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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Anyone else watched Wilfred on BBC Three. I wasn't really going to give it a go but once I started watching I couldn't help myself. It's so simple and daft but very deep too. Elijah Wood is terrific as the depressed loner.


Yeah, I watched the first two episodes


Thought it was beyond awful. I would rather spoon my eyes out with an acid tipped blunt spoon to be frank


Its a remake of the very recent Australian series of the same name and the same dog/creators. (Jason Gann) remade for the US audiences with Frodo


Jason Gann redeems himself by having played Herr Flick on stage at one point.


Back to the show.. Good god no

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The new Lucozade advert suprises me on a few levels and all of them are levels of crap. Firstly, a cover of a song ('Buck Rogers' by Feeder) that is on a level of piss-poority as the cover of A track 'Number One' used in Young Persons Guide To Becoming A Rock Star'


Secondly, using the The James Cleaver Quintet? Screamo arsery adopting their sound for the masses, big suprise there.


Thirdly, the unashamed demographic of going for what the 'kids' of today like with the skateboards and 3 wheeler! Should have done it properly, the band in front of a bored looking crowd with their arms crossed in Camden, waiting for something good to happen then walking out to the streets which are being looted and on fire.


[/end vent]

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Torchwood: Miracle Day is pretty awesome at the minute, though there is a lingering air of 'British Tele' over it that stops me from taking it to the next level.


Really? I get put off by how much it feels like some crappy American melodrama. Its gotten a bit better in the last couple of weeks though. It was abysmal at the start.


Also, The Hour is good fun. Its almost over though. The next person to say "but it isn't Mad Men" gets a slap.

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The new Lucozade advert suprises me on a few levels and all of them are levels of crap. Firstly, a cover of a song ('Buck Rogers' by Feeder) that is on a level of piss-poority as the cover of A track 'Number One' used in Young Persons Guide To Becoming A Rock Star'


Secondly, using the The James Cleaver Quintet? Screamo arsery adopting their sound for the masses, big suprise there.


Thirdly, the unashamed demographic of going for what the 'kids' of today like with the skateboards and 3 wheeler! Should have done it properly, the band in front of a bored looking crowd with their arms crossed in Camden, waiting for something good to happen then walking out to the streets which are being looted and on fire.


[/end vent]



that new lucozade ad was filmed near my old uni house in brighton, and yes that massive hill was a bitch to walk up everyday.

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TV related, I've just seen an ad for Lee Nelson's 'well good' DVD. Who the fuck watched that tripe when it was on BBC3? Jesus christ.


Chavs, fuckwits and general simpletons, on the whole.

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The new Lucozade advert suprises me on a few levels and all of them are levels of crap. Firstly, a cover of a song ('Buck Rogers' by Feeder) that is on a level of piss-poority as the cover of A track 'Number One' used in Young Persons Guide To Becoming A Rock Star'


Secondly, using the The James Cleaver Quintet? Screamo arsery adopting their sound for the masses, big suprise there.


Thirdly, the unashamed demographic of going for what the 'kids' of today like with the skateboards and 3 wheeler! Should have done it properly, the band in front of a bored looking crowd with their arms crossed in Camden, waiting for something good to happen then walking out to the streets which are being looted and on fire.


[/end vent]


It really is gash, isn't it? Someone else had mentioned it and I was yet to see the ad. I saw it yesterday and just sat frozen in disgust at the sheer shiteness of it.

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TV related, I've just seen an ad for Lee Nelson's 'well good' DVD. Who the fuck watched that tripe when it was on BBC3? Jesus christ.


You'll be glad to hear then that the 2nd series starts on Thursday night on BBC3 :laugh:

Edited by burchybabi
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You'll be glad to hear then that the 2nd series starts on Thursday night on BBC3 :laugh:

The mind boggles. I can only imagine this is what the office at BBC3 must look like, especially as they also brought back another series of Coming Of Age and insist on having Will Mellor on their programming:



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Not on TV but on my mates Internet TV thingy, we looked up Sean Lock (expecting some stand up and 8 out of 10 cats stuff) when we came across an absolute gem of a sitcom, called 15 Storeys High. 2 people living in a dark world of tower blocks with just stupid and funny stuff happening. Highly recommend it. Please look it up:


All episodes are here

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was disappointed with the final season, i was enjoying it but it was just business as usual, if the show was just continuing it would have been fine, but it seemed like they were just getting warmed up and wrapped it all up in an episode. That said, im sad to see it go, brilliant series.


I thought the final episode was excellent though despite feeling like a rushed attempt to tie up all loose ends. The Vince/English bird thing did nothing for me though, that whole thing just seemed pointless, guess they wanted to bookend Vince's story. The only thing i really gave a shit about at the end was Ari and his wife, that was good shit.


They teased a spin-off though...

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