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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Not surprised. PETA were getting on their back after the first two and this third was just too far. Looked into it and there will be just the 1 series of 9 episodes. Its a shame but you can't continue with a record of loss like that

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Not surprised. PETA were getting on their back after the first two and this third was just too far. Looked into it and there will be just the 1 series of 9 episodes. Its a shame but you can't continue with a record of loss like that


Yeah, they really had no choice. That's an appalling record, especially when you consider that (in facts I cribbed from another forum thread about Luck) Secretariat,

War Horse, Seabiscuit, Braveheart and Ben Hur, with that absolutely insane chariot race set piece, had a grand total of zero horse deaths between them.


I never watched Luck though. Much as I loved Deadwood, Luck looked boring.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Ah fucking hell, No point carrying on with that then, just getting into it. This comes after watching and enjoying Alcatraz last night on Watch and then finiding out that looks likely to get the can too becuase it's doing shit, I knew there was a reason I didn't watch much US drama :( At least they can't cancel the always brilliant Sopranos which i've watched on Atlantic, or can they? :laugh:


Hoping someone over here picks up Person of Interest with Lost's Ben Linus in it, it looks erm interesting.

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I've started on the third season of Justified. It's fucking awesome! You should all be watching it.


Every time Boyd and Raylan are in the same scene you get pure brilliance. They're getting close to being my favourite tv duo ever at this point. Wonderful chemistry.

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Project Runway: All Stars - down to the last three, and here are my thoughts:


- glad Kenley is gone, although the Mrs. is gutted. She liked the girl, and her personal style, which I admit is kinda cool, but she comes across a wee bit twattish, and she basically made the same thing each week.


- Mondo was clearly told to "go be a villain" now that there is three left, as he suddenly developed a bad attitude. His collection is my favorite, striking stuff. He chose the best collaborator, though - I don't like Mila, but she is close to his aesthetic, and very skilled.


- I think Michael C.'s garments looks like they are ready for sale, but... they look like they're ready for sale in BHS. Just dull, nothing interesting. Old ladies' night at the posh bingo garb. Don't remember who he collaborated with's name, but she's the youngest there yet looks like she slept upside-down in a kangaroo's pouch.


- Austin makes every room he's in both gayer and happier, and I think his collection could be a dark horse - looks like the outfits from a porno mashup of Fiddler on the Roof and the video to "No More I Love You's". His choice of Anthony was great - the man is a deadweight, but he glides around like the gay pope.

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Over last night and today I devoured the first season of Todd and the Book of Pure Evil, it's like a comedic Buffy. Yet the comedy comes from brutal deaths caused by a book, similar to the necronomicon that gives people their wishes, except with the twist that it starts effecting the rest of the school in different ways. For an example one of the episodes comes about when someone gets ahold of the book and ends with with a giant talking penis that turns someone to stone when they look at it. with a short 25 minute run time the episodes never linger and the jokes come fairly fast, with a good series long over arching storyline.

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New series of Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule starts on Sunday


Fuck yes! I had no idea, Check it out is literally the funniest thing ever, that's made my day.


For your health, dummy.

What channel is this one? Looks like something I'd get on with.

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in need of some suggestions/recommendations if anyone has a sec?


shows in same vein as dexter/breaking bad/damages/homeland


comedys a la 30 rock/parks and rec/community/arrested development/up all night


started watching alcatraz but not really a fan of story per episode format


started watching justified lately (does this pick up?!)

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