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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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41 Year Old Virgin who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall was a gross out spoof comedy but in true Appatow style managed to make you like it. Some hilarious moments and scarily managed to find doubles of cast members from various recent movies. I have to be honest I fast forwarded some of the really gross bits.


I emplore everyone to never waste their time watching this film. Its Epic Movie/Date Movie bad. Instead of watching this just watch an actual comedy, Appatow or otherwise.


Also if you havent seen Alien, don't waste any more time and get it watched.

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41 Year Old Virgin who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall was a gross out spoof comedy but in true Appatow style managed to make you like it. Some hilarious moments and scarily managed to find doubles of cast members from various recent movies. I have to be honest I fast forwarded some of the really gross bits.


I emplore everyone to never waste their time watching this film. Its Epic Movie/Date Movie bad. Instead of watching this just watch an actual comedy, Appatow or otherwise.


It does sound like the worst thing ever. Parodying comedies is a concept that baffles me. People going to see them baffles me more.

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Yeah, Hudson. My bad. Don't get me wrong, I appreciated the character, but damn he was annoying! So over the top...


And yes, the version I saw had them finding the ship at the beginning. What are the other differences between that and the original cut?


Gutted about Reiser, although it did seem unlikely that they would still be cutting shit for TV in this day and age.



edit: unrelated to the above exept in that it is also about Aliens - IMDB tells me that Private Vasquez was John Connor's foster Mum in T2! :omg: She looks so different.. The only reason I clicked on her though was because I saw a Jewish name next to Vasquez and I was like huh?

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Yeah, Hudson. My bad. Don't get me wrong, I appreciated the character, but damn he was annoying! So over the top...


And yes, the version I saw had them finding the ship at the beginning. What are the other differences between that and the original cut?


All of the scenes from the colony prior to the Marines and Ripley touching down there are missing. Also missing is the bit where she finds out about the fate of her daughter, the guns they set up in the corridor to gun down some of the aliens, and the (admittedly crap) bit where her and Hicks tell each other their first names.

Edited by Gladstone Small
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I might be off the mark here as I haven't seen Alien, but it sounds from what you're saying like the Director's Cut makes it make more sense as a standalone film for someone who hasn't seen the original (i.e. kinda fills you in on the back story a little).

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It's a better edit, though I do miss the turret guns scenes.


The main problem with the Director's Cut is that it upsets the dynamics of the storytelling. In the original cut, when Ripley and the Marines touch down on the planetoid, you've got no idea what they might be facing, and neither do they. You're going to experience the whole thing through the eyes (and wobble-cam) of the soldiers, share their nervousness and so on.


By filling in some of the backstory before they get there, you're breaking that nice build from Ripley alone to Ripley with people, to Ripley back in the shit again. Cameron may have preferred the longer cut, but I liked the way the original built.

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Don't listen to Loki, Chest, he's clearly doolally.


But it is worth checking out the original cut anyway if you enjoyed it that much just by way of comparison.

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I prefer Alien to Aliens by a long way, definitely check it out. I finally got round to watching the Blade Runner "Final Cut" yesterday, it is glorious.


I've never seen Blade Runner before, but me and my lad started watching this version last week. We gave up after half hour, seemed very slow and boring. To be fair I'm not a massive Sci Fi fan, so it probably wasn't the best idea to start watching it.

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I've never seen Blade Runner before, but me and my lad started watching this version last week. We gave up after half hour, seemed very slow and boring.


Looks like we've got another one, Loki!

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The director's cuts for both Alien and Aliens are inferior. Aliens more so, it makes the film fucking drag. The gun turrent scene is the most boring thing ever. I can't understand anyone hating Hudson, his death is probably one of my favorite action movie deaths ever.


When I was in my teens/early twentys I always preferred Aliens but as I've got older I definitely prefer Alien over it. It's ridiculous how brilliant Alien is. It's just so terrifying and I feel like there has been nothing since that is on it's level. It truly makes the universe feel like a cold hard evil place and that humanity is so insignificant compared to what could be out there.


EDIT: Hating on Blade Runner is a fucking crime! Definitely not a film for kids though.

Edited by LaGoosh
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The only part of the Aliens director cut that shouldn't have got edited out is the scene where we learn about Ripley's daughter. It really highlights the amount of time she's been in cryo-sleep & her protectiveness of Newt. As others have said, the rest just affects the pacing.

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Cheers Rosey. I was scared to reply, but now I've got some back up. Be prepared for this to go the same way as the 'Toilet' thread though.


You need to stand up to them Steve. They'll demand that your thoughts be considered "aberrant" (well, Gladstone might, Loki'll put it in simpler terms), and that there should be a separate thread for the likes of you and I. Sure, they'll come at you with "but he shits all wrong, let's not listen to him", but you have to stand firm. I shit like a normal person, and I don't like Bladerunner - I'm where all the venns come together - shits normally, great taste in everything, hates Bladerunner.

Edited by Rosegarden Funeral
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See, Gladders, it's not just me that prefers the original cut of Aliens. But, hey, what do I know about the franchise!


Mike is right, I'd have left in the bit about Ripley's daughter, and removed the rest. As much as I love the turret guns, they slow down the film at that stage too much.


EDIT: I get that people don't like Blade Runner. They're wrong, but I kind of understand that it's essentially film porn. If what you want from a movie is a talking donkey, some big explosions or a Burger King tie-in, Blade Runner is going to leave you somewhat underwhelmed.

Edited by Loki
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