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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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The definitive match was Mankind vs The Rock at Survivor Series 98. It book ended the double cross from the year before and created a top heel, a top babyface, a new stable of guys and gave Austin a group to chase. The storylines all changed over night. It summed up the WWF at the time. It was probably the best PPV WWE has ever had. It seemed to be the night everyone who wasn't previously on board became WWF fans as well.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The match on its own isn't as such though, the card as a whole? Definitely. Incredible storyline PPV. Everything came together beautifully. As much as people slate the Attitude era for not aging well (which is true) I loved some of the long story arcs. That summer leading to Survivor Series was incredibly exciting viewing. And then it only jumped up a notch for the next 3 months. That November, December, January was immense.

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The definitive match was Mankind vs The Rock at Survivor Series 98. It book ended the double cross from the year before and created a top heel, a top babyface, a new stable of guys and gave Austin a group to chase. The storylines all changed over night. It summed up the WWF at the time. It was probably the best PPV WWE has ever had. It seemed to be the night everyone who wasn't previously on board became WWF fans as well.

Yep. I'd become a sporadic viewer in '97 when we had Sky Sports cut off, but after I borrowed a tape of that Survivor Series off a lad at school, I was round my sister's every Friday night to watch Raw.
This video package doesn't really compare to the stuff they do nowadays, but it's still one of my favourites.
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I remember at the time ticking off what sounded good and what didn't. Corporate Elbow was decent. Corporate Eyebrow worked well. "Laying the Corporate Smackdown" was a step to far though. That was never going to catch on. That must have been Lawler using a bit of creative license. "When the Rock lays the Corporate Smackdown" just sounds shit.

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The second Austin vs Dude Love match has to be up there as well, the one where Vince was referee.

This is the answer for me."The beloved WWF Champion defends the title in front of a rabid crowd with the deck stacked against him and seemingly insurmountable odds. He fights relentlessly, and after a cornucopia of run-ins and carnage (including a couple of moments where you believe his goose is cooked) our hero rallies, finds a way to prevail, and celebrates in front of his sea of fans."That's how I best remember The Attitude Era, and that match is probably the best example. Backlash runs it close, especially considering Rock/HHH was THE rivalry for such a long time, but for carnage I take Undertaker wiping out Pat & Gerry over Austin's run in and Linda bringing Earl back, and the seemingly precarious nature of Austin's grip on the title over the fairly predictable outcome of Rocky finally getting the gold back in terms of the match providing the required drama and uncertainty of outcome. The Austin/Dude match had me on the edge of my seat, whereas I never truly imagined Triple H was going to survive The Rock at Backlash.
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It might be fun to watch Raw and Nitro one after the other, you'd get more of a sense of how the two compared week by week.

What would you suggest watching first? Back in the day they both used to start at the same time.
Didn't Bischoff do something fly by starting Nitro about 2 minutes earlier? Sure I read that somewhere. Edited by bAzTNM#1
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It might be fun to watch Raw and Nitro one after the other, you'd get more of a sense of how the two compared week by week.

What would you suggest watching first? Back in the day they both used to start at the same time.
Didn't Bischoff do something fly by starting Nitro about 2 minutes earlier? Sure I read that somewhere.
Yea he used to do that and then give away the Raw results before Raw went live.
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The match on its own isn't as such though, the card as a whole? Definitely. Incredible storyline PPV. Everything came together beautifully. As much as people slate the Attitude era for not aging well (which is true) I loved some of the long story arcs. That summer leading to Survivor Series was incredibly exciting viewing. And then it only jumped up a notch for the next 3 months. That November, December, January was immense.

Wrestlemania 98 leading up to the night Vince revealed himself as the higher power and ruining everything in April 1999 is really one huge long story arc that flows perfectly. Utterly amazing. You have the start of Austin/McMahon leading into the Austin/Kane/Mankind/Taker Highway to Hell story leading up to Summerslam, then Austin losing the title leading up to Deadly Games, Vince finally getting his Corporate Champion and the birth of the Corporation. The rise of the Ministry in the background plotting to take over the WWF while Vince is distracted. Vince eventually getting distracted by the Ministry's threat to his daughter and giving Shane more power, Shane going power crazy and aligning with Undertaker to run Vince out of the company. That's just a brief overview, not including all the side stories and great booking of Mankind, Ken Shamrock, Kane, Big Bossman etc.I could write a huge essay on how good the storylines were at the time.
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I know Raven named a match after it, but as far as I know no wrestler has ever done the gimmick with the costume and the speech patterns. It seems to lend itself to wrestling so well, a heel stable beating down the star face and someone saying "viddy well, my brothers!" To camera.

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