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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I'm currently watching season 2 of Homeland at the Channel 4 pace, and I think it may be the best show on TV. I liked the first season but it took me a while to get started on the second one (I had a few episodes stock piled on my Sky Plus). Once I got going though I blitzed through them. It's got a really intriguing premise and they have managed to keep it going with twists and turns without it feeling over the top in the way that 24 did as time went on. Plus, Damien Lewis is tremendous as Sgt. Brody.

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I still can't work out whether I like Homeland or not. Some bits in it are so great while others are incredibly awful. I definitely preferred the first season. I can quite easily see it being one of those shows that gets progressively worse each season untill it's just total illogical mad bollocks like 24 was after it's second season onwards. I think Damien Lewis really is they key to the whole show, without him it wouldn't work. He's just consistently great in every scene he's in.

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I still can't work out whether I like Homeland or not. Some bits in it are so great while others are incredibly awful. I definitely preferred the first season. I can quite easily see it being one of those shows that gets progressively worse each season untill it's just total illogical mad bollocks like 24 was after it's second season onwards. I think Damien Lewis really is they key to the whole show, without him it wouldn't work. He's just consistently great in every scene he's in.


And yet, his storyline has to conclude with this season. They've stretched him to the point of absurdity. He needs to die basically, but I guess retiring into witness protection might work.


I'm enjoying it still, but mainly because Claire Danes is so extraordinary. I'd buy another series with her and Saul, and their crew, hunting spies and shit.

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i mentioned a few pages back that i was watching Fringe, my main gripe with the show was that it's one of those shows where you could dip into any episode (in season 1) and watch it as a one off barring a few recurring story threads that pop up from time to time, anyways, in as season 2 progresses they've rectified that and it's now fucking great! The whole Walter-Peter time travelling story arc is fucking great stuff. John Noble is brilliant as Walter.

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FX UK is re-branding and will be called Fox from January. What, if anything, this will mean in the grand scheme of things I don't know.




FX Evolves To Become FOX


From January, FX will be known as FOX and will be giving you even more unmissable new series!


FOX viewers will still be able to watch the UK premieres of their favourite series currently airing on FX including NCIS, The Walking Dead, Falling Skies, Dexter, True Blood, American Horror Story and more. Channel premieres such as Family Guy will also remain.


To reflect an ever-expanding audience however, we

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Has anybody who downloads at US pace given Go On a look? I took a punt because it started before the other shows and I was desperate for some good new telly. And, well, Matthew Perry's just a treat isn't he?


Anyway, loved it for the most part. Not always piss pants funny, but a nice set of characters with lots of room to build on if the show gains a strong following. Perry's lead character is particularly strong. I haven't checked but I hope it gets renewed for a second season, it's been my favourite weekly watch this year.

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Has anybody who downloads at US pace given Go On a look? I took a punt because it started before the other shows and I was desperate for some good new telly. And, well, Matthew Perry's just a treat isn't he?


Anyway, loved it for the most part. Not always piss pants funny, but a nice set of characters with lots of room to build on if the show gains a strong following. Perry's lead character is particularly strong. I haven't checked but I hope it gets renewed for a second season, it's been my favourite weekly watch this year.


I'll have to check that out, there's not many US sitcoms I really like, but I enjoyed Matthew Perry, especially in The Sunset Strip which I know isn't a comedy/sitcom but still.

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Channel 4 has been doing some great dramas of recent times. Secret State with Gabriel Byrne was fantastic (still need to watch the final ep if 4od ever gets sorted) and this last week, The Fear with Peter Mullan as an Alzheimer's riddled Criminal Boss, set in Brighton has been utterly fantastic as well.

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I didn't really get on all the well with Go On, it all feels a little forced to me, but my girlfriend likes it so we've continued to watch it. Great cast, including the kid from Everybody Hates Chris and the mum from the live-action Transformers films.


It's certainly better than Perry's last sitcom, Mr Sunshine, though. Despite a reasonably good premise, it just went absolutely nowhere.

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Homeland has gone off the fucking deep end. Dexter is shit now too.


Also, the ending two episodes of Boardwalk Empire season 3 were incredible. It's hard to get better TV than that. Walking Dead has been firing on all cylinders too, although I don't see a good future for the show outside of season 3.

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Homeland has gone off the fucking deep end. Dexter is shit now too.


Also, the ending two episodes of Boardwalk Empire season 3 were incredible. It's hard to get better TV than that. Walking Dead has been firing on all cylinders too, although I don't see a good future for the show outside of season 3.


The end of Boardwalk was amazing television. Totally fearless writing and I love it!

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