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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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He took some UK journalist out into the woods, deprived him of sleep, and then had his mate harass him in the middle of the night in a Bigfoot costume. The way the documentary presented it, it was all "was this a genuine encounter".

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I've been lax in this thread so far this year, cos of the thing in my sig, but I finally got around to watching Shooting Bigfoot. I loved it (up until the end), as it felt like a Fortean take on American Movie. Those two sweet, bumbling friends, Dallas and Wayne, were in another Bigfoot doc called Not Your Typical Bigfoot Movie, which I highly recommend, as it goes into their relationship more, and gets pretty emotional. It's like this beautiful portrait of a friendship among the wackiest subculture there is.


I wasn't sold on the 'real' explanation behind Shooting's end at all, that Dyer got someone in a suit to fuck with the director. Clearly, the director was in on it too, with his bad acting and silently staying on the ground when he was 'attacked', and the two had figured out a deal where he'd get his ending and Dyer could go around selling his dead Bigfoot sideshow, which was confirmed on video by the 'homeless guy' (a stooge) when the film premiered.


There was other stuff in the build up to the release of this film they didn't go into. The Bigfoot attack at the end was part of a bunch of fuss for the last couple of years, where Dyer's buddies claimed to have filmed it at that exact same time from another angle, and it'd pressed its face up against the window of their van, leaving evidence of a face print in the dust. There's been a lot of talk, like there always is about DNA or 'smoking gun' footage that'll prove things once and for all, taken from that, and left on the window, that either never sees the light of day or is just shit. Same old same old.


In apposite timing, Dyer today confirmed on his Facebook page that the dead Bigfoot he's been exhibiting (the one that looked in the van and attacked the director, that he claims to have shot, offscreen at the end of Shooting Bigfoot) is just another costume, like the dead Bigfoot he claimed he had in 2008 which started this very thread.


Like the alien autopsy people, he claims he really did shoot a Bigfoot, although the body he was showing is a replica.




Pfft, give me the legendary Minnesota Iceman any day.

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Im kind of addicted to the "finding bigfoot" tv show.


The 3 guys say everything is a Squach, while the poor women has to point out that it might not be.


I really want to ther to be a bigfoot but how someone has not got clear footage or killed one yet makes you wonder.


ON the other hand




Do it do it now!

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What a total fucking prat.


"i did it cause i can" But its ok, he did really shoot one, thats not in question............


The bigfoot thing is all a hoax? im the most honest person ever? team tracker ?




A quick look at his face book and he comes over as total troll talking about sticking it to the haters? if bigfoot is real i hope he finds it and it turns him into its love slave for a week.

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That's why the mod team have a zero tolerance policy on gays.


In other news, a man claims to have photographed some fairies.








He's also an art lecturer, so this is probably part of a fakelore project, like the preserved fairies from a few years back.






I've got a real soft spot for fairy pictures and stories. There's something so uniquely British about it all.

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Texas man thinks he's captured a chupacabra





Yeah nice one, when did they stop being up right walking aliens with spines on the back? now they look like manky dogs.


That's always been my understanding of the description, or variations of. I've never heard the Chupcabra being referred to or described as an alien.

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Texas man thinks he's captured a chupacabra





Yeah nice one, when did they stop being up right walking aliens with spines on the back? now they look like manky dogs.


That's always been my understanding of the description, or variations of. I've never heard the Chupcabra being referred to or described as an alien.

The original Chupacabra was lifted straight from the film Species and had the alien spine shit going on. The description has since been toned down to something akin to a manky dog because all sightings of it since have actually been sightings of manky dogs.

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OOO didnt even know that was on.





Fuck me thats a program and half, Im not done yet but the line

"so you think bigfoot jerked off the meat" LMAO, they are trolling him from start to finish


OK done now, that was one awesome way to spend a Sat night, the sheep bone in his head was by far the best bit.

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