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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I've seen a couple of posts this week on various forums claiming that Madeleine was taken as part of Savile's child-rustling program.


General opinion in the tinfoil world is that Maddie's dad is a Freemason, and in on it all. Evidence for this, like in identifying all Masons, is found by going through hundreds of photos until they find one where his hands are doing a "secret Masonic sign". I saw one the other day taken in a pub where all the politicians and paedos in the photo were doing these hand-signs, coincidentally, the same sort of shape a hand makes when it's holding a pint.

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I still reckon there WAS a larger paedo ring operating back in the 60s and 70s, around Saville and some of the others who've been exposed. I have no confidence that it will ever come out though, I think there's a massive lack of interest by the police/politicians for digging around it too deeply. The initial report by the Saville's force gave itself a clean bill of health regarding Saville, which is patently ludicrous when you have policemen in other forces saying they got calls from senior Leeds police figures telling them to drop investigations.


I also guess that, in regards to Maddie, well someone abducted her, and they are still out there. But connecting the two is where the tinfoil brigade lose me. Why not campaing on things that DO merit investigation, rather than the fringe lunatic stuff?

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Why not campaing on things that DO merit investigation, rather than the fringe lunatic stuff?

To be fair, if Duane had posted on here a few years ago claiming that a load of television personalities from the 60's & 70's were taking part in child abuse, and that the BBC were turning the other way throughout it all we would have chortled and mocked him.


The Savile situation was fringe lunatic stuff for years, with the only people banging on about it being the likes of Icke and his followers.

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Why not campaing on things that DO merit investigation, rather than the fringe lunatic stuff?

To be fair, if Duane had posted on here a few years ago claiming that a load of television personalities from the 60's & 70's were taking part in child abuse, and that the BBC were turning the other way throughout it all we would have chortled and mocked him.The Savile situation was fringe lunatic stuff for years, with the only people banging on about it being the likes of Icke and his followers.
I don't know about that. I think most of us always thought that there was a bit of substance there. Especially post-Theroux.
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Why not campaing on things that DO merit investigation, rather than the fringe lunatic stuff?

To be fair, if Duane had posted on here a few years ago claiming that a load of television personalities from the 60's & 70's were taking part in child abuse, and that the BBC were turning the other way throughout it all we would have chortled and mocked him.The Savile situation was fringe lunatic stuff for years, with the only people banging on about it being the likes of Icke and his followers.
I don't know about that. I think most of us always thought that there was a bit of substance there. Especially post-Theroux.
With Savile? Yeah, he's always been a bit suspect, but I'm talking more about the sheer scale it seems to have gone on. It's all like something right out of Duane's handwritten conspiracy jotter.
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It's not so much there being a secret undercover Paedo Ring though. It's more a combination of 60s/70s attitudes towards women and girls, the position of power attained through entertainment, and the access that was granted to said females through such position. It was the noncing perfect storm. This idea, like in rubbish movies, of secret VIP fuck-clubs filled with the great, good and powerful is less exciting than the truth of a load of grubby men fingering the schoolgirls who came backstage at the BBC Roadshows, just because they could.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Apologies if this has been posted before - if it has, then this post wasn't done by me, but by my home-bake doppelganger. If it hasn't been, then who knows?


I was a little perturbed to open the page and find that I'd already looked at two of the links - shadow people, because I was reading John Dies at the End, and bubbly creek because I was reading background on Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Interesting list, but some of them are a bit... shit. A Jonathan Creek episode?

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I imagine the Bacofoil Brigade will have something new to sink their teeth into over the weekend since the judge leading the inquest into the murder of Alexander Litvinenko has ruled that he can't hear any evidence that would indicate that the Russian state was involved and the inquest is therefore facing collapse.


He's clear that it's a matter of national security and has offered to switch from a public to a secret inquest in order to be able to hear such information but that won't stop the usual suspects from using some of his words against him, such as "incomplete, misleading and unfair", and ignoring some of the other comments. It might be a good time to buy shares in tinfoil.

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Decided to keep this out of the Woolwich murder thread so as not to derail it.




A friend of Michael Adebolajo claims that Adebolajo was offered a job by MI5 and is arrested as soon as the interview is over.


Tinfoilers are going to have a field day over this.

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Decided to keep this out of the Woolwich murder thread so as not to derail it.




A friend of Michael Adebolajo claims that Adebolajo was offered a job by MI5 and is arrested as soon as the interview is over.


Tinfoilers are going to have a field day over this.

If there's any truth to this, even the non-tinfoil wearers should at least be mildly concerned by it.

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I hear from a reliable source that it's true. That's the sort of thing we expect MI5 to do, right? Otherwise what's the point in them.

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