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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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To answer the earlier question - I can't really remember now what it is about Wolverine I disliked so much but it really rubbed me the wrong way. I proper hated it. I think the storyline and the characters were generally a bit gash and I had high hopes for it..


As far as the X-Men films go, X-Men First Class is head and shoulders above the other three.


Also, as much as I enjoyed Iron Man 2 I'm surprised to see it listed above the first one. Do other people share the opinion that it's better than the first?

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As far as the X-Men films go, X-Men First Class is head and shoulders above the other three.



I was so completely surprised by First Class. On the name alone (I hadn't seen trailers or anything at all, and don't read comics) I assumed it was going to be some awful "high-school kids with super powers" shit. Couldn't have been further from what I expected.


Forget just Superhero films, that was one of the best films of any kind I've seen in the last few years. Brilliantly cast and beautifully made. I've even recommended it to my Dad, who wouldn't normally touch a Comic-Book film with a bargepole.

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i went to see the first x-men when it came out and hated it, which put me off the series but i recently bought the three films in addition to the copy of wolverine i already had so i may have to watch it again to see if my perception changes now i'm older

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I loved all 3 X men films (and Wolverine) but Xmen first class is the best of them all. Which is crazy considering the original cast aren't featured.

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Watched Men In Black 3 last night. I really liked it. The plot was different to the first 2 which made me enjoy it much more then I thought I would. Will Smith has still got it, and Josh Brolin is quickly becoming one of mu favourite actors.

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The Woman - A small town lawyer finds a feral woman whilst hunting in the woods near his home. He captures her, takes him home to his family & attempts to 'civilise' her. A particularly nasty little horror/thriller. It's slow burning, generally well acted & features an incredibly brave performance by the titular lead. It was far from perfect & I'm still not really sure whether I 'liked' it or not

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I'm looking forward to seeing it. The director, Lucky McKee, directed May, which is one of the great modern horror films, so I'm rather excited by it.

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I'll try & check out 'May'. I've not heard of it but after watching 'The Woman' I did some scouting about online & saw people dicussing another Lucky McKee film called 'The Girl Next Door' which is meant to be horrifying. That's also on Netflix so when I build up the courage I'll check that out. Need to make sure I've got an episode of 'Great British Menu' or something equally as innocuous to watch after it, going to bed straight after watching 'The Woman' wasn't great

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I second May, its excellent. Your missing out if you haven't seen it.


Talking of modern Horror classics.I've got Strippers Vs Werewolves on Blu-ray tonight :laugh:


It's ok though because I also have the BD of An American Werewolf in London to soften the blow if it really sucks.

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To answer the earlier question - I can't really remember now what it is about Wolverine I disliked so much but it really rubbed me the wrong way. I proper hated it. I think the storyline and the characters were generally a bit gash and I had high hopes for it..


As far as the X-Men films go, X-Men First Class is head and shoulders above the other three.


Also, as much as I enjoyed Iron Man 2 I'm surprised to see it listed above the first one. Do other people share the opinion that it's better than the first?

I think Iron Man 2 is way better than the first one. But that's partly because it has the excellent Sam Rockwell in it and the "can do no wrong in my eyes since The Wrestler" Mickey Rourke. Rourke was a tad disappointing if I'm being honest but I just love his scene at the racing track.


On a slightly different tack, I have a friend who's an actor and has worked with Robert Downey Junior and am happy to report that he's a really nice guy off-screen, and is considerably shorter than you'd think him to be!


I also found Captain America a bit flat _ was positively disappointed just after seeing it - but do like Wolverine which is almost a forgotten Marvel film for me.....

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"May" was very good, "The Girl Next Door" was utterly horrible - and I watch the most horrific, nasty shit out there (not exclusively, I'm not a total weirdo) and I have yet to see "The Woman" though I intend to.


"May" was just really different, and I had little idea where it was heading (which is very rare in horror films). "The Girl next Door" is one of those films i watched then actually wished I hadn't. Deeply unpleasant because it's based on real events. When I am watching something that is clearly some sicko's invented nastiness I can enjoy it for the crazy, made-up shit that it is, but when it's true life events it all feels a bit seedy and grim. very well acted and made though.


"Kill List" was excellent. Watch it!

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