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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I also watched a wonderfully cheesy 80's beach/sex comedy called Hardbodies. Less crude than the likes of Porky's and Private School, but would appeal to the same sort of fan.

Chick rock band Vixen put in an appearance, and it's great if you want to see some genuine 80's excessive interior design, instead of a 21st century interpretation.


I watched a film almost exactly the same, called 'Summer Job', but ELO cast-off band OrKestra made an appearance in the Vixen role. Awful film.

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Went to a screening of Friends With Kids only to find it had been cancelled, so watched What To Expect When You're Expecting instead. There were quite a few good things in it, but it's a thumbs down. The dad group was the most interesting aspect and maybe warranted a film of its own. Ultimately the whole thing is a bland, cynical romcom with several intertwined (and generic) tales about pregnancy.


Also, how the fuck was Cameron Diaz ever a sex symbol? She's rotten. She looks like a Hogan.

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Finally caught up with some of the back log of films in my to watch pile or are on TV this week (Lamenting the demise of Loki and Gladders film club :( )


Watched The Earth Dies Screaming, that Richie mentioned. Was a cracking bit of Brit Sci Fi on a zero budget. Well shot a cracking score and some nice moments. The 'zombies' were scary as well in a Village of the Damned kind of creepy. Its just over a hour long, and yes, the 'alien' robots look cheap (though there are some nice quirks like the knees being mechanical through the suits and a suitably scary 'battery' face) but worth a watch nonetheless.


Today, I watched The King's Speech. Having avoided most plot spoilers around this it was a great find. Colin Firth was fantastic, but Geoffrey Rush stole it, it was a shame he didn't get another Oscar for his performance as he was utterly mesmerising as Lionel Logue. Helena Bonham Carter was also fantastic as 'Bertie's' Wife. It is a good film, potentially great, but kind of goes a bit flat around halfway through and meanders towards a go home happy ending (despite the reason for the speech in the first place). First half of the film is fantastic though.


Just finished watching A Very Long Engagement. Fantastic film from Jean Luc Jenet and Audrey Tatou et al. Shot beautifully and a engaging and topsy turvy narrativeSPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Culminating in a bittersweet ending where she find's her fiance but he has lost his memory

Initially I went into it expecting another Sommersby, which was based initially on a French Story and stars Jodie Foster, who is coincidentally in AVLE as well. It is however something else entirely and is a very enjoyable film. It's not all romantic drama though, and the action scenes of WWI are up there with Paschendaele for modernish style depictions of Trench Warfare in WWI. Mesmerising from start to finish an absolute joy to watch and highly recommended.

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Went to a screening of Friends With Kids only to find it had been cancelled, so watched What To Expect When You're Expecting instead. There were quite a few good things in it, but it's a thumbs down. The dad group was the most interesting aspect and maybe warranted a film of its own. Ultimately the whole thing is a bland, cynical romcom with several intertwined (and generic) tales about pregnancy.


Also, how the fuck was Cameron Diaz ever a sex symbol? She's rotten. She looks like a Hogan.


Not since the Mask has she resembled a sex symbol to be honest. You could probably find Friends with Kids online, I watched it a few months back on movie2k (i think!). Its a grown up version of Bridesmaids about NYC friends left behind when the rest in a group are settling down, dull for some but a really good cast and Adam Scott is certainly one to watch.

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I downloaded Fast Five earlier and plan on watching it over the weekend. I've never seen any of the Fast & Furious films before. Is there anything I should know going in? Or (and I hope this is the case) do the previous films not matter at all?



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Well most of the characters are from past films. All you really need to know is...


- Dom (Vin D) was a street racer.


- Paul Walker was a undercover cop who betrayed the police to help Dom and fall in love with his sister.


- They have done some past crimes and are wanted.


- They like driving fast.

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La Cabina

A tight and very effective Twilight Zone-style short film about a man stuck in a phone booth before amused spectators. It's definitely one that stays with you. It's well-directed and there's some nifty symbolism in it, too - the main bit of which relating to Franco-era Spain. I won't spoil it, check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFeERCVkAPg

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There's 2 films I've seen before. Birdemic has the most laughable special effects I've seen in years, it's like the person who did the effects has never seen how a bird actually flies, it's amazingly bad. The wizard of Speed and time on the other hand has excellent special effects, it's also actually really funny. It genuninely is a very good film that's gotten overlooked over the years because of the fact it was an independent film.

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La Cabina

A tight and very effective Twilight Zone-style short film about a man stuck in a phone booth before amused spectators. It's definitely one that stays with you. It's well-directed and there's some nifty symbolism in it, too - the main bit of which relating to Franco-era Spain. I won't spoil it, check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFeERCVkAPg


Gladstone was talking about this the other week - it's a blinder, a really wonderful counterpart to most of the lurid shit that came out of Espana in the sleazy seventies.

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21 Jump Street


Not laugh-out-loud funny or as great as some of the reviews made out, but still really fun and entertaining, and I got a kick out of the self-referential jokes. I have to say; Channing Tatum, where the fuck did that come from?! The guy totally owns the movie and deserves the praise he's got for his performance.

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Meek's Cutoff Kelly Reichart, 2009


Just got finished watching this fabulous little indy Western. Beautiful haunting, perfectly paced. Don't watch it if you're a huge fan of action or films with a proper resolution, but if you don't mind minimalism you should definitely check it out.

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