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Im sorry for my part in this I should of just ignored them.

Ignored who, Boydy? If you mean neil and Rick then you're still missing the point that the moderation team here has gone above and beyond the call of duty to help you. You can see it in this thread; two people made a comment about you, and now they're gone for 60 days. Chris B tried to explain this to you in the F4W board and you called him a dumbfuck for it.


You need to do yourself a favour and take a step back. How many other forums would do that? Look at what people have said about you on F4W today. Is anybody there there suspending posters for it or linking to articles about it? Nope.


And here's a sensible piece of advice for you: Change your username when you go to different forums. It's too easy for people to recognise you. That would be how it was so easy for agentgig on F4W to realise who you are. You make it too easy for people.

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So was this audio like? I want to hear it and build up a catalogue of "Fuck you person I don't know from wrestling forum" sound bites, they are unbelievable, they really are.

It will be, someone split the Happ hazard one into a little clip and uploaded it separately,

And he's now done the same for this one too. Fuck you, neil and tiger_rick!


Ah brilliant! Cheers Ronnie. I'd love it even more if I were one of them

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  • Paid Members
He responded to the two people baiting him in this thread, continuing the discussion. I think that's what he's referring to.

Gotcha. I missed all of that stuff, so didn't have a clue. Cheers, Rockers.


Ah brilliant! Cheers Ronnie. I'd love it even more if I were one of them

You know, I've still got a shout-out owing. I might finally cash it in, if you fancy some verbal :)


Yeah cheers Ronnie I appreciate your advice.

Good man. Keep your head down.

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