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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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You're not buying it from someone called Icke83? 

Ye sorry, I always find it hard choosing names for things e.g. message boards and the tunes I make.



Well I think you're a Dynamite poster.

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I wouldn't consider the "allowing it to happen" scenario as a false flag, as nobody was attacking their own forces/allies under the pretence of being the enemy.



Ye I agree, I always assumed the primary definition of a false flag was what you mentioned, but I usually see Pearl Harbour on lists of false flags so thought maybe the criteria was broader than what I understood it to be..

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Yes yes.. I've read some of the "psycopaths in boardrooms" stuff as well and yes it extends to people in political power. I get the theory behind it, sure.


But what's your actual point in relation to that? I don't think you've made one that's why no one has commented on it.

Sorry, my point that I was alluding it to is that once people are more aware of what constitues a psychopath, or psychopathic traits, and the proliferation of such people in positions of power, then I think it adds a more plausable element to things which are all too easily dismissed as 'conspiracy theories'.

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If anything, that's just further proof that the people who compile such lists are fucking muppets.


At the end of the day you just have to try get information from as many sources as possible and then try make on objective opinion based on what you've seen and good ol fashioned gut instinct.

I think a significant part of people dissmissing everything as a crazy conspiracy theory is that many people just aren't able, or willing, to accep tthe fact their belief system may be compromised. I think it's called cognitive dissonance, a kind of psychological defense mechanism, but I may be wrong.

A lot of people rely on the mainstream media as their sole source of information, and I'm constantly amazed of the things which actually appears in the MSM which totally discredits it as a reliable source, yet people still use it. Recently in the paper there was a report critisising the BBC for a blatant lack of impartiality, I can't remember exactly which issue this report focused on, though anyone who has done any kind of independent research in to the Isreal/Palestine situation will know that they are definitely guilty of blatant bias in that instance. And it makes me wonder just what it would take for people to think hang on, maybe I should check this myself or at least cast a more critical eye over what they see/read in the news rather than taking it as gospel.


That's all this to me is about really, not taking any one person or sources word for it. I use flouride free toothpaste. I listened to what the dentist told me all those years (and this is someone who happily puts mercury in peoples mouth, which should be a bit of a warning sign that perhaps they don't have the purest of intentions (or that they are indoctrinated, which still is no excuse)) then a few years back I read some things which said it was bad for you. I decided that the perceived benefits don't justify the potential negative consequences and stopped using it.

To most people that would be strange. But to me it is is strange that most people thing it's strange, and this self-policing culture we seem to have created, where people are afriad to engage in honest and open dialogue for fear of ridicule, can surely only be a negative thing.


Of course there are some crazy theories, but not moreso than some of the stuff the MSM pumps out.

Edited by icke83
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I may be wrong.


Yeah, you are. Cognitive dissonance is the mechanism that gives us humans the ability to hold two contradictory beliefs simultaneously and is typically a trait of religious nuts and conspiracy theorists rather than sceptics, although we all use it to a certain extent.


I'm very intrigued by your arguments though. Essentially, they're arguments against believing conspiracy theories, which typically are supported by absolutely fuck all in the way of evidence, but somehow you're still coming down on the side of the tin-foilers. Very curious.

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I may be wrong.


Yeah, you are. Cognitive dissonance is the mechanism that gives us humans the ability to hold two contradictory beliefs simultaneously and is typically a trait of religious nuts and conspiracy theorists rather than sceptics, although we all use it to a certain extent.


I'm very intrigued by your arguments though. Essentially, they're arguments against believing conspiracy theories, which typically are supported by absolutely fuck all in the way of evidence, but somehow you're still coming down on the side of the tin-foilers. Very curious.


Would you consider someone who uses flouride free toothpaste, not through any allergy or sensitivity but because of things they have read online on various sites, to be a tin foiler out of interest?

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Cognitive dissonance cuts both ways; conspiracy theorists spend so much effort and time investing into these constructed fictions they create an impervious internal logic that continually begs the question and has no relation to fact so they can dig their heels in and maintain their beliefs.

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Hitler obviously ran a fair few false flag operations. namely the attack on a German Radio Station on the eve of WWII to help justify to the German people why they were invading Poland. But that's the Nazi's, so doesn't really count does it?

Edited by Chilly McFreeze
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Do you guys (Chest and Coconut) wholly believe the official account of 9/11 (which by definition is a conspiracy theory as it has in no way been proven beyond reaonable doubt) and also that there has never been a false flag?

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Do you guys (Chest and Coconut) wholly believe the official account of 9/11 (which by definition is a conspiracy theory as it has in no way been proven beyond reaonable doubt)?


Oh god. Please don't. Did Duane send you here?


Never heard of the man. Obviously mentioning 9/11 opens up a whole can of worms which can go back and forth for days/weeks and months which wasn;t the intention, nor something I would want to engage in as by now people believe what they believe. But I will never understand how people can think there is nothing fishy about paper passports which survive the inferno which brought down the twin towers (which is another thing entirely) and landed neatly on the pavement below.

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