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Egg Shen

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That's true but maybe they shouldn't have given him that in his contract if they didn't want him to have it. If they've signed Rampage to an exclusive deal, I'm sure they could have got Daley exclusively, and for less. I know Daley doesn't come across as the easiest guy to deal with but if they gave him the option to fight outside Bellator as part if his deal, it's a bit shit of them to stop him doing that. Especially with him having not been able to fight in Bellator recently. The man's got to earn money. It's not as bad as the other stuff but it's just another bit of bad publicity. Usually when fighters bitch about their boss it's when they're either fired or on their way out the door. It's a bit worrying that most of the complaints about Bellator are from fighters who are still under contract.

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That's true but maybe they shouldn't have given him that in his contract if they didn't want him to have it. If they've signed Rampage to an exclusive deal, I'm sure they could have got Daley exclusively, and for less. I know Daley doesn't come across as the easiest guy to deal with but if they gave him the option to fight outside Bellator as part if his deal, it's a bit shit of them to stop him doing that. Especially with him having not been able to fight in Bellator recently. The man's got to earn money. It's not as bad as the other stuff but it's just another bit of bad publicity. Usually when fighters bitch about their boss it's when they're either fired or on their way out the door. It's a bit worrying that most of the complaints about Bellator are from fighters who are still under contract.

well, i don't think Bellator anticipated being a situation where Daley wouldn't be allowed in the US to actually fight for the promotion. Daley's still fighting on a pretty regular basis, he's fighting over here in July too.If i was Bellator i'd be scolding Daley for making all his beef public, i don't really know what's he trying to achieve with that.
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Spike announces biggest joint signing to date, Rampage Jackson, for TNA & BellatorSpike TV annnounced today it had signed a multi-year contract with Quinton "Rampage" Jackson for both MMA and pro wrestling, similar to the deal they had signed with King Mo Lawal.The signing was part of a joint announcement with Kevin Kay of Spike, Bjorn Rebney of Bellator and Dixie Carter of TNA.They noted that Jackson's match with Dan Henderson on Spike was one of the most-viewed cable TV MMA matches of all-time, and that his season coaching Ultimate Fighter against Rashad Evans was the top rated season in the history of the show (largely due to the presence of Kimbo Slice).A press conference is being scheduled tomorrow morning in Los Angeles.Jackson will star in a Spike TV reality series and do other projects with the network. The reality series will build to his Bellator debut. He will also be used in some fashion on Impact Wrestling.

As far as the TNA stuff, I fail to see how this is going to work. They've tried twice now, with Lashley (who could actually wrestle to a standard and still had name value from WWE at that point) and King Mo, and they don't know how to present them. TNA working with anyone is always a big fuck up. The right hand usually doesn't know what the left hand is doing. The King Mo thing was a massive fuck up. Bellator and Spike wanted TNA to market him as a big name, but Bischoff and Prichard didn't like Mo very much and packaged him as a completely goon. The wrestling side of TNA doesn't want to work with MMA guys and MMA and Spike side is obviously going to want their property to focus on Bellator. Because Spike owns it and MMA is something you need to concentrate on. Rampage is a big name and everything, but Hogan, Sting, Angle and Jeff Hardy were huge names as well. If you dont present someone as a big deal, you arent one.Hopefully I'm wrong, but mixing MMA and pro wrestling rarely works. Especially in TNA. It'll be interesting at least though. Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yeah I watched about 5 minutes of Mo in TNA before I lost interest. Didn't New Japan used to fuck about with MMA/pro wrestling mixed shows a few years ago? It was pretty crap as I remember. Rampage is a great signing for Bellator but I can't see anything good coming from him in TNA.

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I'm genuinely really excited about Rampage going to TNA. If he can develop into being at least solid in the ring, Rampage has better tools than any other MMA fighter to be a success in pro-wrestling.Great look, great promos, has a main event aura, decent mainstream profile outside of MMA/pro-wrestling and an already infamous powerbomb finisher!He's also a pretty big wrestling fan IIRC too?To be honest, I'm surprised WWE didn't make him some kind of offer... maybe he wasn't willing to commit 100% to wrestling, the WWE schedule or didn't fancy hanging out in NXT for a few months.Massive signing for TNA though!

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Fucking great news. Finally. That will make following the tournaments a lot easier for me.


What's Viva? That channel doesn't ring any bells with me. My shit freeview box better pick it up.


Viva is owned by Viacom and is mainly a music channel whilst also airing shows like Two and a Half Men and South Park, it should be on Freeview channel 21.

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What's Viva? That channel doesn't ring any bells with me. My shit freeview box better pick it up.

If you managed to avoid
they ran when they launched a few years back, and every cunt under the sun subsequently going around shouting "Up your Viva!", you're a very, very lucky man indeed.
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