No, that's not a 'work', or a 'shoot', and anyone nearish to the situation will tell you that's completely genuine. Also, that wasn't the main event the night of our 'match'; as James Mason vs Johnny Kidd was. I doubt it actually will, as I have never been given any benefit of the doubt on this forum, but perhaps that will go someway to you all seeing some changes; same as the upcoming main event of PTW's October 9th show, which is James Mason vs Jonny Storm. I don't suppose either point will get the majority of you to see things even remotely differently, but I figured both things were worth a mention.


Anyway, deep down I always dreamed of making your little list, and am only quite disappointed in an odd way; that I didn't make first. There's always next year, I guess, and I will now go off and promote three PTW shows in three different parts of the UK in three weeks; to attempt to overcome and come to terms with my disappointment. Eitherways, despite the inaccuracy of most of what was posted; thank you for putting me on your list. Professional/two faced enough for you?


I love you guys! :thumbsup:



Stop coming onto a fan forum to justify why you're such a cunt. You're whole life is a fucking failure, you're like 35-40 years old or whatever, you have a kid, and you're dedicating what appears to be, your whole life trying to play 'wrestling owner man' in make belief 'PTW world'. When you're 80 and on your death bed or whatever you're gonna look back on your life and think back to the days when you used to run three shows in three weeks that no one (most likely) gives a flying fuck about other than it being something to do for a few hours, and then thinking back to the other times in your life where you went onto a fan wrestling forum and gave speeches on this and that. What suprises me is the fact that it doesn't appear you realise how much of a shit life you have.


And don't reply saying shit like 'Err we had some really good wrestlers wrestle the main event in PTW once, yay' because no one gives a fuck, one match doesn't make PTW good, its still shit.


No one gives a fuck if the pictures old, you're still an ugly cunt. No one gives a fuck if you're proud of being a father, you're still a cunt. No one gives a fuck if you have an amazing girlfriend, it doesn't mean you're not a cunt. No one gives a fuck if you book yourself to help people get over...if you're booking the show, it means you're a booker..not a wrestling personality, and you should book a wrestler to put another wrestler over rather than book yourself to do the job. It appears to me that you think you're so great at being a heel, that wrestlers on PTW won't be able to get over without you, which tells me that you're a mark for yourself, and you underrate 'your' wrestlers talents...you thick cunt.


No one gives a fuck Pete, cunt.

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Guys, can we just ignore Staniforth for once? Let him have his rant, and then let the thread continue in the right direction? Considering what the thread is, a huge bit of stupidity slapped in the middle of it with pointless bickering will just detract from the thread as a whole. There's more than enough previous Petey/PTW threads you can pull up to rip him a new one in there.

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Anyways, switching gears:


No. 25 - Mad Man Manson

Score: 132 points

Total 1st place rankings in 2010 votes: 0

2009 ranking: 21st

2008 ranking: 28th

2007 ranking: 22nd

2006 ranking: not listed

2005 ranking: not listed




Who is he?

Irish comedy wrestler with a lunatic gimmick, who has become a staple part of the British wrestling circuit. In 2010, Manson continues to bring his straightjacket and marker-penned body-scribings to promotions across the north, and maintains his mid-20s UKFF UK50 ranking for a 4th consecutive year.....


In DPW, Manson feuded with Martin Kirby over his self-created Mansonweight Title, a comedy title which "serious wrestler" Kirby intended to get rid of upon winning. Manson defeated Kirby in August to retain the belt, but Kirby did not give up his mission. Kirby beat GPW's Voodoo in December to earn another crack at Manson, setting up a Mansonweight Title rematch for DPW's 2nd anniversary event in Morley Town Hall in March. An added stipulation stated that should Kirby lose this 2nd attempt at the belt, then he would be forced to become Manson's permanent new tag team partner. Indeed, amongst all the silliness, Manson beat Kirby again, forcing a reluctant Kirby into partnership.....


In 1PW, where he had been the comic relief in th promotion for a number of years, Manson appeared on the March double-header, first falling to Big Bad Dave Mastiff in Ellesmere Port, before teaming with Ruffneck, Keith Myatt and T-Bone in a losing streetfight effort to the Prophets of Liberty (Samuel Bailey, Val Kabious, Leroy Kincaide and D-Rok) the next night in Liverpool..... Manson has also nothced up appearances for West Yorkshire's SSW, debuted for Birmingham's AWW, and returned to 3CW for their March show in Northallerton, where he hosted an edition of his trademark "Asylum" talk segment with emo losers The Lost, becoming involved physically and then in their subsequent drubbing at the hands of with Val Kabious.....


