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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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As a fan of some of the most extreme Noise/Industrial/Power Electronics i have to say that Stalaggh are unlistenable gimmicky shite, shitarses of the highest degree who rely on self started rumours to get a name. At least Silencer who had similar silly stories about themselves made some cracking music (i thought so at the time, looking back it's a bit shit), who else has ever used the lyrics "Tasting the fur of dying cats"..?

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Here's another black metal muder case which I never really hear about. From Italy this time.

These guys actually popped into my head last week and I decided to re-read the Wikipedia on them in work. I'm fairly sure there was a documentary made about them which I saw on one of those crime channels on sky, if I remember rightly. I'm sure that people involved with this group were actually talking heads on the program.


A quick look shows that it was originally a BBC documentary, so I may have seen it there, unless they gave the crime channels the rights to repeat it at a later date.


BBC article on the case

Edited by Richie Freebird
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It's the same with straight up Black Metal, a lot of i don't like but the whole genre fascinates me.

Have you heard the Emperor album I pimped out on the previous page? I'd fully recommend giving that a whirl (the full album is linked in the first post that I mentioned Stalaggh).


You should also try De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas by Mayhem, if you haven't already heard it (again, the full album is inside that link). This is probably my favorite black metal album of all time, and one of my most frequently listened to albums of any genre over the past 5 years or so. There's some interesting stories behind this album too, including the suicide of the band's singer, the fact that both a murderer and his victim play on the record and a plot to blow up the cathederal that appears on the album sleeve.




Edit - Just listening through that Mayhem album again myself now. It's a fucking masterpiece.

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Being an old fucker, I remember Brujeria and the hoo ha surrounding them. Was a bit disappointed when I found out they weren't really Mexican drug lords.

Because it was pre-internet and that Kerrang and Metal Hammer played along with the joke (for a little while anyway) it was actually quite cool to think that a bunch of Mexican druglords had formed a band.

Kayfabe in music is dead now....

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Psychic TV/TOPY worked everyone, so much so the police pretty much chased Genesis out of the country as everyone thought they were some satanic child murdering cult when in reality he's some wannabe William Burroughs with fake tits who constantly needs to be the center of attention. The Temple of Psychick Youth were interesting, though, with a few menbers becoming some of my favourite musicians of all time in both Coil and Current 93 and as much of a joke as Gen has become since he did put on one hell of a show.

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De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is still a fucking beast to this day. From conception to release was over 7 years, back when Dead was the vocalist for the band and before his suicide.

I really liked Attila Csihar vocal work on that album. Fuck, the album as a whole is awesome in everyway. The production is raw yet doesnt sound like it was recorded in someones garage, like a lot of bands from that era did.

On the Emperor side of things, 'In The Nightside Eclipse' is fucking awesome, but I prefer 'Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk'


The best story I remember reading about the black metal scene was about Euronymous' record shop (Helvete) which he wanted to have in the basement of the building and would be in complete darkness and you would have to take a flame torch down to see the records. Complete batshit mental. Also had this bit of graffiti in there, which for simplesness is pretty cool in my eyes


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I prefer 'Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk'

And there’s my new musical experience for tonight sorted out, thanks! As I said, In the Nightside Eclipse is the only work of Emperor I’ve heard, so I’m sure I’ll enjoy trying out some of their other material while I’m back in the mood. I did get hold of one of Ihsahn’s solo albums once, (after a magazine assured me it was good) but it really didn’t tickle my fancy, and was relegated to shelf filler after only a couple of listens.


Totally agree about the awesomeness of the Mayhem album. I gave it a full listen after suggesting it to our friend Ebb last night, and for the genre, I’d say it’s pretty much a perfect record. Remarkable stuff, for sure.


Its a more progressive sound than Nightside Eclipse, but is still very much a black metal album.

There is no such thing as a bad Emepeor album. 'IX Equilibrium' and 'Prometheus: The Disipline Of Fire And Demise' are fucking outstanding. Its part of the reason the band disbanded in 2001, in that Tyrm and Samoth wanted to go a more death metal route, while Ihsahn wanted to go a more experimental way. rather than dampen the legacy of the band by changing its musical direction too much, they stuck to what they did for the final album (the aforementioned 'Prometheus'), and Samoth and Tyrm went fulltime with Zyklon.


If your digging Emperor, definately give Zyklon a try. Put out three albums: World Ov Worms (2001), Aeon (2003) and Disintegrate (2006) before calling it quits in 2010


And ofcourse, you can't go wrong with Bathory

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