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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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If the all-powerful nWo are already controlling everything, why do they need to bother with false flag operations? And how, if they're omnipotent enough to rule the world, do all of their schemes have these obvious flaws that are so easily spotted by the mentally ill?

To be fair, I'm sure I'm not the only person who saw the lack of blood at the scene and on the killers and thought it weird. The only difference is, I simply stopped thinking about it and continued with my life. There are people out there with shitloads of time on their hands. They have no relationship, no kids, no house, no job and so on.


Not everyone in that position likes watching grown men pretend to hit each other, so they maybe choose conspiracy theories as their weird obsession of choice.


Also, loads of people saw them do it. I mean, it's just a small thing, but there were about a hundred eyewitnesses to the attack.

I'm not disputing it actually happening, I'm simply saying that the no blood situation was something I thought was weird, that's all.

Edited by David
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Sadly David it's not just the lonely paranoids who are buying into the insanity, for example doesn't Duane have a kid? and didn't someone else on here occasionally post about a married man with a family who was a constant source of embarrassment for those around him? pretty sure he even posted a "debate" between the guy and some other people that promptly descended into a complete farce.

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Sadly David it's not just the lonely paranoids who are buying into the insanity, for example doesn't Duane have a kid? and didn't someone else on here occasionally post about a married man with a family who was a constant source of embarrassment for those around him? pretty sure he even posted a "debate" between the guy and some other people that promptly descended into a complete farce.

That was me posting about my mate's nutty father, who runs a truther group. It's not just embarrassment that he causes but mass chaos, bordering on the immoral or maybe illegal activity he would accuse others of. He's secretly recorded conversations with trustees of a charity and then published excerpts out of context to try besmirching them, copied a membership database and then used the content for private mail-outs, asked to give a eulogy during somebody's memorial night and used the occasion to indicate that the person was a liar and involved in some kind of fraud ...


I was at his daughter's wedding last year, at which he finished his father-of-the-bride speech by telling the crowd (in a mock Yorkshire accent whilst the groom and best man sat beside him in their military uniform) "maybe one day these wars will be over, except the wars we're fighting in the street, on our way to the Nobel Peace Prize." His son finished his speech at his own wedding a few months later with "thanks to X for Y, thanks to Z for ZZ ... and thanks to Dad for not giving a speech". I suppose trying to make a joke of it is all they can do - he's nuttier than squirrel shit.

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If the all-powerful nWo are already controlling everything, why do they need to bother with false flag operations? And how, if they're omnipotent enough to rule the world, do all of their schemes have these obvious flaws that are so easily spotted by the mentally ill?

To be fair, I'm sure I'm not the only person who saw the lack of blood at the scene and on the killers and thought it weird. The only difference is, I simply stopped thinking about it and continued with my life.

No you didnt. You googled for blogger oddballs agreeing with you, then posted links to those blogs on messageboards. Which is exactly the same way that all the rest of the Woken Warriors combat our reptilian overlords.


There are people out there with shitloads of time on their hands. They have no relationship, no kids, no house, no job and so on.

Nonsense. Homeless people aren't going around posting links to prisonplanet and various lizard-conspiracy loon blogs all over the internet. And I've had plenty of people I've worked with come out with conspiracy shit. Half of them have kids. I can only think of one in a relationship, though. There might be something in that. The nuttiest one has a kid and a job, but lives with his parents in his thirties and spent almost twenty years writing a novel that basically casts himself as a Samurai David Icke. It's book one in a series of twelve, I think.


Not everyone in that position likes watching grown men pretend to hit each other, so they maybe choose conspiracy theories as their weird obsession of choice..

And then they post about those conspiracy theories on forums about grown men pretending to hit each other, and no doubt plenty of other forums devoted to other weird obsessions. Weird.


Regardless, you've not answered my question: how is it that the Illuminati are so mighty yet sloppy enough that every operation has these glaring errors that can be easily spotted by anti-semitic nutcases? Is it like how dogs can see ghosts?


In this instance specifically, does Cameron's evil Zionist cabal not even plan the false flag properly, or were they just too Jewy to cough up for a realistic amount of blood? Do they think the asleeple sheeple will just swallow any half-baked official story and the brave resistance fighters who point out the flaws will just be ignored and ridiculed? Because if that's what they think, then the nWo and the truthseekers have a lot in common.


Reading that Eyre International link is just sad. The sort of shit the poor guy comes out with:

Close up of the scene of crime once they managed to get things right LOL!!


Look at the look alike blood on my hands and not on my coat (after such a vicious attack)

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Sorry PITCOS, it isn't "my" theory, it's simply something I came across on another (football) site and thought I'd post here.


Keep fishing though, I'm sure you'll catch a bite someday. If you need any advice fire me a PM. I used to be quite good at it back in the day apparently ;)

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Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy in other threads. I wasn't fishing, I was just reposting a rebuttal I saw on that same football site.

Post away, my friend. Just don't try to insinuate that me posting the link means I agree with it. This is the conspiracy thread, not everyone who posts stuff here supports the theories.

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Apologies if this has been posted before - if it has, then this post wasn't done by me, but by my home-bake doppelganger. If it hasn't been, then who knows?


I was a little perturbed to open the page and find that I'd already looked at two of the links - shadow people, because I was reading John Dies at the End, and bubbly creek because I was reading background on Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Interesting list, but some of them are a bit... shit. A Jonathan Creek episode?


I've been slowly working through these, and there are some great things in there such as





which is a unique archaological discovery, or this pretty interesting UFO abduction incident:




The best one though is this:




Which I'd read about before, but not for years. It's a medieval manuscript that appears to be a book of flora and fauna, except it's written in an entirely unknown and indecipherable language and none of the plants or other illustrations is identifiable.


It's a really cool mystery. Did someone with too much time on their hands in a monstery create it? It's an amazing artefact.

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Surprised there hasn't been much of a mention of this:-




Alex Jones is over here at the moment as well, protesting it. Has the nutter popped up being interviewed anywhere?

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So, the biggest "see, I told you they were all spying on us" story happens and no one says a word on here? I can only assume that people have been gotten to.

There's a good line somewhere in this thread that conspiracy theorists are like someone who has went along the street picking up rubbish and convinced themselves that it was all *meant* to be sewn together into their new jacket. Stuff like the NSA story - which I haven't really followed tbh - makes me think that some of the individual threads that conspiracy theorists follow aren't actually rubbish. Obv the cottage industry of linking them all together is crazy and that's what we mock. But there's a fine line between conspiracy and corruption - the border between moderate ct'ers and daring investigative journalists is probably even finer. Conspiracy theorists are nothing if not diligent researchers. Maybe they're worth some attention now and then. Or maybe stopped clocks and all that.(Does this mean I'm on the precipice of complete psychological collapse?)
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