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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I have a mate who's waiting to be "validated" by an administrator. He's made a donation, waited quite a while and hasn't heard a peep. I've messaged a couple of admins/mods but no reply.


What's the sketch with this, is the forum accepting new members? My buddy can't get in touch with anyone from the forum so i'm having to do the monkey work.


Any info appreciated.

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I have a mate who's waiting to be "validated" by an administrator. He's made a donation, waited quite a while and hasn't heard a peep. I've messaged a couple of admins/mods but no reply.


What's the sketch with this, is the forum accepting new members? My buddy can't get in touch with anyone from the forum so i'm having to do the monkey work.


Any info appreciated.


You're probably better off in the off topic question thread for this kind of enquiry.




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Video game question here, about WWE '12 on the PS3, got it just the other week. Playing in Universe Mode, which looks a bit like an updated GM Mode to me, but is it possible to customise full cards before you begin a show? Unless I'm doing it wrong, it looks like the only way to do it is to customise a match, complete it, and then quit to customise the next match- it's pretty frustrating.

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I would really appreciate it if somebody could help me out with this one.


I'm looking to start wrestling training and I'm wondering what level of fitness I would need to be at? (I'm pretty fit as it is though I realise I'd definitely need to step it up before I could begin training.) I've knocked smoking on the head and I'm signing up to the gym and starting to go for a run on a morning. How far should I be running and what should I be looking at doing gym-wise ? Oh, and any nutrition and diet advice would be welcome too. Thanks.

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At the time WWE bought WCW, is it known who had the longest and biggest contracts with Time Warner? People like Nash were in WWE in 2002, and I would have expected him to be on a long term deal, but clearly wasnt (or was coming to the end of a long deal). Are there any stories of someone being lucky and signing something like a 3 year deal toward the end of WCW, or did they know (even in 2000) that they were screwed, and didnt give out the big contracts? I seem to recall Shane Douglas being lucky and having a pretty sweet deal at the end (for something silly like $666k a year).



Reason I ask is because I just watched a DDP match against Eddie from 1996. Hes just a standard midcarder at this point, so got wondering how he made so much money. Judging from the last 10 years, it seems clear DDP is set for life, and hasnt really needed to kill himself to get a payday. Even in 1997 he wasnt a main event guy, so he essentially has 98-01 as a big star. Was his contract during this time THAT big that it set him up for life, or was he someone who was lucky enough to have a long term deal in 2001, so he made shit loads when it got bought out?

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He was Eric Bischoff's neighbour and wife swapping partner. He was probably set from 1997, if not earlier. Probably on a couple of million guaranteed contract a year by 1999 or so.


DDP's love of being on telly though meant he apparently lost out on an absolute shitload by taking a giant paycut to fuck off to WWF in 2001 though. I think the buyouts were something like 30 cents on the dollar or something like that. Someone else will probably know the specifics.

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The WWE's use of Page on his arrival still pisses me off. He was one of the few big stars who took the buyout and was willing to come in and be part of the team, and they totally fucked him.


That pop when he revealed himself was phenomenal. How could they screw that up?


He'd make a good commentator, actually - wonder if TNA ever asked?

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