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I've been reading Kanyon's book recently. Great insight into WCW from 96-2001. There's a lovely story about Eric Bischoff as well. Bischoff gets a lot of shit aimed at him (and a lot deservedly so), but there's a touching story of Kanyon walking into his office to ask for a pay rise:



Excellent book so far. James Mitchell comes across as the biggest nutter and nicest bloke in the world. Kanyon is obviously grateful that he lived with him and knew he was gay for 15 years and never told anyone.


I read Kanyons book ages ago, but I read it in about 2 days it was so good, its a fascinating account of wrestling as well as Kanyon himself. I feel like no one mentions it when it comes to the best wrestling books, he was one messed up guy for sure but he seemed like he had a good heart.

Edited by Cobra1000
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I really enjoyed Kanyon's book it didn't take me to long to read and the thing I found most enjoyable about the book was it was told from the stand-point of a guy who was in the mid-card so there were stories in it that I'd never read before or heard about, often books are about guys in the main-event and you read different perspectives of the same story in different books but like I say it was refreshing to read new stuff which made the book a lot more interesting.


I was really disappointed and more so upset that Kanyon did end up committing suicide, the book ends with him being in a really positive place in his life and prior to that he goes in depth about his attempted suicide so for him to have gotten through all that and to have a some what happy ending to the book it's really shitty that things did not work out for him in the long run, as I believe it was only a year or so after the book finishes that he did commit suicide.

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From Kanyons book:

The next day at Warner Bros., I realized we were there to brainstorm ideas about a new movie, one that would be released in 2000 as Ready to Rumble, a wrestling comedy about two fans who want to restore credibility to their fallen hero. At first though, there was only a rough idea — and one request. “We really want John Goodman to star as the lead role,” one suit told me. I didn’t know if John Goodman fit as a down-on-his-luck former wrestler, but I guessed it could



What is he talking about? John Goodman would have been perfect as proper down and out wrestler. He looks like someone who would turn up in WCW back in the late 90s/2000. Especially in early 2000. I imagine him teaming with Brian Knobbs and 'The Dog' Al Greene or something. Ready To Rumble with Dan Connors would have been class. I assume Goodman turned it down. If he'd have done Blues Brothers 2000 and Ready To Rumble in the same year, I guarantee you would never have seen Goodman act again. His career would have been over. He might have even showed up in WCW for real for a pay day. Goodman winning the WCW title would have been far more credible than Arquette. I bet Goodman would have snapped DDP about for real.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I saw the Big Daddy book in WH SMITHS and was very tempted to get it but it was priced 17.99 which I thought was a little steep considering its not very big and I hadn't read any reviews about it but I read some last night and they have been pretty mixed but good enough to make me want to read it so I'm going to buy it later today, I'll give my thoughts on here once iv finished it.


On a side note, wasn't Big Daddy rumoured to be gay? I was shocked to realise he was married 3 times I believe it was.

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