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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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i still don't take kindly to people dissing the movie, in any way shape of form :laugh:


surely the bad fx are a part of the charm?



Theres bad FX and a bad copy of the fim with bad fx..



Ill hold off further judgement till ive seen it on a non pixellated and grainy tv channel :(

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Four Lions.


Excellent stuff. The dialogue is typical Morris, not a single word is wasted or is filler. There are also a couple of genuinely touching moments, such as when SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Omar goes to the hospital and pretends to be a Doctor to say goodbye to his wife before he goes on his suicide mission, her expression of pride and pain while trying to not give the game away to the Police was really nice.

Some of the main characters were brilliantly assembled, you really feel sorry for them, they aren't evil, just really really stupid.



I just saw this tonight, absolutely outstanding. I haven't laughed that much at the cinema for a long, long time. Quite simply brilliant.

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i saw Robin Hood yesterday...anyone expecting a Prince of Thieves styple action-adventure romp is gonna be sorely disappointed. It's a serious take on a part of the old tale and i actually enjoyed the fuck out of it. It's drawing some pretty harsh critisicm online though. The movie itself if you didn't know is a bit of a Robin Hood origin story, it's clearly set up for a sequel which will lead to the usual Robin Hood gubbins.

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Watched The Human Centipede last night cos I was bored and there are decent rips of it floating about.


Cant see what all the fuss is about its on a level of shite (pun intentional)ness with Cabin Fever.


Its trying hard to be something its not and fails miserably. Psuedo art/horror with no budget and gash effects.


It could have been quite good if it had been better thought out, playing the trump card so soon in to the movie spoilt it and by the end I really was struggling to stay awake it was that engrossing.


It has been suggested it would be cult viewing in the future... If shit, now means cult we are doomed



The director has a sequel of sorts in the works with a longer centipede and possibly shot in London.


The idea has now been done unless its something different with what he has set out rather than bigger faster stronger and louder with the concept then its not really going to impress further


Ive given 'new' horror a chance from Hostel, Saw, Cabin Fever and the countless horror reboots. Iam guessing the genre is to some extent out of ideas (Unless is Japanese or Korean or Spanish) but even these have been cannonised by Hollywood remakes to some extent.


Even cheap 1980s horror was better than this :(


Sleepaway Camp/ Nightmare Vacation series to start with



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Watched The Human Centipede last night cos I was bored and there are decent rips of it floating about.


Cant see what all the fuss is about its on a level of shite (pun intentional)ness with Cabin Fever.


God I hated Cabin Fever, what a pointless dire film that was. Fuck me it was a dull waste of time :angry:

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Watched OldBoy and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland yesterday.


OldBoy was truly amazing on a scale I can't really comprehend. Those who haven't seen it simply must.


Alice in Wonderland was an okay film and put a decent Burton-esque spin on the original story. Only watch it if there's nothing better to do.

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Even cheap 1980s horror was better than this :(


Sleepaway Camp/ Nightmare Vacation series to start with




Sleepaway Camp is awsome!


Its a basic slasher film, the second part is so Jason/freddie teen whit and humour its good (the third I never got around to watching, looked terrible)


The final scene of Sleepaway camp is one of those scenes that is seen as a classic horror movie moment. I was genuinely freaked by it.


If your a fan of teen slasher films then watch it. Dont read up on it because the spoilers will spoil it for you. Just watch and understand there are some awsome horror films out there.

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Alpha Dog and The People vs Larry Flynt. I tell myself not to buy films I've never seen before incase I end up not wanting to watch them again. This is definitely the last time I buy films based on true events. I knew a few of the key points of TPVLR, but Alpha Dog... bloody hell. :/

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Even cheap 1980s horror was better than this :(


Sleepaway Camp/ Nightmare Vacation series to start with




Sleepaway Camp is awsome!


Its a basic slasher film, the second part is so Jason/freddie teen whit and humour its good (the third I never got around to watching, looked terrible)


The final scene of Sleepaway camp is one of those scenes that is seen as a classic horror movie moment. I was genuinely freaked by it.


If your a fan of teen slasher films then watch it. Dont read up on it because the spoilers will spoil it for you. Just watch and understand there are some awsome horror films out there.


The thing is though the origional Sleepaway Camp is a terrible slasher film right up until that ending. Without it not only would there be no sequals, nobody in there right mind would want to watch it. So lets not pretend your getting Halloween here. The ending is however one of the most effective I've ever seen.


Two is great in the way you mention. Its good old fasioned boobs out slasher fun. Three is crap but weirdly they shot it back to back with Two and it has none of its excesive charms.

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Watched OldBoy and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland yesterday.


OldBoy was truly amazing on a scale I can't really comprehend. Those who haven't seen it simply must.



Gotta agree with you Steveo, Oldboy is truly amazing

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