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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Infernal Affairs is a set of three films u really need to watch 1 after the other they are really well played movies probably some of the best Asian movies in the past 10 years.


If you like Infernal Affairs richie you should pick up Young and Dangerous collection its a triad/mafia collection that has been out for 15 years but still today i love watching them over and over again


PS: let me know richie if u want Infernal Affairs 2 & 3

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Anybody recommend any good Asian movies that are fairly mainstream?


Along the lines of Battle Royale/Ring type of thing.


To add to the above i'd say check out



Dark Water (Ringalike horror)

Ichi the Killer (2001)

Kitano's Gangster films (Violent Cop, Boiling Point, Sonatine & Hana-bi) Skip Gonin & Outrage

Uzumaki (2000) Wierd horror

Blue Spring (2001)


If you don't mind older yakuza films check out

Branded to Kill (1967)

Drunken Angel (1948)

Youth of the Beast (1963)

A Colt Is My Passport (1967)

Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell Bastards (1963)

Sympathy for the Underdog (1971)



South Korean

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002)

Oldboy (2003)

Memories of Murder (2003)

Wild Card (2003)

Attack the Gas Station! (1999)

A Bittersweet Life (2005)

The Good, the Bad, the Weird (2008)

Secret Reunion (2010)

The Show Must Go On (2007)

Cruel Winter Blues (2006)

The Chaser (2008)


Hong Kong

Fulltime Killer (2001)

Once a Thief (1991)

Mad Detective (2007)

Police Story (1985)

The Mission (1999)

Exiled (2006)

Vengeance (2009)

Edited by ultimo the great
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Dead Poets Society. Is it just me or is this film dull and boring? I started watching it last night, after what seemed like hours I shrunk the screen (VLC player) to see how long was left and I'd actually only watched about 45 minutes. I don't normally give up on films no matter how bad they are, but I accidently closed it down and didn't bother to restart it. I heard this film was kind of a big deal, but it was lost on me.

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Watched the final Saw movie on Saturday night. At least, I hope it's the final one. It was freakin' painful - from the opening, which we both assumed was going to turn out to be either a performance art piece, or some strange Jigsaw museum, to the hideous acting of the investigating officer, to the totally hackneyed ending, it worked really hard to kill my love for the Saw series, which some weak installments hadn't dislodged.

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Me and the good lady watched a film called Scorched yesterday with Woody Harrelson, John Cleese, Alicia Silverstone and others.


It was an easy watch with Harrelson's slapstick stealing the day and some other girl doing Xena Warrior Princess day dreams.


Oh and Alicia Silverstone looked AMAZING! In a non-Hollywood hot way.

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Horror Channel has got a few Cheesy ones on tonight :


Frankenstein Created Woman

Plague of the Zombies

The Reptile


All Classics from Hammer Horror :)

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I don't know what it is about The Relic, but Ive watched that so many times since its been on TV, like Die Hard I will always watch it when its on TV, even though I must have seen it 30 times at-least, another horror that has that effect on me is Mimic, funny enough they both came out the same year along with Event Horizon, some great late 90s Horror movies, 3 of my favs right there.


I don't have Sky anymore so wont be watching The Relic sadly, instead Ive decided to watch the Candyman trilogy, been a good few years since I seen those movies, totally forget them tbh, Tony Todd is always great though in any movie.


Off topic here alittle but you know in American horror movies, they always have the party rich kids that nobody like's they go to the woods or where ever and get killed, its an over used cliche, but how come no British horror film has made a horror movie where a bunch of chavs get killed off one by one, by some monster etc, that I would pay good money to watch, as long as you dont cast Danny Dyer as the hero.


Yeah anyway I agree you cant go wrong with The Relic tonight if its available to you.

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