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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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The thread on the UK Wrestling Shows page about "Progress Wrestling" in London in March seems to have disappeared?


Is there anything up with that? I've been looking forward to the show so I hope all is well. Their website is still up of course.

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I'd say around 2004. I remember reading in Power Slam that they had a roster featuring Jeff Hardy, Hall, Nash, DDP, Dusty Rhodes and Randy Savage and thought "fucking hell". They sounded like a big deal.


The first ever piece of coverage from Power Slam to NWA:TNA was met with a four page spread and the headline reading "The Next Big Thing?" (Fin is dictated by wrestling catchphrases of the time) back in the days where I used to buy Power Slam, instead of reading it in Smiths and putting it back on the shelf.


But I never really regarded TNA as an "indy" promotion in the sense say ROH is. It was always bigger than that. However I always regarded something very "indyesque" about it, in the way their talent could (and still can) be booked on crummy indy events in front of 20 fans.

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However I always regarded something very "indyesque" about it, in the way their talent could (and still can) be booked on crummy indy events in front of 20 fans.


Anyone else immediately think of Abyss when reading this?

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I always remember that match for some reason, with Road Dogg winning with a really ugly ddt. It wasn't even something Road Dogg ever used, but Val used to work the spot into every match of his for that signature headstand bump that he did.


For whoever asked about other examples of "quite near the pay per view" title changes, no one seems to remember Mr Ass taking the Hardcore title from Hardcore Holly that very same night. If I remember right, that was the first time anyone (Michael Cole, actually) referred to Gunn's rocker dropper finish as "The Fame-asser." I thought it was shite then, and I still do.


That night made complete COCK of the Intercontinental and Hardcore title matches for 'Mania which featured interlacing feuds between Dogg-Snow-Holly and Gunn-Shamrock-Venis-Goldust, with Billy and Roadie swapping matches. Really, it was Russo "shock for the sake of it" at its very worst.

Edited by air_raid
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I always remember that match for some reason, with Road Dogg winning with a really ugly ddt. It wasn't even something Road Dogg ever used, but Val used to work the spot into every match of his for that signature headstand bump that he did.


For whoever asked about other examples of "quite near the pay per view" title changes, no one seems to remember Mr Ass taking the Hardcore title from Hardcore Holly that very same night. If I remember right, that was the first time anyone (Michael Cole, actually) referred to Gunn's rocker dropper finish as "The Fame-asser." I thought it was shite then, and I still do.

Oh aye, nearly killing Holly into the bargain if i'm remembering right.


Wrestlemania 15 really was an absolute mess, the midcard especially, partly due to lazily thrown together shit like those switched matches, as well as the random tag title match which was utterly pointless.

Edited by Reznor
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It's to do with the dates and terms of the initial agreement with the other WWF regarding the initials. Specifically, when they were told to pack it in, the block logo had already been created. But they created the scratch one later, thus telling the law to fuck off. Or something like that. Lister or someone will know. I'll Google it anyway.


Edit: According to a lad on Yahoo answers:


Basically the World Wrestling Federations agreement with the Fund was that they could only use the WWF logo in the US and they could not use it for any other media (like the internet site) and they could not change the logo. Thus when they changed the logo in 1997 from the block logo to the scratch, they were in clear violation of the agreement, they also opened WWF.com and built a London headquarters, and the Fund sued them over it. WWF lost big, but since the old "block" logo was the one they were allowed to use, they don't have to cover it up on DVDs etc. The "scratch" logo was part of the breach so they are not allowed to show that at all anymore without the risk of getting sued again. Hope that helps, there's more to it than that, but that basically sums it up.
Edited by King Pitcos
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But if I remember what I have read about it correctly, the original agreement was made in 1994. They didn't introduce this New Generation Logo until early 1995:


But they can still show that un-edited, so that's a bit confusing.

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Finally got around to watching WrestleMania X-7 on the Anthology DVDs. Limp Bizkit has been totally edited out, does anyone know why they did this? Ruined the main event for me.

Because it's cheaper for them to dub it over with production music, than to pay royalties to Fred Durst.

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Finally got around to watching WrestleMania X-7 on the Anthology DVDs. Limp Bizkit has been totally edited out, does anyone know why they did this? Ruined the main event for me.

Because it's cheaper for them to dub it over with production music, than to pay royalties to Fred Durst.


I was trying not to be cynical about it. Thought maybe Durst had been outed as a nonce, or a Benoit fan or something.

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I've never understood why the WWF didn't make a deal with the WWF in 2002 whereby they change the name of the company going forward but they allow them to use the old name and footage in tact in exchange for a nice fat donation to the Wildlife fund. Where the animal WWF not interested in a deal?

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They'd fucked off the World Wildlife Fund because they had already legally agreed not to promote as WWF in the UK. But just carried on doing it so were forced by law to surrender the name completely, website and all.

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