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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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It's all a bit too fucking smug. It's very clever, but in a hit-you-in-the-face, look-how-clever-I-am way. The story is subservient to the conceit. Nice production values but too bleached out.

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Does anybody know if Kitchen Nightmares USA is currently showing on any of the freeview channels at the moment?


Despite it probably being fake. Me and the Mrs's love it. Brilliant television.

Last time I checked new episodes aired on More4 on Sunday nights.

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I find myself with Bifkin on this one. I didn't find it particularly smug or up it's arse. It was just a nice idea/set up that was seen out poorly.



Also Keith - that weavrs lot are such dicks! I was only half paying attention as I had clicked on it this morning but if y'all want proper smug arseholes click on that youtube.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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I was totally expecting his online reconstructed online persona to be a right cunt. That would have been a lot sharper. But I guess the "moral" of the story was that technology can't replace someone's humanity, or somesuch, which meant he had to be a shallow copy rather than a foaming troll.


I felt yucked out, so in that respect it was successful, but it tried a bit too hard with the social commentary, and missed the opportunity to be a proper little horror story.

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Anyone still watching Arrow? I love it, it's like an American soap that happens to have a heroic comic book vigilante assassin at the heart of it. It's based on DC's Green Arrow but it's so unfaithful to the comic it's insane. It's the only thing on TV I have to watch. The inclusion of John Barrowman knocks the quality down a couple of notches but for some reason I forgive all it's sins. -Maybe it's because I'm just so happy to see a weekly TV show based on one of my favourite characters.

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