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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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The wrestlers now are probably a bit grown up for the Wrestler's Court type nonsense. But the locker room leaders would most likely be Big Show, Henry, Cena, Kane. I know Big Show's regarded as one. Maybe Orton, there was a story going round a couple of years ago that he'd taken on a locker room leader role. Regal?


According to Arn Anderson, CM Punk is a locker room leader.

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According to Arn Anderson, CM Punk is a locker room leader.


They also intimated that on his DVD. Wade in particular said he's always trying to help out and give advice to the younger guys.

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I don't think WWE has got a locker room leader any more. Nobody is in the locker room for starters. Up until about 2008, they'd all still be in the locker room hanging around until bell time and traveling in a car together to the arena. You'd have Bob Holly and Cody Rhodes driving together and sitting next to each other in catering.t Now all the big stars hang out in their tour bus and talk to their families on Skype for most of the day. Cena, Punk and Orton aren't in the locker room until they have their match. A locker room leader is someone like the Undertaker or JBL who has their fingers in all sorts of pies and defends the wrestlers to the office or gets in someones face because of something they have done. That criteria doesn't fit anyone, from what I've heard. If there are people with say in regards to the captain roll, its probably older wrestlers who are used to it like Big Show and Kane. Its hard to be a locker room leader when you don't want to leave your bus.


People slagged Hogan and Savage for years for having their own locker room as well. Its the same thing now. Brodus Clay isn't hanging out with Randy Orton. Most people just keep to themselves.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I was flicking through a old Powerslam magazine last night and they mentioned that WWF news item where Jarrett got outed saying Jesse James really sang With my Baby Tonight. But the weird thing was they said Jesse never sang the song when it was infact former Killer Bee Jumpin Jim Brunzell.


Any idea what on earth they were on about? You even hear Jesse singing it on Raw so kinda wondered.

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I don't think WWE has got a locker room leader any more. Nobody is in the locker room for starters. Up until about 2008, they'd all still be in the locker room hanging around until bell time and traveling in a car together to the arena. You'd have Bob Holly and Cody Rhodes driving together and sitting next to each other in catering.t Now all the big stars hang out in their tour bus and talk to their families on Skype for most of the day. Cena, Punk and Orton aren't in the locker room until they have their match. A locker room leader is someone like the Undertaker or JBL who has their fingers in all sorts of pies and defends the wrestlers to the office or gets in someones face because of something they have done. That criteria doesn't fit anyone, from what I've heard. If there are people with say in regards to the captain roll, its probably older wrestlers who are used to it like Big Show and Kane. Its hard to be a locker room leader when you don't want to leave your bus.


People slagged Hogan and Savage for years for having their own locker room as well. Its the same thing now. Brodus Clay isn't hanging out with Randy Orton. Most people just keep to themselves.


That's a real shame. Sometimes wrestlers need a grilling from experienced guys to learn. You're right though; having seen Orton's tour bus, I'm not surprised he stays in there.

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The Informer in the old WWF/E Magazines, without going through my old magazines, how much of the stuff said was actually truth given away by WWF or was the whole lot fictional?


In all honestly don't ever recall going back and checking them

The Informer spent about 2 years hyping Matt Morgan whilst he was still in developmental.


That didn't work out.

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According to Arn Anderson, CM Punk is a locker room leader.


They also intimated that on his DVD. Wade in particular said he's always trying to help out and give advice to the younger guys.

He comes across as a right arrogant know-it-all so I can imagine him not being shy about telling everyone how to do stuff.

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He comes across as a right arrogant know-it-all so I can imagine him not being shy about telling everyone how to do stuff.


On his DVD I thought he came across as alright and down to earth (but then, he's mostly only talking to a camera about himself I guess), rather than the smug tosser we all know he is. Well, other than the degree of indignation with which he talks about Miz being "the best bad guy" they chose for Mania XXVII over him, although plenty of people here might argue that was justified given that Miz is/was a bit crap. Punk strikes me as the kind of guy that is OK with his peers/people he respects as having done stuff - he fawned over any legend that passed through ROH like Funk or Steamboat and spent as much time with Raven as the latter would let him to try and learn from him - but has no time for anyone he considers beneath him - journos, fans, the general public. He has a very delicate ego and I think the minute you let him know that you think he's really good, he becomes at the very least tolerant and willing not to be a complete tosser, at least that's what my experience meeting him was. I imagine any young wrestler in the locker room that approaches him from advice would be an ego boost so he'd be very willing to help them, to enhance his own feeling of self-worth.

Edited by air_raid
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It's a scary world. There's millions of weird obsessed psychos like that out there. I think they call themselves "Directioners" or something.

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