What did the UKFF think?

"Has invested time and thought about his character and brings entertainment to the ring with every match he has. His brand of entertainment makes him unique and engages audiences. A deceptively solid and dependable worker who has also invested in gym time, which has just added that little bit extra to his character"

"This man never, ever fails to make me laugh"

"He's a crazy son of a bitch but my, he's entertaining in the ring"

"The best comedy worker in the UK today. Excellent gimmick, unique humour and comedy style. Doesn't get enough credit for his ability as a straight up wrestler"

"Manson is, well, Manson, but I would pay to see a show if he's on the card"

"So funny he has actually made me nearly throw up once"

"Probably the funniest wrestler ever, has to be seen to be fully appreciated"

"Possibly one of the most clever wrestlers in the whole of the UK scene who if he wanted to could do a 5 star match but doesn't cos he doesn't need to, and he's got big traps"

"Apart from the odd funny joke or reference, as a worker he is so freaking overrated"



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Where is your event on oct 9th as i thought i'd check you out for myself , and if Storm is there it's gotta be half decent !


Well it's going to have at least one good match. Gotta love Johnny Storm

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I can't be bothered hearing about this Peter Stainontrouserforth.


Jesus Christ. Are you proud of that?


I know. Even Just Me wouldn't touch that with someone else's.

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No. 24 - RJ Singh

Score: 141 points

Total 1st place rankings in 2010 votes: 0

2009 ranking: 26th

2008 ranking: 32nd

2007 ranking: 19th

2006 ranking: 23rd

2005 ranking: 30th



Photo - Tony Knox


Who is he?

The former Ross Jordan is the first of our entrants to have appeared in each and every one of the 6 annual UKFF UK50s, achieving in 2010 a ranking broadly similar to that of previous years. His "Bollywood Dream" heel Indian movie star character has taken him to XWA, IPW:UK, FWA, SLAM and House of Pain, often with the addition of his troupe of followers.....


In Morecambe's XWA, Singh spent the entire UKFF UK50 period feuding with charming wannabe wrestler Tom Lambert. Tom, you see, is the younger cousin of babyface XWA authority figure Greg Lambert, and the storyline saw him try to persuade Greg to let him live his dream and appear in the ring on XWA shows. The "Let Tom Wrestle" campaign. Greg, however, would always rules with his head rather than his heart and prevent Tom the opportunity. At "Vendetta 2009" in July, Tom ran out to the ring to take up the job of ring announcer before Greg returned from the interval, only to find himself on the receiving end of a brutal verbal tirade from RJ Singh. Tom then took the opportunity to announce HIMSELF as Singh's opponent, stripping down to his comedic "wrestling gear". At just the right moment, protective Greg appeared and ordered Tom out of the ring before he got hurt. Singh, however, used the disctraction to nail Tom from behind, sending him crashing out of the ring. This led straight into Singh's scheduled match against Sam "Tiger" Bailey, and it was Tom's distraction that allowed Bailey to score the upset win over the "Bollywood Dream"..... At "Last Fight at the Prom" in September, Greg finally gave in to Tom's continuing pleas and fan campaign and agreed that Tom would indeed wrestler RJ Singh at "Goldrush" in January. There, Tom was beaten down as expected. The bout, however, was to serve as the backdrop for Greg Lambert's heel turn, as Singh refused to pin Tom to end the bout, and Greg gradually revealed more and more pleasure in the beating his cousin was receiving, refusing to throw in the towel from ringside, even shunning his own wife begging him to do so. With Greg abandonning his cousin, it was left for thron-in-Greg's side Johnny Phere to run out for the save and end the destruction.....


