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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Jason Momoa joins Batman vs Superman


Jason Momoa has signed on for "Batman vs Superman, it's not revealed who he'll be yet but it will obviously be a super hero/villain. Doomsday's been mentioned as a likely candidate, he's not my favourite character but Jason Momoa is really cool and I could totally watch him play such a physical bad guy pounding Supes, Batman and Wonder Woman.



Andrew Garfield's being difficult about Spider-Man 4


Probably just holding out for more money, it seems bad timing to mention it when all the Spider-Man 2 buzz has just started. Can understand him not wanting to play the same character for 10 years though. If he doesn't do 4 I hope the trilogy stands alone as a complete story and 4 if there is one is something else.

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Here's a pic that's just been released of a 20 year old Henry Cavill auditioning for Superman in 2004 for the movie that ended up being the terrible Superman Returns starring Brandon Routh. Pretty incredible that nearly 10 years later he finally got the role, I bet he was gutted when they didn't cast him back then but it certainly turned out for the best.





I'm dreading the new TV series "Gotham" about police in Gotham city, I hate stuff like that, now they reveal it's going to have 10 year old Bruce Wayne in it, what's the fucking point? I love Batman but I have no desire to see a cop show set in the fictional city he lives in and I certainly don't need to see him as a child if the Phantom Menace taught us anything it's that taking a cool dark iconic character and showing them as a little pussy isn't cool.

Gotham seeks a young Bruce Wayne


Gotham Central is a tremendous book. If its half as good as that then it will be well worth a watch. Young Bruce Wayne doesn't set my world on fire but the cop show aspect could be amazing.


Gotham City is an amazing comic series. I doubt the TV show will have much in common with it, but we can hope. Also, I'm dying for an Astro City TV show. It would be something special.

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It'll be shit, though. It'll be aimed at teenagers and it'll be shit. But it won't matter, because it'll last one season, if that, then get cancelled and forgotten.



Atleast we can laugh at fan boys demanding Joker, Bane, random villain show up. Even if Wayne is 5.


hell yeah, 5 year old Wayne v 5 year Bane. Batman Babies, Tuesday @ 9:00 eastern

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It'll be shit, though. It'll be aimed at teenagers and it'll be shit. But it won't matter, because it'll last one season, if that, then get cancelled and forgotten.



Atleast we can laugh at fan boys demanding Joker, Bane, random villain show up. Even if Wayne is 5.


hell yeah, 5 year old Wayne v 5 year Bane. Batman Babies, Tuesday @ 9:00 eastern



They almost did Gotham High...



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It'll be shit, though. It'll be aimed at teenagers and it'll be shit. But it won't matter, because it'll last one season, if that, then get cancelled and forgotten.



Atleast we can laugh at fan boys demanding Joker, Bane, random villain show up. Even if Wayne is 5.


hell yeah, 5 year old Wayne v 5 year Bane. Batman Babies, Tuesday @ 9:00 eastern



They almost did Gotham High...





That would be amazing, Throwing everyones back story out so they can do eps where joker cant get on the football team!

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In a rare piece of combined wrestling and superhero movie news here's the first official picture of Guardian of the Galaxy starring Chris Pratt and Big Dave, looking forward to this, never read the comic (although I intend to before the film's out) so I don't really know what to expect.



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Michael Douglas has been cast as Hank Pym in the Ant-man movie. Regardless of if you like comic book films the effort they are putting into casting is amazing, Robert Redford in Captain America and now this. Be nice to see how they link up Pym to whichever incarnation they have Paul Rudd playing.

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That's scrapping the barrell a bit isn't it? I'm assuming a straight up comedy as opposed to a 'serious' superhero movie



Its actually been one of the movies they wanted to do first, they actually had Joe Cornish and Edgar Wright work on the script years ago. I think they are playing it as more of a comedy but apparently they are fitting it into the rest of the movies. I'm curious to see how it turns out.

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I don't think Paul Rudd was ever officially announced be playing Hank Pymm. Unless they have Paul Rudd as Ant man and Douglas as an older Giant man Pymm.


Most people seem to think Rudd will be playing Scott Lang although having him play an asshole version of Eric O'Grady could be a lot more fun.

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