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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I agree Triple A that its been the poorest season so far. But even you must admit the end montage was bloody boss!


Good points though were Roger Sterling stealing the entire thing and John Hamm proving what a tremendous actor he really is by conveying so much in just a look.

Edited by GalaxyV.2
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Netflix don't have series two. Damn. Do I dare delve back into the world of Heroes? I gave up after season two because it was fucking wretched and I've heard it just gets worse from here. Admittedly, I'm curious to see just how bad it could possibly get.


People at the time all said "season 2 is really shit" which to be honest shocked and confused me greatly, because season 1 of Heroes was so unbelievably fucking bad that I couldn't imagine how a show could get any worse. I'm glad though that the show seems to have been completely forgotten by the masses since then.


I think I got caught up in the hype the first time around, and watched it religiously - even got annoyed at some comicbook store twat who acted like I was mental for not just downloading it and watching it all in one go. I think, rationed out, I could buy into it, but season 2 killed me off in 2-3 episodes. And then, watching season 1 on Netflix, I just couldn't stand it. Ali Larter is the worst, the absolute worst. Incredibly unlikeable.

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I tried watching it when it first started on Sci-Fi, but couldn't get into it.


I heard T-Bag was in one of the later seasons, so there should be at least some quality in there, I don't know if I'll ever get round to it, though. Starting at his one out of context would be stupid and I doubt I'd be able to make it through the first seasons.

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Thanks to Netflix, watched the first series of Pete VS Life in one late-night sitting. I don't like the gimmick of the show with the two commentators as that aspect is quite forced and it doesn't really do anything new with the 'guy does things at the start of the episode that will come back to haunt him by the end' but I like Rafe Spall and some of the writing is decent. I get the feeling the show didn't make much of a splash though?

Nah, it's been canned. Pity because it was a good show. i liked the commentating. They didn't add a whole lot but there was some occasional with from them. i haven't seen the first series, only the second which is really good. Spall is great and the cast is pretty strong overall. Don't think it had a whole lot of life left in it even if they hadn't ended it.

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Netflix don't have series two. Damn. Do I dare delve back into the world of Heroes? I gave up after season two because it was fucking wretched and I've heard it just gets worse from here. Admittedly, I'm curious to see just how bad it could possibly get.


It gets so bad that it becomes genuinely hilarious. It's almost like the writers were having a competition to see who could get the most ridiculous storylines approved.


Watch it but don't ever try and take it seriously. Just switch off and enjoy the stupid.

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After finishing up Game of Thrones, I want to make a considerable effort to watch more TV shows after being quite shit over the last few years. I've just got onto Netflix and intend to give that a hammering, but is there somewhere I can get a look at what TV shows are due to start on Sky Atlantic over the next few weeks/months?

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I got recommended Braquo today. Anyone seen it?


I've been watching this recently. It's really quite good. French, cop/crime thriller, very noir-ish and gloomy with very well acted but stereotypical rogue cops. I'm trying to not use the word 'gritty' but it's incredibly grim and unredeeming at times. If you've watched and enjoyed 'The Shield' I imagine you'll like this.

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'Spiral' is another good French cop show that you should see. BBC4 are showing series 2 on Saturdays at the moment, so it should be on iPlayer. It's another one that's quite like The Shield.

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Thanks to Netflix, watched the first series of Pete VS Life in one late-night sitting. I don't like the gimmick of the show with the two commentators as that aspect is quite forced and it doesn't really do anything new with the 'guy does things at the start of the episode that will come back to haunt him by the end' but I like Rafe Spall and some of the writing is decent. I get the feeling the show didn't make much of a splash though?

Nah, it's been canned. Pity because it was a good show. i liked the commentating. They didn't add a whole lot but there was some occasional with from them. i haven't seen the first series, only the second which is really good. Spall is great and the cast is pretty strong overall. Don't think it had a whole lot of life left in it even if they hadn't ended it.


I think it was let down by being a bit rubbish, which was annoying because there was a lot there that was good, but something just didn't click. It might have been down to the supporting characters being really underbaked and badly-acted, but it could be a case of the creators just not figuring out how to pull the concept off entirely. I watched every episode and thought they were alright, but I felt they could've been so much better.

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