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David the documentary last night wasn't spies, wasn't secret filming, it was simply reporting on accusations from people inside the party with evidence to back it up, that stuff happens to the main parties weekly. You're talking bilge.

Did I say the programme from the other night was spies & secret filming?


Yes a few years back they went under cover (quite rightly so in my opinion, the abuse suffered by that undercoover asian reporter because she moved into a bnp area was sickening, and needed to be exposed, to compare it to some people saying stupid things in labour meeetings is a bit silly). But last night was reporting in exactly the same way the big 3 get reported on.

Again, I wasn't referring directly to last nights show, I was talking about the other undercover shows we've had. I simply said that I'd love to see tactics like that used against the mainstream parties. It would make for interesting viewing. Look at what a microphone that was left on too long did for Gordon Brown!

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It would be interesting to be fair, the problem is the kind of security clearance needed to get to the properly juicy bits just wouldn't get handed out to journalists. Besides which, anyone that did get invited in to private moments would get it on the basis that some stuff's off the record, if they abuse that, they'll never get invited in again.

If they could get into cabinet meetings, the stuff about the war, that would be mighty interesting.

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in the run-up to the election was a perfect example. More of that please.


I don't see any problem in reporting the shit that any political party is involved in, I just wish that the same tactics would apply to all. It would certainly make my television licence worth the ridiculous fee a little more.



Did I say the programme from the other night was spies & secret filming?


You certainly insinuated it, the day after the programme went out you said you wished the same tactics would apply to all. When of course in the relation to the issue we were discussing, they did.

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Did I say the programme from the other night was spies & secret filming?

You certainly insinuated it, the day after the programme went out you said you wished the same tactics would apply to all. When of course in the relation to the issue we were discussing, they did.

No I didn't. I replied to a post by Duane saying;


I watched the excellent expose of the BNP's fraudulent practises on the Panorama.

It was an interesting watch. What would make for even better viewing though, is an expose of the main parties. I bet those fuckers have some dirty laundry that would be worth seeing.

I don't see how that post comes across as me insinuating anything. I acknowledged that the programme in question was an interesting watch, then when on to say that an expose of the main parties would be even more interesting. Where do I mention secret filming & spies in relation to the programme from the other night?


I said;


I've heard a few people say this, as if sleaze by the major parties doesn't get looked into. And I have to say, it seems a bit ridiculous. Cameron's links with news international, what liam fox is currently going through, the various dodgy stuff about the iraq war, cash for questions, mandelson's three resignation after shit storms in the press, the expenses, the lib dem fellow getting his missus to take his 3 points.

You'll find that most reporting on this is done fairly legitimately and above-board, so to speak. The day that someone joins the Labour party and reports back from a branch meeting with secret video evidence of a member being a cunt I'll be happy (and there are some right cunts saying some questionable things at these meetings).


The "secret" footage of Gordon Brown in the run-up to the election was a perfect example. More of that please.


I don't see any problem in reporting the shit that any political party is involved in, I just wish that the same tactics would apply to all. It would certainly make my television licence worth the ridiculous fee a little more.

I don't quite understand your issue with what I said. I watched the programme just like you did, so obviously I know it wasn't along the lines of the other BNP exposes :confused:

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The bloke's been lying so long I doubt even he knows what's real anymore. He's been trying to convince more moderate right wingers the partys not full of nazi's while convincing the more headline members they are there to push a nazi case all the while trying to create an air of respectability to the party.

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The part where he agreed to an interview and then did a runner almost had me in tears fair play to the fat, racist cunt that was funny not as funny as the party treasurer giving the beeb crew a cracking "I'm gonna fucking do ya cunts in" look during the fiasco.


Yes a few years back they went under cover (quite rightly so in my opinion, the abuse suffered by that undercoover asian reporter because she moved into a bnp area was sickening, and needed to be exposed, to compare it to some people saying stupid things in labour meeetings is a bit silly).


What documentary was that kiffy?

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Hee, yeah don't like to say it but credit where it's due, turning the tables on the interview and giving the reporter a load of questions was very clever indeed. What''s funny is if you have a sneak look on ol griffin's facebook page alot of the supporters think they came out of that panorama documentary well as a result, and it just proved what wankers the BBC are. One choice quote I really liked was

"The BBC has to keep the country at war with itself, to make sure no-one see's what they're investing in," Funny stuff.

The old one was another panorama documentary from years ago, can't remember much more than the name and the content above. It was the reason griffin and his head of publications got done for incitment to racial hatred a few years back, as noted in mondays panorama.

Would imagine it's on you tube somewhere.

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