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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I was reading these lists recently, actually. It's amazing where films turn up when they are eventually found - there's an early Hitchcock, can't remember which one, where the film reels turned up in someone's attic in New Zealand.


It's quite sad that there are films by the likes of Hitchcock, Murnau and Capra amongst others that we will probably never see. Not at all surprised that there may be segments of Kubrick's films on his estate, though, and I think it's about time they started releasing this stuff to the general public. I feel quite strongly about all that kind of thing.


Apparently John Hughes' wife has a 2 and a half hour version of The Breakfast Club on his estate and Ally Sheedy confirmed that it exists as well. I fucking well have to see that.

Edited by Gladstone Small
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Fifty quid? That's a huge price leap from when I saw him at Brixton Academy, it was only a tenner.


Jon Ronson came out with a great bit about Icke's supposed anti Semitism, he said something along the lines of "David says the easiest way to smear someone is to label them an Anti-Semite. His detractors say that when he says 'Lizards' he actually means Jews. The more time I spend with David, I get the impression that when he says 'Lizards' he actually means 'Lizards'". Icke did a bit about how Jews are the people who have suffered most under the Illuminati one of the times I saw him, after he said that, a load of Nation Of Islam people fucked off. 8 hours it lasted.

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Fifty quid? That's a huge price leap from when I saw him at Brixton Academy, it was only a tenner.

He's big-time now, don't you know? I think he's probably worried that he won't come close to shifting the 12,500 tickets needed to fill the Wembley Arena so he's bumped up the prices.


It'll be worth it to hear him being all smug about the Jimmy Savile stuff to be honest.

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Fifty quid? That's a huge price leap from when I saw him at Brixton Academy, it was only a tenner.


Jon Ronson came out with a great bit about Icke's supposed anti Semitism, he said something along the lines of "David says the easiest way to smear someone is to label them an Anti-Semite. His detractors say that when he says 'Lizards' he actually means Jews. The more time I spend with David, I get the impression that when he says 'Lizards' he actually means 'Lizards'". Icke did a bit about how Jews are the people who have suffered most under the Illuminati one of the times I saw him, after he said that, a load of Nation Of Islam people fucked off. 8 hours it lasted.


The entire backbone of the conspiracy scene still seems to be the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a piece of antisemitic propaganda exposed as a hoax almost a hundred years ago. I no longer buy the "well, he just means lizards" thing, especially after the last couple of weeks. The Jews *are* the lizards as far as Icke is concerned. The forum on his site has no problem with sigs like this, from posters with tens of thousands of posts to their (often paying) accounts:


Belief is the Enemy of Truth


Capitalism and Communism - the twin rollers of a Judaic mill the goyim has been put through

Homosexual parents are like vegetarian butchers


''We have nothing against decent Jews''


Adolf Hitler, 1930


I giggled about those types before, but going in for more than a few minutes at a time, you notice that that place is like fucking Stormfront, and it's become clear to me that most people involved in the conspiracy scene use it as a brittle shield for them to perpetuate their weird racist beliefs, or in the very least, anyone getting involved too deeply will end up convinced that the Jews etc are behind it all, and turn out that way in the end anyway. I do find it curious that the one UKFFer who's paying actual money to see David Icke speak is the same one who's previously been sympathetic towards the BNP, Varg Vikernes and Anders Breivik.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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I do find it curious that the one UKFFer who's paying actual money to see David Icke speak is the same one who's previously been sympathetic towards the BNP, Varg Vikernes and Anders Breivik.


You forgot the worst one - Liverpool FC.

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I'm not defending Icke but I think a lot of the truthers out there are the sort who hate Jews, then contort things to fit their line of thinking. In a way, I tend to prefer the ones who are honest about it and don't try and twist things into some cabal nonce sense.


I know that the majority of conspiracy nuts out there are rampant right wingers but even the likes of Alex Jones hate Icke because of the lizards thing. I honestly don't think Icke is an anti semite, he's a delusional schizophrenic. Granted, he could do more to get that across but those nutjobs pay for his house, he isn't going to get a mainstream revenue stream any time soon.


EDIT - David was a Brevik sympathiser? Fucking hell.

Edited by Keith Houchen
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