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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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It's a weird one. Laurence Olivier may have been the greatest stage actor of all time, but in a lot of his films he just comes across like an old ham. I suspect he held screen acting in some contempt, and so only rarely was inspired to put the effort in.

It's because stage acting is awful, hammy shite. All film acting was until Easy Rider as well, then they realised that they probably should use a different approach for acting on camera than they do for acting in a big auditorium.


I've never seen Easy Rider, so that might all be lies.

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Having thought the trailer made it look absolutely shit and then being subsequently bemused by the praise it received (particularly from American critics) I finally got around to watching Attack The Block and goddamn that was a fun time.

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Been watching a few flicks of recent times


The Remake of Day of the Dead was first, utterly horrendous movie that couldnt be saved by Ving Rhames Mena Suvari et all. Horrible plotting, horrendous CGI and Zombies who have superhuman abilities, please. It was uber shit I prefer the original which from memory was at least an interesting concept, even if it wasnt that great itself. It was also on this week, but I didnt get a chance to compare and contrast and Ive not seen the original since it was on the BBC sometime in the last decade or so.


Funny People had an interesting promise and could have been great if it wasnt so drawn out and goddamn long. Went for nearly 3 hours with ad breaks and there was no need for much of the rambling that went precisely nowhere and much of the sub plot stuff was horrendously unnecessary. Seth Rogen was okay, but irritating as Ira, Adam Sandler did okay in a more serious role, must get round to watching Punch Drunk Love at some point. But the rest of it dragged on and on and on and on. 20-30 minutes could have been lost from the running time as some unnecessary stuff was cut out or shortened including the whole Eric Bana husband stuff and it could have been a really good film. As it stands though average with some really good bits but way way way too long


Man on the Moon, see this a bunch of times, its a good film, a bit too schmaltzy, but has a load of inventiveness about it and is fun stuff.


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. I saw it was on last night and has been on my to watch list forever and a day. I dunno if I wasnt in the mood for it, or what, but despite appreciating the craft of the thing it just didnt click. I wasnt engaged and by the time the car was in the lake, Id given up completely pretty much. Ill have to revisit again. Val Kilmer was great as Gay Perry though

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another thumbs up for "the artist"


a bloody lovely film. the two leads are both superb (as is the dog too). the music is a joy to listen to and when sound is used it is really well done in relation to the story. deserves all the awards it will get. but the dog better win something as well

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Funny People had an interesting promise and could have been great if it wasnt so drawn out and goddamn long. Went for nearly 3 hours with ad breaks and there was no need for much of the rambling that went precisely nowhere and much of the sub plot stuff was horrendously unnecessary. Seth Rogen was okay, but irritating as Ira, Adam Sandler did okay in a more serious role, must get round to watching Punch Drunk Love at some point. But the rest of it dragged on and on and on and on. 20-30 minutes could have been lost from the running time as some unnecessary stuff was cut out or shortened including the whole Eric Bana husband stuff and it could have been a really good film. As it stands though average with some really good bits but way way way too long


The main issue with Funny People is that everyone in it were just such unlikeable dicks. Also it's such a meandering nothing of a film, I found myself just not caring about the film at all. Still, it's better than Grown Ups.

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Funny People had an interesting promise and could have been great if it wasnt so drawn out and goddamn long. Went for nearly 3 hours with ad breaks and there was no need for much of the rambling that went precisely nowhere and much of the sub plot stuff was horrendously unnecessary. Seth Rogen was okay, but irritating as Ira, Adam Sandler did okay in a more serious role, must get round to watching Punch Drunk Love at some point. But the rest of it dragged on and on and on and on. 20-30 minutes could have been lost from the running time as some unnecessary stuff was cut out or shortened including the whole Eric Bana husband stuff and it could have been a really good film. As it stands though average with some really good bits but way way way too long


The main issue with Funny People is that everyone in it were just such unlikeable dicks. Also it's such a meandering nothing of a film, I found myself just not caring about the film at all. Still, it's better than Grown Ups.


That's not the issue with it at all. The main issue is that the film goes on far too long. Once Simmons finds out he's cured, it could have ended at that point and it would have been an enjoyable, funny film. Appatow's success has probably led to him being given free reign to do whatever the hell he wants though, meaning he spent another hour destroying the great first hour and a half of the film.

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Someone really needs to sit Judd Apatow down and tell him that comedy films are supposed to be about 90 minutes, no longer. That arsehole thinks all his comedies need to be as long as Lord Of The Rings and it completely ruins all of them.

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Watched the Fincher version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Was good, a cracking cast but like the original could do with being trimmed by 20-30min. The ending just felt flat. I know its trying to stick to the book but after the main plot is all wrapped up it just felt a bit 'meh'

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