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Post of the Year 2010 Now Online


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TripleA makes a late push for glory


He fancied Chyna a couple of days ago, now he equates her behaviour with that of a man who killed 3 million Jews!

Yeah she was for a bit, but she blew drugs into a little girl's face!


Yeah that little girl got dealt a bad hand there didn't she? Those jews may as well have been at Butlins.

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That's poor to be honest. That's as poor as my throwing cack at the wall after a night out. Shite.


But CleetusVanDamme has been shit hot all month. I don't want to nominate a single post, because CleetusVanDamme has been on like the blob all month.

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I get the Jerrys. That's a good thing in the World Cup. I hope they smoke the opposition, while having a winning solution in the final.


A late nom for a very obvious edit.

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Tiger Rick brings the truth in the World Cup thread.




For the hard of thinking, here's how it is. Wayne Rooney is the main England striker. Wayne Rooney is a million times better than Darren Bent. Wayne Rooney's turds are better players than Darren Bent. Wayne Rooney is as close to brilliant as we are going to get. The aim of an England manager is to get the best out of Wayne "God" Rooney. In his last 10 games alongside emile Heskey, Wayne Rooney has scored 9 times. In his last 10 games alongside anyone else, Rooney has scored 2 times. Emile Heskey, as muich as he's not and never will be a goalscorer, is a fucking good front man who takes knocks, holds the ball up, gets into great positions, wins headers and generally allows Wayne Rooney to be brilliant. For England and Capello, it is a proven system.


Capello isn't putting all his eggs in one basket though. He realises he needs something different. perhaps a beanpole centre forward who'll confuse every shitty defence he comes across. Say hello to Peter Crouch. He also needs a quick, skillful goal poacher who has a proven record in the Premier League and has some pedigree as a sub for England. Say hello to Jermaine Defoe.


Now stop fucking whining about Heskey. That isn't aimed purely at Darren Bent's superfan on here but every thick cunt on every medium.

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Edinburgh, a supposed capital city that noone ever bothers to hold a show in because we don't have a fucking proper arena. But in 2005 WWE for some reason decided they were coming over here, and they were going to hold this show in The Royal Highland centre, sounds fancy eh? it's not its a small dimly lit reeking of piss hall that holds fucking car boot sales every week. My enjoyment of the show was ruined by a syndrome behind me who kept caressing my right shoulderblade every time i stood up having a period because he couldn't see, but how can i sit down when everycunt in the 6/7 rows in front of me is standing up as well? i didn't pay
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Marvellous analogy from Pitycityetc in 'Misconceptions about the wrestling business'. You may or may not agree with it, but as an am-drammer myself it gave me a good laugh.


I think the thing that made people believe the WOS wrestling was real was the overall presentation of it, which was consistent with "real sports" at the time, and not overblown like wrestling is today. Kent Walton was an excellent commentator in this regard. Plus you had the fact that it was shown as part of a real sports show.

Aye, but it looks too ridiculous to fool anyone. It's far more panto than anything the Americans were doing even in the 80s. If anything, it's as though the WWF and NWA were Starlight Express and World of Sport was an am-dram production of an episode of Some Mother Do 'Ave 'Em.

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