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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Watching Pulp Fiction for the Nth time right now and I've just had a geek-out:


As Jules and Vincent are walking to their hit and talking about Mia, you can briefly see the sign of a Denny's in the background. According to the script book the climactic standoff takes place in a Denny's. So when Jules is in the process of repenting for his gangster ways it didn't strike him as being a bit silly that he's going to breakfast 400 yards from the place he shot three people less than two hours ago?

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Watching Pulp Fiction for the Nth time right now and I've just had a geek-out:


As Jules and Vincent are walking to their hit and talking about Mia, you can briefly see the sign of a Denny's in the background. According to the script book the climactic standoff takes place in a Denny's. So when Jules is in the process of repenting for his gangster ways it didn't strike him as being a bit silly that he's going to breakfast 400 yards from the place he shot three people less than two hours ago?


What is the required distance and time for someone to be able to repent?

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Rise of the planet of the apes


just got back from seeing this and its a decent film. andy serkis is the star of the film as cesar and he is a likeable figure and its easy to care about what happens to him. his motion capture work again is stunning. the ape cgi is ok. very good in places and not in others. the orangutan is very impressive and if you didnt know every ape was cgi'd (which i did) you could swear him in paiticular was real. they are characters to invest in though and you do care what happens to them. i was rooting for them.


of the main cast. franco is ok. very similar to how he is in most things apart from 127 hours in which i thought he was exceptional. freida pinto doesnt really do an awful lot. basically just eye-candy. Lithgow is excellent once again and you feel for him for what he's going through


plot points


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major points. first and foremost cesar's big scream of NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (which got a few laughs but then again so did lithgow when he was crashing the car suffering from alzehiemers. weird crowd) it was a bit silly and comes from nowhere. i was dumbfounded by it cos it was so shocking but i dont think in a good way. was a bit much for the sake of dramatic effect. his voice at the end is much better


the entire final sequence with the apes attacking and the whole sequence on the bridge is very impressive but fully armed forces should be able to take out the apes. and surely after the film once the apes get to redwood the army is going to come after them after they caused all that damage(sequel possibly).


and speaking of sequels the ending. it turns out that the 113 virus used on the second chimp cause a global pandemic and thats what wipes out humanity. that is pretty clever but how and why (since cesar didnt want the apes to kill or severyley harm the humans) do the apes have humans have slaves in the future. again i guess thats for a sequel. my idea for the sequel would be having the pandemic in full effect and franco dies at the start then a story of cesar fighting rogue apes for power ending with a space ship crashing on earth


[close spoiler]



all in all despite some silly (possibly shark jumping moments) it is worth seeing and despite what you may think about the previous films it is worth a watch.



Edited by iamtheman
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Watching Pulp Fiction for the Nth time right now and I've just had a geek-out:


As Jules and Vincent are walking to their hit and talking about Mia, you can briefly see the sign of a Denny's in the background. According to the script book the climactic standoff takes place in a Denny's. So when Jules is in the process of repenting for his gangster ways it didn't strike him as being a bit silly that he's going to breakfast 400 yards from the place he shot three people less than two hours ago?


They have Denny's everywhere in America. It could quite easily be somewhere else.

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Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes:


watched this and I found myself most definitely rootin for the apes.


Andy Serkis deffo makes you root for Caesar!!!


What is it with Draco from Harry Potter films, he plays the role of an annoying ape-keeper, can he only play irritatin lil s**ts, is this a sign of his acting talents that he makes you wanna smash his face in?

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Want to see Planet of the Apes but I get the impression it's one big SCIENCE IS EVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL type of deal which kind of puts me off it.


just as much about the relationships between the apes (especially cesar) and the humans and how the humans treat them. science plays its role obviously without it the apes wouldnt RISE!!!!. i recommend it but i would understand why you wouldnt want to watch it as well.

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Watched Bronson last night. Loved it. Tom Hardy is a fucking beast in it, and it's definitely a huge step above the "hard man geezer" film I thought it was going to be it. Incredible art direction and surreal elements really added to the gritty and brutal realism of the violence.


Great soundtrack too.

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Watched Bronson last night. Loved it. Tom Hardy is a fucking beast in it, and it's definitely a huge step above the "hard man geezer" film I thought it was going to be it. Incredible art direction and surreal elements really added to the gritty and brutal realism of the violence.


Great soundtrack too.

Indeed, its a great movie even better second time around. And yeah the soundtrack definitely gets caught in the mind. I instantly downloaded all the songs from it straight afterwards.
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I've been catching up on films from recent years that I never got around to watching;


Watchmen was fantastic and Snyder did a good job of transferring the story from comic to film. I'm not the biggest fan of the comic (it's good, yes, but I don't think it's the masterpiece many make it out to be) and I actually prefer the film right now - I think the ending is much more sensible. However, I do think the character of Manhattan was a weak link in the movie, I guess they didn't have enough time to fully explore his distance from humanity unlike in the comic. Get Him To The Greek and Pineapple Express were both hilarious, Express being a perfect combination of action, stoner-film and comedy. "Chimp fucking little bastard!"


Zombieland was exactly what I expected, gory mindless fun, and Woody was the man. Shame I already knew about the cameo! Forgetting Sarah Marshall was better than I expected too, the fake American TV-esque scenes being a highlight. Source Code is the best sci-fi/action film I've seen in the past few years (take that, Inception!), Trust managed to deal with a horrible subject in a way that wasn't too heavy-handed or overbearing and featured great performances from Clive Owen and Liana Liberato, and both Fantastic Mr Fox and Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist were real feel-good films which put a smile on my face.


The weakest films I've watched of the batch were Kick-Ass, Hot Tub Time Machine and Step Brothers; I enjoyed all three, but they all felt like they had something missing and I doubt I'll ever bother to watch them again.


Paul and Super are next up, looking forward to both of those. Hopefully Super is better than Kick-Ass!

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Watched Paul recently and enjoyed it, probably not as much as I enjoyed Shaun of The Dead. The comic book geekiness was good though and made me take a trip to my comic book store and spend a fair amount the following day.


Limitless was good I thought but as previously mentioned De Niro should have been used more. Was a good story and I like Bradley Cooper, good to see him in a film where he isn't either drunk/babe magnet. He was on a crazy pill though!


I also watched the Takers on sky recently which I thought was a good film. Lots of stars in this one and a wee bit predictable but still not a bad flick.

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