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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Unlikely I know, but if anyone in here just caught the Skins finale is able to have a discussion with me over one line in the whole bloody script it can put my mind at ease.


I think I've managed to confuse just about everyone I've spoke to on it this evening so far.

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It's when Cook says "I didn't do it"


I have most of the people that watch it that I know thinking it's a really stupid line that means he didn't kill Louie, whereas I'm in the small, small minority that means he didn't kill Foster, that Freddie in fact killed him and the whole ghost voice of Freddie telling him to get out of there back in the season 4 finale was in fact a completely real alive and beaten Freddie

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See this is what everyone else and my slightly less sleep deprived mind now thinks, but in regards to how he heard Freddie's voice in the season 4 finale and promising to Freddie's sister he'd bring her home and let them get their life back, it just started striking me that its unlikely he beat Foster to death, whereas Freddie managing to hit him with something (Cook never found his body just his clothes) and then taking the blame and going on the run so that Freddie could have his life back.


The only thing I thought was a) the fact season 5 mentioned nothing about a previous college student being murdered, even in passing and b) Effy, the hottest yet most mentally unstable person of the entire group managing to seemingly get on with her life after her boyfriend she nearly killed for once is murdered/lost/never returns and move off to London all willy nilly. If those two came to an agreeable end it'd mess with her less than him being killed.

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Low Winder Sun, which is a new AMC show, looks like it might be good. It's based on a two part BBC drama which aired back in 2006. The first season of the US remake runs for 10 episodes.


It's about corrupt police type chaps in Detroit.


Mark Strong who was the lead in original BBC show is once again the lead in this version. Only in this version he is pretending to be an American. Lennie James also has a big role. I like Lennie James and try to check out most of the things he does. Lennie is also pretending to be an American. This bodes well. Normally when an American cable show features a British actor pretending to be an American it means that it will be a good show. Off the top of my head Oz, The Wire, Homeland, Sons of Anarchy, Deadwood and The Walking Dead all feature a British actor pretending to be an American. Hell, The Wire, The Walking Dead and Homeland each have two British actors pretending to be Americans. Low Winter Sun also has two. This puts it in great company.


It premiers tonight in the US. Over here it's being shown on Friday (16/08) on Fox.


A link to the trailer is below.


Edited by nfc90210
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Yeah, Walking Dead is turd but he is great in Teachers.


Also, as far as the above list goes, I'd hardly use Sons of Anarchy as a brilliant example. The first couple seasons were decent, but even then Charlie Hunnam could never be described as a good actor. (even though his American accent is better than his English one, curiously)

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