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Need some assistance with my contact list on the Samsung S4 (yeah, I have an S4 now instead of the Xperia Z. Long story).


On my phone contact list I've selected sim only contacts to view instead of everyone on my Facebook/Gmail list. However, my message contact list is still showing contacts from my Gmail list. How do I get rid so it only shows contacts from my sim? I've Googled the question but can't find an answer.

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Try going into the settings and then accounts and un-syncing your Google contacts.


Let me know how it goes for you.


Phones i'll be trying this month:


Acer Liquid E2 = 4.5 inch screen, 1.2 Ghz quad core processor and 8 MP camera,Running Android 4.2.1.(Looking forward to this as Acer make good laptops and the tech should transfer to phones. This is the first Acer phone to be picked up by a UK network, 3 in this case)


Nokia Lumia 1020 = 41MP camera, Windows 8 Phone OS. This is Nokia's big hope for 2013, some have said the Nokia brand could flourish or die with this phone.


I'll be putting some reviews up of them.


But for now go and read about Samsung going all retro on the mobile world and doing a flip, dual screen mobile Clicky

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  • 4 weeks later...
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$99?? Are you sure? That's insanely cheap. Is it tied in to some crazy contract-only thing out there or what?


I just got a LG Nexus 4. I loved my Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and how everything is completely integrated with my Google account so when that started dying I got the newest model. Price has just been slashed (I think they are expecting to announce the 5 soon) so it was

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Still, 40 quid is still a joke.


I'm on a 3gs still, and I really want to stick with iPhones as a) I like them and b) all my other computers are Apple so I'm fully synced and compatible, but the prices are just obnoxious. I can see the Samsung's are pretty good nowadays. How Mac compatible are they, if that's not a stupid question.

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Was the Xperia Play an abject failure? The slide-out PlayStation controller makes it the best phone for gaming I can conceive of, but the guts of it aren't brilliant and it's a few years old now. Plus the screen on mine's half-knackered. They didn't stick with the controller in any newer phones, did they?

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