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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I watched a film called The Vicious Kind last night and really liked it. Indie dark comedy/drama. It stars Adam Scott off Parks and Recreation, he hates/loves/is obsessed by his little brother's new girlfriend. The dad in it is in lots of comedies, too. He was the dad in I Love You, Man. The film ended up being quite a bit about daddy issues and it was a bit rote on that front, which was a letdown.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Watched The Quiet Earth, on DVD last night for the first time since it was on BBC2 in the early/ mid 1990's


Amazing Sci fi from New Zealand/Australia.


Shot on a zero budget, though provoking and well worth a watch. The end is a bit meh, in terms of what happens, but worth seeking out as a curious.


Imagine the start of 28 Days Later, but with No Zombies.... would be one way of looking at it

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A little back story before I get to the film I just finished.


For years now every once in a while I would have a flashback to film I watched as a child about killer kids but not only could I not remember the name of the film but I also couldn't remember anything other then the closing shot and a little of the beginning (the god awful Giant Spider Invasion was another long forgotton film that drove me nuts for years) anyway recently I finally cracked after it popped into my head again in work and did a google for films about killer kids and not only did I finally find the name of the film but I also found it on Netflix SCORE.


Anyway the film in question is.......




Summed up three children are born at the same time during an eclipse and after fast forwarding 10 years the three of them are about to celebrate their birthday only it is revealed that the eclipse blocked out Saturn meaning that they were born "missing something" (look it's the 80's so just go with it) and have developed a taste for murder be it random strangers, the school teacher of even their own family members.


Just finished it and as I suspected it's pretty bad.


The kill count is pretty modest by slasher flick standards (though to be fair it was made before slasher flicks became a game of can you top this so it may be respectable for the time), it's pretty light on the gore front and the motive if you can even call it that is typical 80's absurdity and like a lot of horror films it ends setting up a sequel that never came.


Some good points though is that kids cast as the killers do a pretty decent job and one section of the film where the nerdy looking boy is wandering the streets at night with a gun looking for someone to kill is pretty disturbing in a Son of Sam kind of way.


As bad as it is though I still have a fondness for it since it is one of my earliest film memories and fans of little known 80's slasher flicks may very well enjoy it more then me.

so what was it called?

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Not as good as the book, which I came across after really enjoying The Slap by the same author. I liked some aspects of it, especially the depiction of the conflict of ideology between first generation Greek immigrants to Australia and their children. But overall the second half wasn't particularly satisfactory. It wasn't even 'push the envelope' explicit as it's meant to be. The sets were a bit dreary as well. The lead actor was good. 6/10 or something.

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I recently saw A Good Year, a romantic comedy with Russell Crowe and Marion Cotillard, set in France. And you know what? I really enjoyed it, so fuck you. I spent many summers in France as a kid, and a lot of this just resonated with me.


Actually, just realised it was directed by Ridley Scott! Had no idea, but it might explain why it was so pretty.

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I recently saw A Good Year, a romantic comedy with Russell Crowe and Marion Cotillard, set in France. And you know what? I really enjoyed it, so fuck you. I spent many summers in France as a kid, and a lot of this just resonated with me.


I watched Taxi a couple of weeks ago and that had Marion Cotillard in it, and you get a gratuitous tits and bush shot.


I think we all know who the winner is here :cool:

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Killing Words is a film that, until about two-thirds of the way through, looked well on the way to being another very impressive Spanish thriller.


However, it just ultimately makes absolutely no sense - a great shame as there are some fantastic ideas in here and some excellent performances, but in the end you wonder if even the director, Laura Mana, has any idea what's going on. It really is a missed opportunity. Its main problem is that it puts in twist after twist and after a while you give up trying to keep up and it just becomes fucking stupid.


There I was, a few weeks ago, talking about how awesome Spain is right now for thrillers and horror films - and the last two I've watched, this and Fermat's Room, have been really disappointing.



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Killing Words is a film that, until about two-thirds of the way through, looked well on the way to being another very impressive Spanish thriller.


However, it just ultimately makes absolutely no sense - a great shame as there are some fantastic ideas in here and some excellent performances, but in the end you wonder if even the director, Laura Mana, has any idea what's going on. It really is a missed opportunity. Its main problem is that it puts in twist after twist and after a while you give up trying to keep up and it just becomes fucking stupid.


There I was, a few weeks ago, talking about how awesome Spain is right now for thrillers and horror films - and the last two I've watched, this and Fermat's Room, have been really disappointing.




Second Name is not too bad.

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Ta for that recommendation, I'll add that to my wishlist.


We tried Wind Chill last night. It was alright. At times it threatens to be something really good, especially as you are never entirely sure what's going on for the first 45 to 50 minutes, but then.....


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

....it goes into some kind of time loop scenario or something and the ending where she has a bit of a walk and suddenly she's safe is completely stupid. It does have a couple of pretty good images in there - the guy dragging his feet down the road and then you see his face is impressively horrible, but the bit with the snake is ridiculous and unnecessary.


[close spoiler]



Emily Blunt's a really good actress, though, and she's great in this. It's just that this ends up disappointingly formulaic when it sometimes threatens to be a lot better.



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I've just watched half of Land of Doom. What a load of shite.


Oh, and I watched a film called Two Days where Paul Rudd plays a struggling actor who hires a film crew to do a documentary about the last 48 hours of his life before he kills himself. That was shite as well, the sort of thing I could see being in a double-pack in Poundland. It was really terrible on every level except some of the performances.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Was Land of Doom the mid 80's Mad Max ripoff? If so it had this incredible 6 food stand up advert in our local video shop, with a cardboard mock up of the bad guys razor hand with real knives on it.


Not a bad film at the time, but they all look awful now.

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Oh, and I watched a film called Two Days where Paul Rudd plays a struggling actor who hires a film crew to do a documentary about the last 48 hours of his life before he kills himself. That was shite as well, the sort of thing I could see being in a double-pack in Poundland. It was really terrible on every level except some of the performances.


I like Paul Rudd. He was a great addition to Friends. But I really think he needs to start picking some good films soon.

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Watched The Quiet Earth, on DVD last night for the first time since it was on BBC2 in the early/ mid 1990's


Amazing Sci fi from New Zealand/Australia.


Shot on a zero budget, though provoking and well worth a watch. The end is a bit meh, in terms of what happens, but worth seeking out as a curious.


Imagine the start of 28 Days Later, but with No Zombies.... would be one way of looking at it


I've always loved this movie. It's like Night of the Comet, but with no zombies.

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