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Bellenda Carlisle

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I've heard a, hopefully bollocks, rumour today the Robert Downey Jr won't be playing Iron Man in Avengers 2. Can anyone quash this quickly, please?


I'd say that's bollocks - his contract has probably expired as he was signed to do 3 Iron Man movies and The Avengers, he's probably trying to get as much $$$ as possible from Marvel beofre he signs a new contract that's probably sitting in front of him.


He'll definitely stick around for Avengers 2 and Phase 3 - he earnt $50m just from The Avengers he revealed a few days ago.

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Last time I looked. I've just never encountered anyone who's seen it that didn't like it. I have, however, met many people that wouldn't even considered watching it.

It was a horrendous, septic mess of a film and this is coming from a chap who enjoyed the previous two movies, and was looking forward to seeing how the franchise concluded.

There are folks who actually call Tom Hardy's performance 'brave'. Please don't be one of those...

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Dark Knight Rises made me feel very indifferent. The set peices were spectacular, but the film as a whole just did nothing for me. Bane sounded like the guy who did the voice over for the Mr Kipling adverts.


As for Man of Steel, all looks a bit too serious to me. Superman was always a bit of camp fun, with the brooding stuff left for the Batman side of DC.

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I've heard a, hopefully bollocks, rumour today the Robert Downey Jr won't be playing Iron Man in Avengers 2. Can anyone quash this quickly, please?


Wasn't that the one doing the rounds on April Fools Day? I'm sure I saw that going around a lot alongside the Dinklage leaving Game of Thrones. Might be possible but at the time it was fairly quickly debunked. Maybe of course it was a real leak knowing that people wouldn't believe it!

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Last time I looked. I've just never encountered anyone who's seen it that didn't like it. I have, however, met many people that wouldn't even considered watching it.

It was a horrendous, septic mess of a film and this is coming from a chap who enjoyed the previous two movies, and was looking forward to seeing how the franchise concluded.

There are folks who actually call Tom Hardy's performance 'brave'. Please don't be one of those...



Bane was badass. One of the things I was really enjoying about the film in the early going (first hour or so) before it became a complete mess, and then he got totally chumpatised by the end.

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When you see Iron Man 3, the picture will become clearer, but RDJ said he wouldn't do another Iron Man movie, not anymore Marvel films altogether, so Avengers 2 is still on.

Edited by Snake Plissken
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Bane was badass. One of the things I was really enjoying about the film in the early going (first hour or so) before it became a complete mess, and then he got totally chumpatised by the end.


I adore Tom Hardy, I really do, Chest. As a straight man, he's one of only three men I'd let brick in my mouth and/or chin (the others being Mike Patton and Ryan Gosling) but when he opened his mouth and sounded like Mr.Belvedere straining, I was gutted. I know Bane is hyper intelligent, speaks slowly and methodically, but that just sounded all kinds of poxy.

I'll say one thing, the delivery of his famed 'Mr.Wayne' line, was immense.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Yeah, the only problem I had with Bane was how they completely cut off his nuts with that awful twist. They spent ages building up Bane and his eventually arse whoop by Batman, but what we got was a quick fight that was ended by two girls and Bane suddenly turning into another goon, killing all the good work they did.


I re-watched The Dark Knight Rises a few months back and it's a much better film when you know what's coming.

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Yeah, the only problem I had with Bane was how they completely cut off his nuts with that awful twist. They spent ages building up Bane and his eventually arse whoop by Batman, but what we got was a quick fight that was ended by two girls and Bane suddenly turning into another goon, killing all the good work they did.


I re-watched The Dark Knight Rises a few months back and it's a much better film when you know what's coming.



I thought that when I started to re-watch it.. I got all excited again and thinking "ooh this is better than I remember".. And then it turned out with the same disappointment of it starting well and just falling apart :/

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Cheers for the replies re RDJ and Avengers, I was involved in a conversation about The Avengers yesterday and it was agreed that he made the character. The kid who brought up him asking for too much money had probably heard the April Fools joke and took it in.


Which then got me thinking (off topic) that I didn't even notice April Fools this year. Which suggests I either didn't see any, or just believed them all....


Interesting views on Dark Night Rises. I just remember really enjoying it from start to finish. I am easily pleased though.

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Sorry got to add my thoughts ref Zac Snyder. I am really really looking forward to man of steel and am a huge fan if Zac Snyders films in general, why I hear you ask? Well it's not about the writing, script, feeling etc. As an avid fan of films, I have at home a fuck off massive tv and blu ray system and if there's one thing you can always count on with his films it that they will always look fucking amazing! His obsession with slow motion action scenes are his trade mark in all his films, even to the point that the cgi childrens film "owls of gowlhoon" he directed featured some amazing slow motion scenes. It's just owls fighting, but somehow he makes it epic!


Now I love watchmen, I dont have the time, nor be can be bothered to type out all the reasons why. But I for one love snyders films and always look forward to them as I know can I can always rely one thing, awesome massive slow motion HD scenes that will look amazing in cinema and again on my massive telly. Oh also Henry Cavil in the superman outfit gives me a boner.

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Henry Cavill as Superman gives me a massive boner too man, I agree with you totally, it feels like finally we can see a Superman film where the action will be on a scale that it should be but has never been before, we agree on many things, I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Superman is not just a guy in a tights wandering around, he's like a god on earth, I can't wait to see what they do with it.


*edit* Also


Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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Sorry got to add my thoughts ref Zac Snyder. I am really really looking forward to man of steel and am a huge fan if Zac Snyders films in general, why I hear you ask? Well it's not about the writing, script, feeling etc. As an avid fan of films, I have at home a fuck off massive tv and blu ray system and if there's one thing you can always count on with his films it that they will always look fucking amazing! His obsession with slow motion action scenes are his trade mark in all his films, even to the point that the cgi childrens film "owls of gowlhoon" he directed featured some amazing slow motion scenes. It's just owls fighting, but somehow he makes it epic!


Now I love watchmen, I dont have the time, nor be can be bothered to type out all the reasons why. But I for one love snyders films and always look forward to them as I know can I can always rely one thing, awesome massive slow motion HD scenes that will look amazing in cinema and again on my massive telly. Oh also Henry Cavil in the superman outfit gives me a boner.



I can't decide if that's fair enough and at least you're honest, or if it makes you a total simpleton. Either way that's just a sound and light show, and is absolutely not what I'm looking for out of a film.

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