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Sid Eudy


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A simple Sid would have done though to be fair. I doubt anybody would have thought it was the evil kid from Toy Story.

I think the kid from Toy Story was a better heel though.

Oh he defo was. If he wer ein wrestling I could see him feuding with Orton, who'd you think would be better?


I doubt he will get a run in WWE ever again, and I'm not sure TNA would never want him. A few years on the indies, then he's done.


Thanks for the heavy knowledge heavy tea.



Sorry... IN MY OPINION. Thought that's what a forum was for, I wasn't meanoing to make a statement, just my thoughts on the subject. I doubt many of the current majority of wrestling fans give a fuck about Sid, certainly none of the kids. At this point, do you really see Vince or TNA shelling out for a terrible 46 year old big man who wouldn't draw flies?

Vince pays Batista enough, why not Sid?

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  • 3 weeks later...
That last thing I heard was that TNA had no interest in bringing him in, and that Scott Hall was trying to get him hired. Since Hall's already in the dog house, I doubt he's pulling much say at the minute, so I doubt we'll see Sid.


You told me Sid was 'in the bag,' you lying bastard. :sneaky:


Seriously though, I'm glad we won't be seeing another lumbering lummox from a bygone generation in TNA. They have that ground very covered with almost every new addition to their roster.


Vince pays Batista enough, why not Sid?


You deserve a smack in the mouth for that.


Batista, as limited as he is, has contributed much more to wrestling in his eight-year career than Sid has in the duration of his. He's had more memorable matches, angles and moments than Sid, whose greatest moments were a couple of decent matches with Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series '96 and Royal Rumble '97 and a cringe-worthy clusterfuck of a match with Hogan at 'Mania VIII. What else of note has he done in his career?


Also, I'd argue that Batista is a draw - is Sid? I think not. If Bret freakin' Hart isn't known among today's fanbase, then Sid is definitely not. And is that really worth paying top money for?

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Well, we can't go a week with no action in this thread, so I'll post a cracking picture I saw on his Myspace.




Those are some giant breasts. I'm sure Sid chucked some all over them that evening. Actually, is she the woman Nash wrestled on Nitro?

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If Bret freakin' Hart isn't known among today's fanbase, then Sid is definitely not. And is that really worth paying top money for?

Now, i'm a big fan of Bret Hart, but the sad truth is, if todays fanbase knew neither Hart nor Sid, i'm fairly certain I know who would make the greater impact on them initially;






And, just to be absolutely sure, I even asked a typical Bret Hart fan who he would prefer to see back in pro wrestling today;



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Well, we can't go a week with no action in this thread, so I'll post a cracking picture I saw on his Myspace.




Those are some giant breasts. I'm sure Sid chucked some all over them that evening. Actually, is she the woman Nash wrestled on Nitro?


Those breasts are impressive, no question. However not nearly as impressive as Sid quite clearly charging his mobile phone off of HIMSELF!! I guess he wasn't lying when says,(pointing to himself) "this is were the POWER lies"

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