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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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So David, how many people were at this 'sold out' Icke gig?

The person who took my ticket has less interest in Icke than I do, and only really went because I had a spare brief at short notice. From what I was told it was pretty full. There were a few empty seats here & there, but it did pretty decent numbers.


They were also surprised at the type of people who were at it, which included a wide range from professional looking couples, pensioners and even groups of "trendy" lads. Apparently he spoke for almost ten hours, although it was broken into three parts.

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He speaks for 10 hours. 10 hours. that just smacks of some delusional fool who likes the sound of his own voice. Oh, and if anyone forgot: HE CLAIMED TO BE THE SON OF GOD.

Yeah, he covers a lot of ground in that ten hours though to be honest. As for the whole son of God stuff, aren't we all the sons of God if we choose to buy into the religious bullshit?I think his quote from the time was "My child, you are the son of God, we are all sons of god." Now, before anyone asks, I don't buy into any of that at all. I'm not a religious person.
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I don't even get why he bothers, according to his own theories. If this 'reality' we only think we're in is just a projected hologram from the lizards via their control centre inside the moon, what does it even matter if there are chemtrails or Jewish cabals when none of it's real anyway? He's not vague about the hologram stuff either, he literally says that everything we can see is an illusion, and the only reason you can't put your hand straight through a wall is because your mind has been conditioned to see the wall as solid. We're basically either on a giant holodeck, or asleep like Neo in the Matrix and this is all in our heads, so who cares if FEMA have millions of coffins stored away, or Ted Heath once shapeshifted, because FEMA, the coffins, and Ted Heath aren't real either? Why charge money to have people hear him speak, other than to use it like some kind of videogame credit, like earning gold coins in World of Warcraft?


Applying real world logic to Schizophrenic delusions ITT.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Lovely phrase in this report on the Beeb about psychic powers:


A scientific experiment has found that two mediums were unable to demonstrate that they had special psychic powers.


The test by researchers at Goldsmiths, University of London, tried to establish whether mediums could use psychic abilities to identify something about five unseen volunteers.


The results, carried out under test conditions, did not show evidence of any unexplained powers of insight.


But medium Patricia Putt said this experiment "doesn't prove a thing".


:laugh: Yeah, that's the point darling.

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I've spent the weekend in my mate's Dad's company. For simplicity I'm going to call him RMD [Ronnie's Mate's Dad] after Pinc's usage.


It was his daughter's wedding and Ronette and I were invited to attend, since we've been friends with RMD's kids for the last decade. There was a hairy moment when I saw that the timetable featured a spot where the family members would stand side by side whilst the guests filed past shaking their hands on the way to the dining-room. Given RMD's proclivity for childish outbursts in inappropriare circumstances (including making allegations about a lady whilst supposedly eulogising her on her memorial night) I was apprehensive that he'd cause a scene whatever I did ("How dare you offer me your hand, spy!" or "How dare you snub me at my daughter's wedding!") so I got my mate to check with him first. The answer was that RMD would not shake my hand. It seems he was so busy pretending not to notice me when I walked past him and hugged his wife that he confused himself, because he smiled at Ronette and shook hers, a woman whom he has lambasted online as "aggressive" even though she's softer than sunburnt butter.


Anyway, the speech ...


I don't want to be uncharitable - it was better than I feared, although that's not saying much because our concern was that he would say something literal but inappropriate such as "It gives me great pleasure to welcome all but two of you ..."


He did it in a mock Yorkshire accent, since that's where the groom is from, which was funny the first time he said "reet" but which I think came across as condescending to the guests when he was still doing it several minutes later. Apparently it was a poem, though his delivery was such that no-one seemed to twig until he said "I can't remember the next verse."


It ended with quite the flourish. With the groom and best man sitting at the same dais proudly wearing their uniforms and campaign medals, with most of the friends in the room having met through the armed forces or TA, a cohort not really known for trying to rebel against the system, he declared: "Mebbee one day these waars'll be urver, except t'war we're fightin' int' streets, on our way tat' Nurbel Peace Prize."


On the bright side, at least he didn't say "illegal wars with our soldiers murdering civilians on the basis of lies".

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