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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Personally I think Affleck is a superb choice. I feel sorry for him that most people are criticising the decision as a poor one based on Daredevil. He wasn't bad as Daredevil, it was just a pretty poor film with him being the only redeeming part. The direction was shocking, dialogue abysmal and the rock soundtrack terrible.


His recent performances in the town and Argo have been nothing short of stunning and those two roles in particular show a rougher side to him that he can translate into Batman.


Out of everyone out there right now I think he's the best choice. Certainly on form at least.

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I've always liked Ben Affleck a lot and he takes himself quite seriously these days so he should be good.


That's a bad thing isn't it? Why can't they just make campy fun Superhero films like the old good ones? Not people taking themselves seriously. I'm still waiting for one to come anywhere near Superman 2.

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It's a balance, it's got to be enjoyable but there's not much point if it borders on taking the piss of the source material to appeal to people who don't even like the characters. I hate the Chris Nolan Batman films because of their lack of fun but no one wants another Superman III or George Clooney Batman.


The more I think about it the more I like the decision to cast Affleck, everyone seems to be talking about it.

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Batman & Robin is not campy and fun.


It's like a 2 hour long Mighty Morphin Power Rangers episode where all the characters are transvestites and repressed homosexuals and the whole thing is taking place in a Ibiza nightclub designed by Tim Burton in an khetamine nightmare. And for some reason Arnold Schwarzeneggar is there doing shits loads of coke.


It's the most mental film ever. I can't beleive it even got made.

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Then they are fucking cocks. The ideal superhero film should have a feel of the Sam J. Jones Flash Gordons about it.


Have you seen the Phantom with Billy Zane? I think you'd like it.


How much do you reckon it'd cost us to get Sam J Jones and Billy Zane together to make a campy version of Defenders Of The Earth?

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That's a bad thing isn't it? Why can't they just make campy fun Superhero films like the old good ones? Not people taking themselves seriously. I'm still waiting for one to come anywhere near Superman 2.


Have you seen the first Ironman film? I think that's close to what you want and for me is how a superhero film should be. I'd put it very close to Superman 2 in how much I like it.


It's just Zod is more of interesting villain, than the one in Ironman. That's why I hate the new Superman film though. I'm sitting there watching it, and I swear at many points I just forgot I was watching a Superman film and not just some regular sci-fi film. You could take out Superman and replace him with some robot, wouldn't have made much difference. Again the only good thing in that was Zod (Michael Shannon is great actor).


Can't say I'm too thrilled at Affleck being the new Batman. Never been a fan of him really, although I hear good things about his recent films. This however is Batman, I just don't see him in that role. I don't really like the idea for Superman vs Batman either, reminds me when they did AVP. Sounds good on paper, but ends up being shit in reality. Especially when it's been done by the same guys that made that new Superman film.

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