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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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i'll check that ^


ive got a soft spot for Estefez and haven't seen nowhere near as much of his work that i should have. I'll get on my online rental jobbie and get it listed.

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I watched In Bruges on the telly the other night. It's an absolutely incredible piece of work. Everything about it is superb.



I'am gunna have to disagree.


Watched it ( even removed the 'Colin Farrell is a useless tosser' prejudices to watch the film as people had said it was good) lots of exposition, needless tedium and ooh midgets and foriegners are funny?


Bollocks.. Turned it off cos it was high grade shat, after an hour


Beautiful tourist information film for Bruges, but fuck me as a film its dull.


You're in serious danger of becoming the new Mike Castle.


He's more Gareth to Mike's David Brent.

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Watched Enduring Love last night. Often felt like watching from the halfway point despite watching it from the start. The initial hot air balloon sequence was great, but after that it started to crumble a bit. Why at no point did Daniel Craig's character attempt to contact the police? Why is his girlfriend so short with him? He's being fucking stalked for Christ's sake. It was all very clumsy. I've not read the book so if someone has, can they fill me in?


I read the book a few years back. From what I can remember, in the book he does contact the police, but because the stalker hasn't threatened him or really done anything illegal then the police can't do anything. His wife at first thinks the stalker is just a gay guy with a crush, and makes light of the situation, then as the main character gets more and more distressed, she starts to believe it may be in his imagination, or he's lying.


I've never seen the film all the way through but the book is tremendous.

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Finally went to the Cinema today for the first time in years and years and years and years..


Suffering now, and had to be literally picked out of the seat which is always nice :(


Anyway went to watch The Expendables.


Plus points:- Knowing self referential action film with nods to the past careers and films of those starring in the film and not a care in the world about in depth plot and proper real life considerations and physics. Cracking line up and an 1980's action film feel.. Some great one liners and some very 'knowing performances. Plus its always nice to see Gary Daniels at work, playing pretty much the same role he always plays in films.


Negative points:- It felt like a mash of episodes of Ultimate Force, tacked on to

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a rehash of Commando. Similar plane used, Mad South American Dictator. Crazy other bloke who really is in control and impregnable fortress trying to rescue a girl where sex is never going to be on the cards.


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");document.close(); but the main bug bear was the CGI.. Its appalling not necessary and detracted from film

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scenes including the blowing up of the Mansion, SCSA's death, Tracers and stupid other silly little things like the bodies being sliced by the shot gun thingy made it fucking annoying.


Iam guessing that alot of the CGI could have been done with stuntmen and pyros and would have looked a whole lot better in terms of keeping it within the feel of the film.


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");document.close(); Other things that annoyed including sloppy editing/ post where by bits of film that have a completely different look to the rest of the film and look as a result they were shot on camcorder... The jump cuts and shakey cam and darkness also made the action scenes come accross as difficult to see what was going on at times ( i guess this was to circumvent the censors for a lower rating) despite all of the action there isnt really that much gore



Anyways its neither shit nor is it brilliant. When it got things right it was amazing other wise its okay. As expected, nothing more a nice nostalgia hit

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Plus points:- Knowing self referential action film with nods to the past careers and films of those starring in the film and not a care in the world about in depth plot and proper real life considerations and physics.


On the self-referencing side of things, I had to ponder and think Is it just me reading too much into it when

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

SCSA is accused about not caring about battering a woman??


[close spoiler]

Edited by Gordon_The_Gopher
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On the self-referencing side of things, I had to ponder and think Is it just me reading too much into it when

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

SCSA is accused about not caring about battering a woman??


[close spoiler]


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Nah, you are not the only one. I did wonder that as well. Been discussing wife-beating thing on another board about real life/ gimmick not being distinguishable. For it to turn up in the movie in such away for SCSA to then smack Sandra has got to be referencing real life?


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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady decided to watch a film to cap off the day.


"Well we could do with a laugh" she said, so the newly purchased You Don't Mess With Zohan was chosen.


Not a lot to write about, but this film is ridiculous. Not necessarily in a bad way, though. If you watch with your brain switched off and just embrace the idiocy you can have a good laugh at it. Watch with zero expectations and it is actually very funny in places, even if it is cheap humour.


3 stars

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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady decided to watch a film to cap off the day.


"We've only got one thing left to watch on the Sky+" she said, so Lower Learning was chosen.


It's absolutely hideous. Jason Biggs and Eva Longoria try to save a downtrodden school while the cunty principal tries to kill it off to take a shit load of money. It's not interesting or funny. The situation is so utterly unbelievable, it's poorly acted and you just don't care whether they save the shitty school or not. What most amazed me was that Biggs and Longoria where supposedly old school classmates. I had to use IMDB to find out that he's 32 and she's only 35! She looks like a 45 year old who's had obvious work done.


No stars


(Sorry Gordon)

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Eva Longoria only being three years older than Jason Biggs is crazy. I guess it's a combination of her playing a housewife alongside Teri Hatcher and generally looking older than she is, and the fact that Biggs was playing high school characters in his twenties. Still feels wrong somehow. That film sounds totally horrible, so I think I may have to watch it.


Fairly quiet from me on the movie front since Toy Story 3. Seeing Scott Pilgrim tonight though, and on the 25th there's a screening of The Room at the Hyde Park Picture House, so I'm all over that as well. It's a friend's birthday night out on the Saturday, but the Facebook event for the screening went up first and she's unfortunately had to re-organise, such is the level of hype from the Tommy Wiseau fans in our group.


Oh, I watched some DVDs a while back:


Sherlock Holmes - Good fun, silly story, Robert Downey Jr. is great.


The Infidel - Stars Omid Djalili, which is a bad sign, and the box and promotional materials make it look like the worst thing ever. He plays a barely practicing Muslim guy who finds out that he was adopted at birth and is actually Jewish. Despite what the box would have you believe though, it isn't palyed entirely for "UH OH, I SMELL A SITCOOOM!!!" purposes, and makes points about self-hating Jews, the preconceptions Jews and Muslims have of one another, questioning one's own identity etc.


The comedy is extremely hit and miss, it makes some good points but is extremely heavy handed and clumsy with others and I'm entirely sick of Matt Lucas' face. The lady who plays Omid's wife is hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwt. Erm, thumbs in the middle? I was able to sit through it, which is good going for a film carried by Omid Djalili and has Matt Lucas play a Rabbi to zero comedic effect.

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The Infidel - Stars Omid Djalili, which is a bad sign, and the box and promotional materials make it look like the worst thing ever. He plays a barely practicing Muslim guy who finds out that he was adopted at birth and is actually Jewish. Despite what the box would have you believe though, it isn't palyed entirely for "UH OH, I SMELL A SITCOOOM!!!" purposes, and makes points about self-hating Jews, the preconceptions Jews and Muslims have of one another, questioning one's own identity etc.


The comedy is extremely hit and miss, it makes some good points but is extremely heavy handed and clumsy with others and I'm entirely sick of Matt Lucas' face. The lady who plays Omid's wife is hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwt. Erm, thumbs in the middle? I was able to sit through it, which is good going for a film carried by Omid Djalili and has Matt Lucas play a Rabbi to zero comedic effect.

Bugger, I was hoping this would be good just because its got Richard Schiff in it and he's awesome and should be in every film ever.

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