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Would anyone use a thread for bargain gift ideas?


I'm thinking it could be used for posting suggestions for things like work secret santas (yes, I need to buy someone a Secret Santa present and have no idea what to get!).


Also links to special offers and the like.


EDIT: I can't spell.

Edited by Ian 86
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Having a few problems with the board from work’s computers. Anything I post with punctuation seems to be coming out as random symbols, thus disfiguring what I write quite significantly. I’m also not getting the bar above the posting window that has the options for bold, italic, sizing, etc. I also had trouble yesterday when trying to quote in the non-league footy topic. Clicking the quote button just redirected me to the top of the page.


We still use Windows XP for the time being here, are any other XP users experiencing any such complications? I’ve had no such issues with Windows 8 at home.




Edited by Richie Freebird
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Has the Youtube description rule gone away?


"Posting a youtube, or any other video site, link without a description of what it is will get you a 24 hour suspension."

(sorry, I dont know how to quote from other threads)


It's never really bothered me before but the internet police at my new job have blocked Youtube and I'm noticing a lot of links popping up in threads and it's driving me nuts! I don't want to turn into a thread ref but it's getting right on my tits.

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For someone who has always taken a very responsible view when it comes to violence and abuse against woman I was disappointed by Houchen's pick of 'Bog Jock Knew' as a username for another poster. For those fortunate enough not to be familair with West Coast of Scotland football rivalries this is a slogan adopted by Rangers fans that revels in past cases of sexual abuse of children at Celtic boy's club.


Any chance of a change?

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That may well be the reason it was given to him but the whole 'Big Jock Knew' thing pretty much purely exists for group of football fans to show their delight that children were abused at another club. As such is something I thought we could do without.

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