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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I thought American Gangster was pretty good.


Nail, right on the head. It's pretty good.


It was, you know, fine. It wasn't the best film of the year, I probably won't watch it again, I can't really remember much about it to be honest.


Tony Scott makes better action movies than his brother nowadays.

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Watched Fast 5 and Sucker Punch the other night.


Fast 5 was really good, started off with preposterousness and turned into a cracking action movie. The Rock was superb as were several of the supporting characters, including some returnees. After the disaster that was 4, this was a really good turn around. Good fun.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Post Credit Twist was odd. Lottie isn't dead. Okay then. I guess the death was never actually on screen during Fast 4, just a vision of it. but it was an odd one to to come back to, unless they are going to flesh out how Dom ended up in Tokyo at the end of 3. That would need him to lose his fortune, split from his new missus and hook up with Lottie again, or something else? Fast 4 and 5 are after 2 but before 3 arent they?




Sucker Punch really doesnt know what it wants to be does it? Beautifully shot, though it has way, way, way too much CGI in bits it isnt needed in, such as reflections in the car trim and indeed the actual car itself for that matter. It also has a villain who looks like 'Robbie Rotten' out of Lazy Town. I was disappointed when Sportacus didnt save the day as a result though :laugh:


The plot is all over the place, and the film within a film within a film ( or dream within a dream within a dream) didnt come off well either. There were some great elements and action scene's in the 'dream' parts, but the 'Neo' nature of them meant that it seemed that there wasnt any real danger until SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Obvious girl was going to die. The two other deaths shortly after were also utterly pointless. The switch of characters as to who escapes and subsequent death of the main girl, was also naff as I had no investment in the Prima Ballerina or whatever you want to call her. So she gets free. So what about her then? Why do I care that she is free or not? If the plot had fleshed out her character I may have given a shit that she was the one who got free from the mental asylum. As it stood it was very flat to end the film in that way.

'And another thing', the 'another thing guy' was hugely annoying as well


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I'm just about to watch Kill List. I'm braced for it to be horrible. But not too horrible, please, I'm a bit delicate at the moment :(

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Nah, the atmosphere gets a little claustrophobic at times due to strong sound editing, but once the tacked-on abortion of an ending pops up, you'll be too apathetic to care.


I apologise for being wrong.


There's a good boy.

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You know what's worse than a crap film? Kill List. That was really shit.


Its terrible isn't it. I struggled to make it through it and the end was basically a big 'Fuck you' for bothering to watch it all.

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You know what's worse than a crap film? Kill List. That was really shit.


Its terrible isn't it. I struggled to make it through it and the end was basically a big 'Fuck you' for bothering to watch it all.


The most annoying thing about it is that there were bits and pieces in there that suggested that it could have been a half decent thriller. The dialogue is quite good at times, as is the acting. But the plot really is the laziest, half-arsed pile of shit and the ending was as predictable as it was laughable. The only good bit in the whole thing was when Fiona waves to Jay from across the road. That bit was really unexpectedly creepy.


Otherwise, it was just a nasty pile of trash.

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Finally got round to watching The Man from Nowhere - Korea's highest grossing movie in 2010 apparently.


Those who've watched City of Violence, A Bittersweet Life or Leon will enjoy this.


Very brutal and gory but the story and the acting of the (super cool) lead carries this through to the end in a very satisfying way. 2hrs just flew by.


Also big shout out for The Raid - even my 'romantic comedy loving' girlfriend loved it. The gun play was outstanding and the hand to hand action scenes were the best I've seen since Tony Jaa's Tom Yung Goong/Warrior King.

Edited by Jas
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Kill List. I was loving it. I was about 60% of the way through and I was tense, on the edge of my seat, scared and engrossed. It was fucking brilliant. Then when I got to about 61% of the way through the movie I just thought "Fucking hell this is shit."

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