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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Clash of the titans


Not sure what to make of this to be honest, The special effects where awesome........and for some reason i really like the main actor guy (from terminator). But although i enjoyed it, i think it could of been a smidge longer and also a bit better. But then again im not sure in what aspect. A bit of an all round odd one for me.


Would be good for at home viewing as well as maybe a decent saturday afternoon ITV movie..........but bar that not to bad. I have heard people saying its the worse film they've ever seen, which would tell me people havent seen many films.........but worth a watch, nothing special!



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The Hangover


I don't know about you but this film did not live up to it's hype, good for the occassional chuckle but that's it really.


I felt it was completely disjointed in the same manner of Pineapple Express; let's throw crazy situations against a wall and see what sticks then make a movie out of it. Also despite a lot of people saying that Alan made the film, he ruined it for me so much I couldn't bare to watch half the stuff he did.


Overall: 5/10

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Put it this way, I've only walked out of two films in my entire cinema-going life (which has been quite lengthy as I have the Unlimited Card) and this version of Alice In Wonderland is one of them. Shame to see such an overall good cast reduced to this.

What was the other one?


I've never walked out of a movie before, the closest i have came was during the Woody Allen film Match Point. I'm glad i stayed until the end though purely for the terrible acting of Jimmy Nesbitt.

Twilight. I was asking for it really but I expected it to at least be laughably bad. It isn't.

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I've only walked out of a cinema once. That was during that cack Martin Lawrence film "Blue Streak" in 1999.


That was because a gang-fight started in the front-row. Things were getting tossed all over the place. Cineworld Parkhead had, probably still does, a strange policy of having no staff in the actual screen, so they were all fighting and nobody could see the film. Everybody, that wasn't a knuckle-dragging ned, all walked out. Had the Unlimited Card then.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Watched Bad Santa after a long time and it still is my favourite comedy ever.

The characters are superb from Willie to Chipeska and the lines/abuse are delivered with perfect timing. 10/10


I read that Billy Bob Thornton confirmed a Bad Santa 2 for Xmas 2011 :thumbsup::thumbsup:


Some funny quotes


Willie: Why don't you go take a shower?

Dancer girlfriend [unrated Cut]: I'm a dancer, I sweat.

Willie: Well, you smell like a bum's nut sack.

Dancer girlfriend [unrated Cut]: Fuck you.




Bob Chipeska: I just can't help it. There's something about the guy that makes me uneasy.

Gin: Well sure. Santa fucking someone in the ass...




Sue: Fuck me, Santa! Fuck me, Santa! Fuck me, Santa!




Kid: Your beard's not real.

Willie: No Shit!It was real, but I got sick and all the hair fell out.

Kid: How come?

Willie: I loved a woman who wasn't clean.

Kid: Mrs. Santa?

Willie: No it was her sister



Marcus: If I call you next December, IF I call you next December, you're gonna be so happy to hear from me, you're gonna do a goddamn back flip. You're gonna put that Santa hat on so fast that you're gonna get fucking hat-burn



And the best...


[Willie has just passed out]

Gin: Look here, get himy outta here and I'll go smooth things over with Chipeska, Tell him it was food poisoning or something.

Marcus: What do you mean, get him outta here?

Gin: Take him to the car.

Marcus: In case you didn't notice I'm a motherfucking dwarf, so unless you got a forklift handy, maybe you should lend a hand hmm?

Gin: That figures. You want all kind of set-asides. Special treatment 'cause you're handicapped. You're all the same.

Marcus: Special treatment? I'm 3-foot-fucking-tall you asshole! It's a matter of physics. Draw me a sketch of how I get him to the car, huh?

Gin: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch!

Marcus: Sketch it up, you fucking moron. Fucking Leonardo da Vinci.

Gin: What'd you call me thigh-high?

Marcus: I called you a fucking guinea homo from the 15th-fucking-century, you dickhead!

Gin: I could stick you up my ass, small fry.

Marcus: Yeah? You sure it ain't too sore from last night?

Gin: You got some lip on you midget.

Marcus: yeah? Well these lips were on your wife's pussy last night. Why don't you dust that thing off once in a while? Asshole! :laugh:

Edited by Jas
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Watched Thunderheart last night.


Vail Kilmer, Sam Shepard, Graham Greene


Its not half bad as it were made out very drawn out and utterly obvious but worth a watch non the less


Very beautifully shot and had a good premise.. if your lookig for something with a good ish setting and a bit different then maybe worth a shot

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I've never walked out of a movie before, the closest i have came was during the Woody Allen film Match Point. I'm glad i stayed until the end though purely for the terrible acting of Jimmy Nesbitt.

The only movie I came close to walking out of was Avatar. The special effects were great, but the storyline was crap and clich

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I've only walked out of a cinema once. That was during that cack Martin Lawrence film "Blue Streak" in 1999.


That was because a gang-fight started in the front-row. Things were getting tossed all over the place. Cineworld Parkhead had, probably still does, a strange policy of having no staff in the actual screen, so they were all fighting and nobody could see the film. Everybody, that wasn't a knuckle-dragging ned, all walked out. Had the Unlimited Card then.


Were the Bloods all pissed off because the film was in Crips colours?

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Absolutely the best review for a film I've ever read. Seriously, this is like the Daily Mail parodying itself during its very predictable, but very brilliant, review of Kick-Ass. The journalist seems startlingly knowledgeable about how much profit the Child Porn "Industry" grosses on top of everything else. I implore you, READ this review.
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Wow, when the majority of the Daily Mail commentators are telling you to "get a grip" you may have gone a touch too far. Not accepting comments any more I see. Shame.


"Paedophiles are going to adore her".




I also like that he only learns that "extreme violence against criminals is cool". You can't really take that stance when your paper pretty much condones that, or at least encourages the rabid slavering masses to condone it by showing them how soft the justice system is on a daily (lol) basis.

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I watched The Hangover the other week. A right load of fucking shite. It was basically a unfunny sketch show. It was completely impossible to buy that the characters even liked eachother let alone were close friends. The hot cool guy who is actually a really annoying dick, Ed Helms a great actor not playing to his strengths and with an generic bitchy girlfriend story and the weird guy who says random things but has no charisma at all. I literally didn't laugh once.


Big thumbs down.

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Just literally watched :


The Forbidden Door (2009 Indonesian Thriller)


As recommended by a friend and wow i was just literally blown away by the film, i would seriously hunt down this title because it draws you in straight away, i wont give away any of the film but, it has one of the most twisted endings ever to a film ive seen this year easily



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