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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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As to the rest of the Ultimate universe, well - I'll reserve judgment on it until I read more, if I ever do. The Ultimates really didn't inspire me to do so.


In all seriousness, if you REALLY want to read something terrible... go get a copy of Ultimates 3. I will defend Ultimate 1 and 2... but Ultimates 3. Christ.... that was bad. Thor turns into a fucking nymphomaniac.


As someone who's more of a comic purist, I reckon you would really enjoy Ultimate Spiderman Ultimate Collection 1. It's a modern retelling, but pretty faithful to the characters.


Basically... if you hate Ultimate Spiderman Vol 1.... yeah... give up on the Ultimate line up. It dosen't get any better.

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Will read Ultimate Spiderman then, on your recommendation - when I'm no longer skint, and when I've finished reading Superior Spiderman, which I'm massively enjoying.


They killed off the Doom Patrol? Goddammit.

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I'd love to see the Justice League movie finally made, but if not, I'm starting to think Doom Patrol might be a good one for DC to dip their toes into the superhero team market.


It's a shame they introduced and killed off the Doom Patrol in one issue of Forever Evil recently.


Forever Evil's not DC Cannon though is it? Aren't there loads of dead superheroes in that?

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Forever Evil's not DC Cannon though is it? Aren't there loads of dead superheroes in that?


Yep. It part of the new 52 and official canon. And.... SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

the heroes aren't dead. Just missing in the Firestorm matrix.



Will read Ultimate Spiderman then, on your recommendation - when I'm no longer skint, and when I've finished reading Superior Spiderman, which I'm massively enjoying.


Will be interested in what you think of it. As for Sinister Spiderman... it's brilliant isn't it? Really glad I picked that up from day one.

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Unfortunately, my disposable cash ran out when I was only twelve issues in, but I really, really like it. And to be honest, thus far it leaves me hoping that Doc Ock gets better as a person and continues, rather than they bring Parker back. Mainly because Ock just seems less whiny.

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Anyone else seen the Marvel one Shot on the Thor2 blu ray? Just watched it and it's fantastic. The one shots are getting better and better and are actually adding to the films rather than just being little scenes for the sake of it.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I never had an issue with the Mandarin twist in Iron Man 3, in fact I thought it was quite clever actually, but there is a part of me that feels they back peddled massively with "All Hail the King." If they eluded to there being a "true Mandarin" in the Iron Man 3 film instead, it would of been a brilliant double-twist... but instead it just feels like Marvel films are reacting to negative fan comments.


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Anyone else seen the Marvel one Shot on the Thor2 blu ray? Just watched it and it's fantastic. The one shots are getting better and better and are actually adding to the films rather than just being little scenes for the sake of it.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I never had an issue with the Mandarin twist in Iron Man 3, in fact I thought it was quite clever actually, but there is a part of me that feels they back peddled massively with "All Hail the King." If they eluded to there being a "true Mandarin" in the Iron Man 3 film instead, it would of been a brilliant double-twist... but instead it just feels like Marvel films are reacting to negative fan comments.


The twist in Iron Man 3 was very good and something that made sense. There were hints about the 10 rings and the Mandarin in first Iron Man film, so the fact there's a real Mandarin hinted at isn't a shock. Plus the traditional Mandarin with the magic rings is more plausible now you have the addition of magic and aliens brought in with Thor and the Avengers to the Marvel film universe.

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I'm super into the animated DCU movies at the moment, slowly collecting them on Blu-ray. As has been said they really give Marvel movies a run for their money.


Watched Superman/Batman Public Enemies for the second time last night. That one doesn't seem to get nearly enough love. Its a cracking adaptation and plays out like a buddy cop action movie. Best of all it's got the big guns as the voice actors. Kevin Conroy as Batman, Tim Daly as Superman and Clancy Brown as Luthor.


The Blu-ray has 4 episodes of the Justice League Unlimited TV show which is just awesome, A 55 minute round table discussion with producer Bruce Timm, Kevin Conroy, casting director Andrea Romano, and DC's Senior Vice President of Creative Affairs, Greg Noveck and a 20 minute doc about adapting the book for the movie. There's also a ton of previews and 2 episodes of the Superman animated series.


Another tremendous package from Warner.


So far I've got this lot,


Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Blu-ray

Batman: Gotham Knight Blu-ray

Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman Blu-ray

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 Blu-ray

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 Blu-ray

Batman: Under the Red Hood Blu-ray

Batman: Year One Blu-ray

Green Lantern: Emerald Knights Blu-ray

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox Blu-ray

Justice League: The New Frontier Blu-ray

Justice League: War Blu-ray

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies Blu-ray

Superman: Unbound Blu-ray

Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter & Under the Hood Blu-ray

Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comic Blu-ray


Batman: Mask of the Phantasm DVD (This needs a BD asap, as does the whole Batman: The Animated Series)


I've also seen a few rentals which I haven't got round to buying yet.


Superman/Batman: Apocalypse

All-Star Superman

Justice League: Doom

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths Blu-ray


Wasn't so into Apocalypse and All-Star but Doom and Crisis on Two Earths were well worth a watch.


Have any of you seen The Dark Knight Returns deluxe edition? How's it different to parts 1 & 2 individually? I'll probably get it seeing as I LOVE parts 1 & 2 and its got a feature length doc about Frank Miller on the disc but it would be cool if the film it self was a different cut.


Not yet watched JL: The New Frontier. Probably will crack on with that later tonight.


If anyones interested the new Lovefilm Instant -Amazon Prime - has got a tonne of these available on demand "for free"

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The trailer for Sin City A Dame To Kill For:


Love the first Sin City so I hope they do a good job with this one as well.


Loved the look of the first one so am looking forward to this. There's also a video of the first few minutes of Captain America 2 online which just made me want to see the film even more.

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