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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe :

I'm a whore for all things Bruce, so I loved this. He looks great these days too. Trimmed down and looks a fair bit younger to play the part, so fair balls to him. Some lovely fanboy throwbacks and throwaway nods too which was a plus.

I have to say, it was a nice way to spend an hour and a half.

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Just rewatched Battle:LA and found it much better the 2nd time round, easier to follow the pacing and to get to grips with the supporting cast. Unlike with people or songs, films are much less likely to get chance to make more than a first impression, so I find second viewings a must.



Also just downloaded Open Water & Open Water 2:Adrift to re-watch. I really like nature horrors and enjoyed them both first time around. I remember at the time of its release, a friend (dumb blonde) saying the first one was crap cause nothing happened, I don't know from the trailer and promo material what else she expected. Its a true story of a couple left in the middle of the shark infested ocean by accident, thats the premise and enough to tell you if you want to watch it or not. I wonder if she watched '127 Hours' recently and said the same thing.

The second one was fun, claims to be based on a true story but I don't believe it is, though the situation that occurs has happened before in real life, which is everyone jumping off a boat to have fun and swim but forgetting to put the ladder out to climb back on board, so they are stuck in the sea. The 5 people floating in the sea do some stupid things in the movie but if you can get past that its watchable.

I have a fear of the Ocean, its so big & powerful and you can't see what is going on under it, the thought of living your last hours/days in it and being consumed by the water or a shark at any minute is scary situation to be in.

If you like that type of film, 'The Reef' is also worth a look, that one is based on truth. A yacht capsizes and the people on board decide to swim miles to an Island they were just at but a Shark is stalking them.

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Saw Cemetery Junction last night. I absolutely loved it. It was right up my street anyway, Gervais and Merchant writing, loads of familiar faces to spot, great humour, some subtle, some smashing you over the head and four main characters that I took to right away. I thought it told a cracking story in it's hour and a half and even though I saw the ending a mile off, it worked beautifully. What a good film.

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Saw Cemetery Junction last night. I absolutely loved it. It was right up my street anyway, Gervais and Merchant writing, loads of familiar faces to spot, great humour, some subtle, some smashing you over the head and four main characters that I took to right away. I thought it told a cracking story in it's hour and a half and even though I saw the ending a mile off, it worked beautifully. What a good film.


Yeah I love it. Shame it didn't make a load of money, because its stuff like this Gervais should be doing and not balls like The Invention of Lying/Ghost Town.

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Tried to watch 'The Girl Next Door' last night, but inadvertently downloaded the wanky teen flick rather than the 2007 movie I was aiming for. Balls. Am planning a depress-o-thon tonight with Antichrist then A Serbian Film. Will post my thoughts after.

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Tried to watch 'The Girl Next Door' last night, but inadvertently downloaded the wanky teen flick rather than the 2007 movie I was aiming for. Balls. Am planning a depress-o-thon tonight with Antichrist then A Serbian Film. Will post my thoughts after.


Antichrist is friggin' weird. Plus, I've yet to meet a man not wince at that scene.

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I did a horror movie night with a few friends a while back and genuinely wished I'd brought and made them watch the Antichrist. Instead we watched Paranormal Activity which just made me wish I'd brought it even more. Not that I'm a fan of gory movies generally, but there are some brilliant things about the Antichrist in between the attention seeking controversial bits. And I'm not a big fan of Paranormal Activity to be honest. Not that it isn't decent it's just one of those movies I've heard too much hype for and ended up being disappointed with the results.

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Tried to watch 'The Girl Next Door' last night, but inadvertently downloaded the wanky teen flick rather than the 2007 movie I was aiming for. Balls. Am planning a depress-o-thon tonight with Antichrist then A Serbian Film. Will post my thoughts after.


Antichrist is friggin' weird. Plus, I've yet to meet a man not wince at that scene.


A Serbian Film is just plain wrong. I wish i'd never have watched it. There's a particular scene involving a baby that has scarred me since I saw it. Bad news

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Saw Cemetery Junction last night. I absolutely loved it. It was right up my street anyway, Gervais and Merchant writing, loads of familiar faces to spot, great humour, some subtle, some smashing you over the head and four main characters that I took to right away. I thought it told a cracking story in it's hour and a half and even though I saw the ending a mile off, it worked beautifully. What a good film.


Yeah I love it. Shame it didn't make a load of money, because its stuff like this Gervais should be doing and not balls like The Invention of Lying/Ghost Town.


I'd like to add my appreciation of Cemetery Junction. Thought it was really good, some great characters and some great young (fairly unknown) actors. Gervais didn't even try and steal any of the scenes he was in which I thought was good.


Also, I have now fallen in love with Felicity Jones





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So last night i wastched:


Planet of the Apes (1968)


I actually enjoyed it and was very suprised it was made in '68 as special effect wise its not that bad. Like i've said a few little bits stood out for me as being a bit "naff" (the only example i can think of is when they crash land in the lake, the windows shots of the lake is the shame shot being reply backwards and forwards, over and over again, so it looked a bit meh, but thats just me).


The actual apes where not that bad, not as good as the more recent ones, but again for '68 not that bad. The story was fairly well put together also, with the ending being great (this was the first time id seen this movie) although i could guess that some people may think "What the hell is that statue doing there?" when aparently it was earth all along!


Overall, a decent movie, that is still worth watching 43 years on.


Decent 7.5/10


Edit: Dr Saius!



Edited by Bowyo T
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areyou going to watch the whole series? Conquest... is my favourtite of the five.

I didnt know they made 5!


I think i had previously seend "Beneath the planet of the apes" when i was yougner, although i cant remeber much about it. Are they all as good, or does it get a bit "B-movie"-ish as the series goes on?

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There was only one good Planet Of The Apes film and that was the first one. The rest are below average to terrible.

Edited by Gladstone Small
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Tried to watch 'The Girl Next Door' last night, but inadvertently downloaded the wanky teen flick rather than the 2007 movie I was aiming for. Balls. Am planning a depress-o-thon tonight with Antichrist then A Serbian Film. Will post my thoughts after.


Antichrist is friggin' weird. Plus, I've yet to meet a man not wince at that scene.


A Serbian Film is just plain wrong. I wish i'd never have watched it. There's a particular scene involving a baby that has scarred me since I saw it. Bad news


I'm conflicted about 'A Serbian Film'. Firstly, I thought it was very very well made, cleverly put together, and it built the tension very well. The parts that earned it all the negative attention were absolutely horrific, the newborn scene particularly, obviously, but as this very good article clicksays, they do further the narrative, and force the audience to question themselves, rather than being there ONLY to shock. In that sense this is a cut above the usual tortureporn rubbish. I'm not so sure about the film as commentary on a war torn state however. There's plenty of nods to the political/economic/social situation in Serbia through the film, but it doesn't seem to have a direction in terms of the point it's trying to make in regards to this, beyond a very general comment on people being dehumanised by war.


All in all, I actually thought this was pretty good. There's far more nasty scenes in plenty of other films, but I think it's precisely because this is much better than most of them that it caused such a huge amount of controversy. Having said all that, I doubt I'll ever watch it again. It was interesting to see it and form an opinion, but certain scenes were very uncomfortable to sit through and I'll be honest, it took me a bit longer than normal to drop off to sleep last night.

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