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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Has anybody been watching the latest Danish cop show 'Those Who Kill' on ITV3? Weird to see ITV3 jumping on the subtitle bandwagon, but I bum Scandinavian crime fiction so I'm all for it. Though it's more of a straightforward episodic show and less labyrinthine than The Killing, I'm enjoying it so far - it has a feel of Wire in the Blood, but less arty-farty.


I'm convinced there are only about 8 actors in Denmark, because two episodes in I've already counted 3 who I recognise from The Killing and/or Borgen. The central female detective played by Laura Bach is new though, and a welcome addition as I think I'm already a little bit in love with her - she has what JR would call a restaurant-quality arse.

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Been catching up with Season 3 of Modern Family. This show is so well written. Not in the way like Arrested Development was so layered and intricate in its script, but rather in the way they get all the dynamics of the relationships in the family so spot on. Makes it so relatable, and funnier for it.

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I love Modern Family. And it has that cloying "we've all learned to love and accept each other's foibles" story/moral in every fucking episode, but it doesn't make cynical, bitter twerps like me hate it. The characters are so well-observed. The scene with the boat captain in the latest episode had two huge laughs for me, and they weren't even that clever. I think the current state of US sitcoms is the best it's ever been. We're living in a golden age of comedy!

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Here's a new show to look out for. It starts tonight (March 1st) on NBC.





The pilot's up on Hulu already, and it's getting some extraordinary buzz. Unanimously, people are saying it's the greatest pilot for years, and everyone seems blown away by it. It's been pushed back a bunch of times already, because NBC didn't know how to market it, but the feedback from the first episode has got me really excited.



This is brilliant! I just watched the pilot and loved it.

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Man, that sounds all levels of confusing. As long as it doesn't degenerate into a Lost-esque metaphysical mishmash, it could be great. However, Flashback trod similar (ish) ground and was absolute shite.

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Oh yeah, Awake. The pilot was amazing. Although supposedly it turns into more of a flat police procedural with a twist in the episodes that follow, which is disappointing. We'll see.


Is it explained why his partner changes depending on which relative-dead reality he's in?


It's one episode in - nothing's been explained. Actually, one of the reasons it was so great, is that there was no "OMG, what's happening to me?!" stuff. We just went right into it, bypassing the usual 'origin story' stuff you need in pilots, and it's cleverly laid out by him to his psychiatrists, while he's just getting on with his life.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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