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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I'm assuming David is referring to the comments about suspect #2 being a normal guy. There have been a lot of people saying that he seemed totally normal, friendly, a regular kind of kid, and that they are all very shocked by what he allegedly did.

Pretty much. I'm not suggesting that they aren't responsible or that there's a mega-secret conspiracy that framed them, but there has to be more to it than two guys deciding to blow the shit out of people?

Fuck off with the sales speak David. If you have evidence that contravenes the prevailing account of the bombing then present it.

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Fuck off with the sales speak David. If you have evidence that contravenes the prevailing account of the bombing then present it.

There's no need for foul language my friend. If you check the past few pages I'm simply asking if anyone has any theories or whatever on the situation. I've not had the time to really read up on it yet, so I thought maybe a few regulars in this thread may have a few interesting theories etc.

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No, you're doing more than that. You're making statements like:


there has to be more to it than two guys deciding to blow the shit out of people?


without offering any evidence or reasoning as to why that must be the case, and littering your posts with weasel phrases and judiciously placed question marks. If you have time to ask for theories here you have time to google 'Boston Bomb Conspiracy' or go to r/Conspiracy. If you do either of those things feel free to report back with anything interesting.

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When they're written grammatically incorrectly but still contain no question. Anyway, why does there "have to be more" to it?

I think you'll find that there is a question in there. As I said, I haven't done much reading up on it, but from what I've seen - two brothers, no real history of behaviour usually linked to this shit, older brother posts online about representing the US in sports rather than Russia, younger brother seems as normal as they come - there surely has to be something more than them both simply coming to the conclusion that blowing up people at a marathon is a good idea one day?


I asked the question in this thread because anything other than the official line is considered a conspiracy theory these days, and I'm simply curious if anyone who has followed the situation closer than me has any theories or ideas why this happened?


Apologies if me asking if anyone has heard any so-called conspiracy/alternative theories about a major event in the conspiracy thread is out of line...

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When they're written grammatically incorrectly but still contain no question. Anyway, why does there "have to be more" to it?

I think you'll find that there is a question in there. As I said, I haven't done much reading up on it, but from what I've seen - two brothers, no real history of behaviour usually linked to this shit, older brother posts online about representing the US in sports rather than Russia, younger brother seems as normal as they come - there surely has to be something more than them both simply coming to the conclusion that blowing up people at a marathon is a good idea one day?


I asked the question in this thread because anything other than the official line is considered a conspiracy theory these days, and I'm simply curious if anyone who has followed the situation closer than me has any theories or ideas why this happened?


Apologies if me asking if anyone has heard any so-called conspiracy/alternative theories about a major event in the conspiracy thread is out of line...

No account of the bombing that I've seen, official or otherwise, contends that the Tsarnev brothers "simply [came] to the conclusion that blowing up people at a marathon is a good idea one day". For one thing the elder brother appears to have been known to the CIA for at least 18 months.


You seem to have assumed that the official account is static and reductive, when it is actually complex and evolving in light of emergent new details. You're correct that there must be more to it than two otherwise normal people spontaneously committing murder without forethought, but that is neither a novel contention nor in contradiction to the prevailing story.

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But there is more to it than that even on the "official line", and has been since day one.


Discussion about what caused them to be radicalised is not 'conspiracy', and is fully inline with the facts as they are presented. You want to talk about what the older brother posted online? How about all the comments about not understanding Americans and their culture and finding it shameful, etc?


You want to maybe consider the fact that Dzokhar is 19 years old - the War on Terror has been going on for over half his life, and began pretty much when he arrived in the USA. Consider growing up in that environment might have some kind of effect on his mind?


What history of linked behaviour are you looking for? There's the new suggestion they were influenced by other like-minded individuals, namely this Armenian character Misha. All of this is in the news though, so I don't really understand why this question is in this thread.


Edit: in response to David; started typing this before Pinc's reply.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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You want to maybe consider the fact that Dzokhar is 19 years old - the War on Terror has been going on for over half his life, and began pretty much when he arrived in the USA. Consider growing up in that environment might have some kind of effect on his mind?

The war on "terror"? You surely don't buy into that, do you?

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I have no idea what you're asking with that question. But the reason I capitalised that is because that is as good as a collective term as any to describe the USA post-911; domestic and foreign policy, the prevailing attitudes and the atmosphere/environment they have created. Which is the relevant point to my post.


What the hell are you talking about?

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You want to maybe consider the fact that Dzokhar is 19 years old - the War on Terror has been going on for over half his life, and began pretty much when he arrived in the USA. Consider growing up in that environment might have some kind of effect on his mind?

The war on "terror"? You surely don't buy into that, do you?


Could be wrong but I'm pretty sure he meant it as growing up in the US with their suspicion of Islam / Anyone even slightly foreign looking during that time


Edit: Chest got their first

Edited by chokeout
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i got interested in the conspiracy side of this case the day after it happened when i overheard a boy in work say 'there's something no right about this', the boy's talked conspiracy theories with me and as soon as he heard about the bombings he questioned it.


The infuriating thing about it is, he believes anything he hears. If something's questioned, he don't want an answer he just spews it out onto other people...and if something is answered he'll just move on to the next one. He plasters stuff all over his facebook and the amount of replies he gets from like minded peope, some who clearly haven't taken the time to go read about it themselves just believe it. There's a line in that Salon piece that sums it up for me, saying "how dangerous and seductive conspiracy theories can be". I'm not saying my work friend is dangerous, but he will believe anything that infowars and similar sites feed to him... he was all over the Sandy Hook shootings as well.

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Many within the conspiracy brigade are as bad as religious fundamentalists as far as their beliefs are concerned but thankfully not as well organised, easier to weed out and generally massive cowards who will just hide behind a keyboard.


I do worry about the eventuality of one of them going postal though.

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