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Bellenda Carlisle

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I just took a big turn off this flick...I really did.


I can completely see what you mean, the full first trailer was the best trailer I've ever seen, it was perfect.



This one has awful pacing, a huge monster which will turn off loads of people (in classic Zack Snyder slightly ropey CGI too) and a pretty average joke and dialogue that aren't exactly on the subtle side.



I really hope it's great and I still think it could be, hopefully the big new scene they showed isn't the last 10 minutes of the film. At least it looks like it won't be short on action which will be nice after a decade of Christian Bale's dreary Bats.

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I just took a big turn off this flick...I really did.


me too. Eisenberg felt like he was trying too hard and the bit at the end made me kind of shrug.


Personally I got far more of a "hey cool" off the end of the civil war trailer than the end of that. But I thinl its because I expect civil war to have lasting effects on marvel, whereas I expect bvs to just end with them as buds, which theyll then kind of establish again by in justice league. Eh

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BvS will be two hours of emotional staring, Eisenberg overcompensating massively, fifteen minutes of two sprites having a punch up, followed by half an hour of two sprites punching a bigger sprite.


There's less predictability about Civil War at the mo. With JL already planned, we know none of the trinity are carking it, and they've already laid out the plot before the inevitable conclusion. The only surprise will be if the big reveal is actually early in the film, which means it'll be exhausting. And would they please show us something of WW other than Gadot standing there looking like Gadot!? Smacks of Snyder Suckerpunch wankery. Give me a reason to care. And Doomsday looks like a leftover troll from LOTR.


No one dies in Marvel, and Evans has two more bookings in his deal after Cap 3, but it still feels like anything can happen. They've had a ten-movie headstart to build goodwill for these versions of the characters; although historically Supes and Batman have been around and at odds for longer (I think?), these versions are pretty raw. At the moment, there's more to get my teeth into in Civil War.


12-year-old me would probably blow his load at BvS though.

Edited by CavemanLynn
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Check out this "fixed" less spoilery version of the trailer, pretty cool.



The more I think about the trailer The more I think it's only real crime is possibly (but not definitely) giving too much away. It feels like it would be pretty easy to piece together the film from what we've seen but it's looking like something I really want to see.



I was surprised to see Doomsday, he's a pretty one dimensional character and it's probably the way I'd want a character like him to be used. Stick him in a big fight scene but the main bad guy is Lex. He'll probably end up killing Superman now I've said that.



Also the joke is pretty wack but I guess you have to expect that kind of thing in this kind of thing.



Edited by Call me Bellend
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Talking about the mystery scene from Batman V Superman. Spoiler warning





I knew it would be a dream sequence, it sounds really cool.

It's a shame that so much stuff is revealed before hand but I guess that's just the way it is now with people dissecting everything on the net. If there are any big shocking moments left in this film I'll be really pleasantly surprised.


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That dude needs to shut the fuck up. I love how nothing had got out about Star Wars and the trailers don't give too much away. Compare that to the BvsS trailer and it's like night and day.

The first trailer was awesome, it showed some mouth watering stuff but there were still so many questions, too many of them have been answered now.

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They seem to be throwing everything they can at it. Surely the whole point of the trailer should be to tease, leading to one single shot of them facing off ( the shot of superman pulling Batmans mask off without the weird desert shit first would have been an awesome ending after a load of ambiguous 'Snyder blowing cgi stuff up' shots.


It's like the civil war trailer. The money shot in that is going to be a full on avengers vs avengers Fight, probably a running at each other hero shot or something. I'd be shocked if they didn't end the final trailer with something like that, or a Spider-Man tease. This is the equivalent of chucking all that in, then a shot of Thanos having a wander round Starks house.

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