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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Season 5 of Breaking Bad started in the states last night. A decent opening episode, although I think it's a tad odd that this season (which is apparently going to be the last one) will be split into two halves, with the last eight episodes being shown in summer 2013. :/


Thats because AMC dont have that many good shows

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Yeah I watched the first two episodes of Newsroom, and I've really enjoyed it so far. I'm glad it's started when it has, as everything else I've been following has finished it's current season. Anybody that hasn't seen it sofar and has a bit of time on their hands should certainly check out the first two episodes.

Edited by WeeAl
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Newsroom might have some potential but I'm surprised anyone actually thought it was good. It has way too many flaws. Leaving aside how smug it was at handling something with hindsight, it also doesn't know what it is. It can't decide whether it's trying to say something or whether it's a soap and the transitions are really jarring. The minute the exec producer said she was going to reward another woman by taking her shopping I felt like throwing something at the screen. Jesus that was bad. It's actual interesting moments also come with REALLY LOUD SHOUTING as if they think whoever's watching it is too thick to realise these are the bits that actually matter. I'll give credit where it's due though, the first episode had one shining moment and, if the head writer stops sucking his own cock for long enough to try and write something about actual human beings, it has the potential to be something decent, maybe even fairly good.


Having said that I haven't bothered watching the second episode yet so maybe that's an improvement.

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I was left cold by Newsroom, mainly the dialogue. It was so unnatural and forced, too sharp to be believable at all. I gave up an hour in to the opener but it is still on my Sky box. Will give it another go, if only for Jeff Daniels.

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Hang on, a couple of you have already seen the second episode? Was that downloaded or something, they've only showed the first episode on Atlantic so far haven't they? I'm worried I've missed the second one now.

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I finally got around to watching the second one today and I thought it was a tad better. The dialogue is still awful and all the characters come off as quite dislikable because of it (save the lead who does the Wallander pathetic middle aged man thing quite well) but at least the episode was about them fucking up. I'm beginning to wonder if the show would be better if the writer was reigned in a bit more. I'm still wishing it to be better than it is.

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Sorkin style of dialogue is a bit too much for The Newsroom.


Needs turning down a dial.

I'm yet to see any of the Newsroom. I've only seen the Social Network and Studio 60 but is the Sorkin style of dialogue a type fast paced talking with the characters talking one after each other at an incredible pace with no breaths?


Social Network was full of it, I even contemplated watching the DVD with subtitles as it was that hard to understand some of Zuckerburgs wise cracks. I never saw the West Wing so I assume the style was there too.

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Sorkin style of dialogue is a bit too much for The Newsroom.


Needs turning down a dial.


I think it'd be okay if it was used in the right context. I could maybe buy them talking like that in a discussion over a news story, since it's their job, but they seem to do it for personal emotional issues too and since they're all professionals (and ergo emotionally stunted individuals) it doesn't work.

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