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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Just watched the new Stargate show, and fuck me somewhere unpleasent with the intention of a virile donkey it was really very good.


I'm a fan of both the earlier shows, but expected this to be fairly poor.


As expected, Carlyle stood out as too did David Blue. It was, somehow, kind of weird watching Stargate with proper actors.


The storytelling and projection was far more adult than any of the early series, and the way it was shot (and the fact that at the end they, quite literally, distanced themselves from any story arcs or villains from earlier shows) suggested that this could be a completely new begininning. Surprisingly good start, especially considering 'insiders' say the first two episodes are the weakest.

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Just to re-iterate Chesty's sentiments- keep up with. The first episode didn't entice me (I think it was because I didn't really know what to expect) that much and I didn't end up watching the second until a few weeks later, but it gets very good. Mixing the bigger political/moral picture with the awesome banter.. once you get to know the personalities (there are a load to take in in one episode so it's hard to appreciate that early on) it's very gripping, and quite moving tv.


You confused me with 'Ziggy' comment thinking I hadn't been paying enough attention (after just writing about how you need to keep watching to get the personalities).. but I now read it's who Ray plays in some other show called 'The Wire'(sp?) or something like that.

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You confused me with 'Ziggy' comment thinking I hadn't been paying enough attention (after just writing about how you need to keep watching to get the personalities).. but I now read it's who Ray plays in some other show called 'The Wire'(sp?) or something like that.



Ahh yeah.. Brother Mouzone is a character from The Wire, so I figured he'd get it...

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SGU was absolutely fantastic. Absolutely brilliant. Have to say, two episodes in and Eli is already challenging Daniel and Sheppard for my favourite characters spot, hope we get two episodes next week, though I doubt it, was totally left wanting more.


I have also been watching The Class on VoD. I an see why it got cancelled after a season, but at 2 in the morning I think it's the fucking bomb. Nice short, concise episodes of cliche'd riddled humour and some awesome characters, plus Nicola, and Kat. :)

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Cprl. Ray Person is one of the greatest characters ever and alone makes Generation Kill essential viewing "Hey, you found a great new way to stop pedestrian cars! You just shoot them right in the fucking face!". I was quite dissappointed when I wathced the DVD extra features and saw the real Ray Person isn't much like him. The real Iceman seems almost identical to his fictional counterpart, even physically.

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Just downloaded Accidentally On Purpose episodes 1 and 2 there. Been gettiing decent reviews and ratings in the US so thought I'd give it a check. It's a comedy about a woman who gets pregnant after a fling with a younger man.


The premise isn't enough to hook me alone but as soon as I seen Jenna Elfman is the main star I was on it.




Of the new seasons starting in the US this year I've been impressed with FlashForward, Cougar Town and Glee. I really, REALLY recommend you to watch Glee. It's so cheesy but there's something about it that is just so adorable. There's lots of good humour in it aswell. Don't tar it with the High School Musical brush because it really is soooo much better.


Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pwV6YBZzP4 It's the Glee Cast singing "Somebody to love" By Queen.


Also loving The Vampire Diaries on The CW. So much so I've started to download the first season of True Blood which is apparently dozens of times better.


New Seasons I'm not liking are Modern Family and The Clevland show. As a massive fan of Family Guy I really wanted to love the latter but it just fails on every single level. Modern Family is just about as unfunny,


Of the returning seasons, One Tree Hill is doing really well and (SEASON 6 Spoiler for those in the UK)

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Is really hitting form without Peyton and Lucas. I adore Haley's sister Quinn. She's just the most amazing looking girl ever. And Clay looks like he has the potential to be a good character.


[close spoiler]


Californication has been awesome as per and has already been given a 4th season. Entouage started off slowly in season 6 but finished with the best episode of the entire series so far. And probably one of the best moments in TV history aswell in a scene that involved Ari going round Terrance's Agency with a paintball gun and shooting, then firing loads of guys ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PUzs8x9M8M)


I'm really dreading the 9th season of Scrubs because I'm positive it will absolutley blow. And the most disappointing news of all is that the 3rd season of Chuck won't premiere until March. However, NBC are pumping the shit out of it so we can live in hope of a full 4th season order.

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I'm surprised at the love for Stargate Universe, I watched it with no great expectations and was unimpressed. There's logic flaws all over the place, and it seems obvious that someone high up at their channel went "make the new SG series more gritty, like Battlestar Galactica, and make the main character more like Gaius Baltar". There was the mega-cliched angry army guy, and the audience avatar (the maths / computer genius) pretty much did nothing.


It's like they couldn't decide what they wanted it to be - show in the Stargate universe, or BSG mk.2 - and it ended up not being enough of either. Shame, really. I'll give it another few episodes before I give up on it, but thumbs down for me so far.

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I'm surprised at the love for Stargate Universe, I watched it with no great expectations and was unimpressed. There's logic flaws all over the place, and it seems obvious that someone high up at their channel went "make the new SG series more gritty, like Battlestar Galactica, and make the main character more like Gaius Baltar". There was the mega-cliched angry army guy, and the audience avatar (the maths / computer genius) pretty much did nothing.


It's like they couldn't decide what they wanted it to be - show in the Stargate universe, or BSG mk.2 - and it ended up not being enough of either. Shame, really. I'll give it another few episodes before I give up on it, but thumbs down for me so far.

Seen the first episode so far and found it hard follow as to wether they were on a base a some plant or on the space ship as they seemed to be going back and forth :(

Some of these sci-fi programmes are lost on me the way they talk in all that jargon like you are supposed to understand it all lol

Oh well, will watch the second episode and see how it goes.

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I watched the 1st episode of True Blood on Channel 4 last night and really enjoyed it, I know I'm over a year behind everyone but I never gave it a chance when I came across it on FX. So it looks like I'll be watching this to tide me over till Lost starts again although I may just download them as the advert breaks last night were ridiculous.

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