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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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I don’t think the Joker will have those tattoos come movie time. I reckon that was just a tribute to the Killing Joke cover and the fact it was an anniversary. Ayer has his finger on the pulse and knows the score, I reckon.


That was my first thought, although its no big deal if he does have all the tattoos, most of them will surely be covered up


Cobra is still the all-time benchmark for product placement in a film...


So, Ultron! It was decent fun, but I think I've been spoiled by Guardians a bit. Not a patch on the first avengers film and there's just too much stuff that made no sense at all.


Some of the humour was good, some of it seemed really misplaced (eg one liners and quips whilst loads of innocent civilians are being killed)



I liked the new characters, but there was zero character development for any of the characters we already know. And don't give me Hawkeye's secret family as an example because that was shit.


Really seemed like they tried to cram a bit too much in, and as a result a lot of bits of story had to be assumed and the blanks filled in by the viewer, and the characters suffered because there was too much stuff happening.


For example, I think the most rushed thing was Thor's spa treatment which gave him all the answers to what was going on.. They didn't really explain any of that.



Anyway, I still enjoyed it. I'm just not in any rush to see it again..


 I really liked the film, rank it below quite a few of the other Marvel films but they repeated what they got right in the first Avengers movie ( Good dialogue between characters, some really funny moments and they have nailed how to use Hulk)



Spader is amazing in it, they had really undersold his character in the trailers which was a nice surprise. I wasn't a fan of them diving right into the action. The joy of the first film is that everything had been building up to it, this film ignores pretty much everything that has come before it; How did they get Thor back?, Why is Stark wearing the armor again? Falcon and Cap are supposed to be a team but he only turns up to parties, they were missing a trick not having him turn up with War Machine. The Fury line about having the old Helicarrier and some old friends was crying out for at least a Coulson reference, might have been a character too far but ignoring all the fall of SHIELD stuff apart from the odd line seems a bit silly. There's probably simple answers to all of them but they didn't bother with any of it. Basically if you're building up your own universe and tying them all together then don't start ignoring big chunks of it.


The mass global destruction was verging on Man Of Steel / Transformers levels at time and I assume that is all setting up for people turning on them ready for Civil War. It seemed that they were basically trying to play catch up with everyone that hasn't had their own proper origin so we got left with Hawkeye and Widow getting a little bit of background info ( The second they introduced Hawkeye's family I had a horrible feeling they were going to do what they did to them in Ultimates, but think that would have been a step too far) Totally agree with the Thor stuff, the throwaway line about what they were doing really didn't help


Vision holding the hammer got a genuinely loud reaction from the crowd when I watched it, great touch and I think they did the character well in the short amount of time they had with him.


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Avengers age of ultron suffered from over hype.


I mean how could they ever top the first one? dont get me wrong i liked it but wasnt blown away like i was first time out.


It had to follow guardians and winter solider which are right up there with the best marvel has to offer.


I dont hold any hope for antman

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It suffers a bit from Spider Man 3 syndrome, in that they tried to cram too many characters into it without really giving them enough depth to care. It's not as terrible as Spider Man 3, of course, but it definitely felt rushed and under developed in certain areas.


Thinking about it, it may very well be the weakest Marvel film of recent years.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Saw Age Of Ultron again today and enjoyed it more than the first time. I don't know if it was due to knowing what would happen or just because I wasn't watching it in the middle of the night, but any issues I had with it first time weren't really issues this time round!

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suicide cast photo revealed



A photo of the entire cast of Suicide Squad has been released. The photo was released on social media by director David Ayer, who wrote, "Task Force X assembled and ready." Noticeable absent from the photo is Jared Leto, who is playing The Joker. It's possible that Ayer didn't see the need to include The Joker, since a photo of him had already been released. It's also possible that The Joker isn't a member of the team and plays the role of the target for Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad cast includes Jared Leto as The Joker, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Will Smith as Deadshot, Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag and Cara Delevingne as Enchantress. Viola Davis will play Amanda Waller.

Suicide Squad is being directed by David Ayer. Suicide Squad is set to be released in movie theaters on August 5, 2016.

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