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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Fucking hell. No loose end left untied. That's what I love about it, it just has everyone desparate to figure it out. I bet Mofatt and Gatiss, being huge Conan Doyle fans, love that they've inspired some inquisitive spirit in their viewers. If only everyone liked it so much when Moffat does it in Doctor Who...


*edited for predictive text gibberish GOD this is getting tiresome why didn't the 13 page review I read mention this*

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hoping sky atlantic go by the same schedule as last year. really looking forward to it. and on the 25th March Mad Men finally returns with a two hour premiere.


dont see sky puuting mad men and thrones on the same night though. thrones on a monday and mad men on a tuesday would be great

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I quite enjoyed Thrones being on a Sunday night, and April 1st is a Sunday so I'm hoping we get the same over here. Although with Thrones I've gone past the 'wait til it's on TV' and into the more obsessive 'download it 5 minutes after it's aired in the States' level so it doesn't really matter.

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Just watched the first episode of Stella. I was hesitant because Trollied was rubbish and The Cafe looked terrible, but I quite enjoyed Stella.

I really, really liked the Cafe. Thought it was a lovely bit of telly, all warm and fuzzy with likeable characters, gentle humour and a slowly moving plot.


Trollied was good too. It was very different to The Cafe, much more obvious and not at all subtle. i liked a lot of the characters though, particularly Mark Addy's butcher. Look forward to it's return.


Zooey Deschanel is gorgeous. Didn't recognise the name at all but when I googled her, I recognised her as the gorgeous one from 500 days of summer.


Anyone see Milton Jones new sitcom pilot "House Of Rooms"? It's on 4OD catch up. It had some really clever ideas in terms of production but the plot was shit.

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I really, really liked the Cafe. Thought it was a lovely bit of telly, all warm and fuzzy with likeable characters, gentle humour and a slowly moving plot.


Im in two minds over this, is it anything like Early Doors? If so will track it down. Whether Ill be able to watch it without getting Homesick is another matter entirely :(

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I really, really liked the Cafe. Thought it was a lovely bit of telly, all warm and fuzzy with likeable characters, gentle humour and a slowly moving plot.


Im in two minds over this, is it anything like Early Doors? If so will track it down. Whether Ill be able to watch it without getting Homesick is another matter entirely :(


It's nowhere near as good as Early Doors but not much is. It's similar in some ways, the format, the situation and observational stuff but it doesn't have the same edge and the really brilliant characters. It just kinda meanders along and is finished before you know it without a great deal really happening.


They all talk funny too, you'd need to get past that.

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I've expressed my dismay in the Cafe before, so won't bore you all with that again. Trollied wasn't the best thing ever made, but nicely passed half an hour.


I really enjoyed House of Rooms. Very silly in a good way.

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Can I just say that I thought this series of Sherlock was really disappointing, and last night's episode particularly poor? I come into work this morning and find everyone going OMG amazin can't wait for anuvva series, and I just thought it was really overdone.

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I had never seen any of it but I had heard really good things so I was quite excited when I turned on the telly to eat my dinner and saw that it was just starting.


I really enjoyed it up until the last quarter of an hour or so, which totally ruined it.


I'll still check out the first series but I was disappointed.

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Would love another series of Early Doors. Cracking show.


Me too, there was rumours of a new series a few years back, apparently Caroline Aherne was going to be in the new series. It didn't end up materialising and they did the Royle Family again. Maybe it's a blessing they didn't do a new series though, as to not tarnish it.

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