Greg's nemesis Phere and chosen one Singh ended up being the final 2 wrestlrs left in the annual Goldrush rumble, after Singh drew the final entry into the bout. Phere tossed Singh to earn a shot at the title..... XWA moved to a new venue in the town for the annual "War on the Shore" in April, and Singh reprised his old rivalry with El Ligero over the Flyweight Title (the two had feuded for an entire year over the belt back in 2007). It was the distraction of Greg Lambert's music playing which caused Ligero to fall and Singh to regain the British Flyweight Championship..... The pair were rematched at "Vendetta 2010" in July, when Ligero beat Singh in a Ladder match to regain the belt with the assistance of a second El Ligero, later revealed to be a disguised Tom Lambert looking for revenge. That same night, Singh, Greg Lambert and new heel Heavyweight champion Alex Shane led a cult-like ceremony and beating of Phere and Tom, only to be run off by the entire babyface roster. Singh is currently scheduled to team with Shane in the main event of the next XWA show against Phere and Ligero, with a Lambert in each corner.....


In IPW:UK, Singh led the Bhangra Knights (comprised of his trainees) into battle with the LDRS of the New School on the series of shows in Swanley, Kent. Teaming with "Dazzling" Daryl Amrah, the pair were defeated by LDRS Marty Scurll and Zack Sabre Jr in October. Singh was then bested by Scurll in a singles rematch that December. Singh then lost a further singles bout to Lion Kid in Peterbrough the following February..... In FWA, Singh has mirrored his XWA feud with El Ligero.....


What did the UKFF think?

"Cracking in the ring and one of the best mic workers in the UK"

"Great character and reliable performer"

"Brilliant gimmick and can rile up the crowd a storm. XWA crowds loathe him"

"One of the best promo guys in the country, simply brilliant. If he had a better physique, he would be regarded as one of the best in the country"

"Very solid and consistent, with a great character and entourage"

"A really great character that brings something a bit different to the table. Solid in-ring worker, very entertaining to watch"

"Polished and mature performances put him high on my list. RJ is an assured and confident performer that can be relied upon to wrestle a quality match regardless of the quality of his opponent. Very smart and tidy at what he does"

"Never really got into him as Ross Jordan, but this new character's given him a lease of life. One of the top flyweights around"

"Along with the FWA, I have seen a lot of RJ this year at the House of Pain Academy shows in Nottingham, where he has been working alongside his own trainees & HOP Tag Team Champions, the Bhangra Knights, and also Stixx's own trainees. For the FWA, he is always very memorable, be it for his exciting matches or his antics with his associates"

"The "Bollywood Dream" is a superb wrestler, great crowd worker and one of the best promo guys in the country, if not the best"

"Excellent matches with Ligero in XWA recently, always good value in FWA"

"Underrated, think he is a really good wrestler who doesnt get the recognition he deserves"



Edited by Big Benny HG
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In Morecambe's XWA, Singh spent the entire UKFF UK50 period feuding with charming wannabe wrestler Tom Lambert. Tom, you see, is the younger cousin of babyface XWA authority figure Greg Lambert, and the storyline saw him try to persuade Greg to let him live his dream and appear in the ring on XWA shows. The "Let Tom Wrestle" campaign. Greg, however, would always rules with his head rather than his heart and prevent Tom the opportunity. At "Vendetta 2009" in July, Tom ran out to the ring to take up the job of ring announcer before Greg returned from the interval, only to find himself on the receiving end of a brutal verbal tirade from RJ Singh. Tom then took the opportunity to announce HIMSELF as Singh's opponent, stripping down to his comedic "wrestling gear". At just the right moment, protective Greg appeared and ordered Tom out of the ring before he got hurt. Singh, however, used the disctraction to nail Tom from behind, sending him crashing out of the ring. This led straight into Singh's scheduled match against Sam "Tiger" Bailey, and it was Tom's distraction that allowed Bailey to score the upset win over the "Bollywood Dream"..... At "Last Fight at the Prom" in September, Greg finally gave in to Tom's continuing pleas and fan campaign and agreed that Tom would indeed wrestler RJ Singh at "Goldrush" in January. There, Tom was beaten down as expected. The bout, however, was to serve as the backdrop for Greg Lambert's heel turn, as Singh refused to pin Tom to end the bout, and Greg gradually revealed more and more pleasure in the beating his cousin was receiving, refusing to throw in the towel from ringside, even shunning his own wife begging him to do so. With Greg abandonning his cousin, it was left for thron-in-Greg's side Johnny Phere to run out for the save and end the destruction.....

I must admit, that sounds like a terrific slow-burn angle.

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