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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Now that this is a Duane free(man) thread, I feel I can post this without provoking another annoying 9/11 debate, which none of us want.


This has to be one of the greatest coincidences in recent history. Not aware that it has been discussed here. If it has I apologise.


In March 2001, a pilot episode of the X-Files spin-off show 'The Lone Gunman' aired, the plot of which was uncovering a Government Conspiracy to fly a 777 in to the WTC to facilitate a new war for the arms trade to make money.


Here's a youtube clip




Isn't that just wonderful? I love coincidences like this. The tin foil twats must cream themselves when they see this. Surprised it's not brought up more often by them when the 9/11 debate happens.


Anyone got any more awesome coincidences to share?

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Didn't the Arnie film Collateral Damage, scheduled to some out just afterwards, also feature a terrorist attack using a hijacked plane? They had to reshoot the end of the film to remove it, IIRC.


The X Files was always very zeitgeist, I guess the possibility of an airline terrorist attack was being discussed around that time. Executive Decision (1996) was all about terrorists hijacking a plane to blow it up over New York, so it's always possible Al Qaeda got the idea from Hollywood!

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Party Music was originally scheduled to be released in early September 2001.[5] Its release was delayed until November 2001 due to its original cover art, which depicted Boots Riley and Pam the Funkstress destroying the twin towers of the World Trade Center using a Covert-Labs digital chromatic tuner as a detonator.[6] The original cover was created in June 2001.[5]
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I am currently going through this tremendous box set



Shame they never released it over here. It's basically a best-of, divided into 6 4-disc subsets with a bonus disc tacked on featuring a few other of the mysteries that didn't fit with the other sets. Strongly recommended if you're into that sort of this. Which, if you're reading this thread, there's a good chance you are.

I used to love this in the '90s, I've got 4 DVD's that I managed to aquire a couple of years ago and I've just started watching the newer version that's on CBS. Same cool, creapy music, but whoever the presenter he's no Robert Stack, RIP :(


I agree with you about how much better this thread is too. Thing is when you have someone like Duane people are gonna get frustrated and go so far the other way. It's nice that the discussion is a little more interesting on both sides.


I own this lovely little babe. It's well worth the price I paid (which IIRC was somewhere around

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The evening of September 11th 2001, I went to the Cathouse in Glasgow to see the Bouncing Souls. The lead singer opened the set saying "So yeah, our fucking city just blew up"


They were on tour promoting their album, How I Spent My Summer Vacation, which the back cover looks like this;




Which was weird.

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This is clearly all part of some giant conspiracy.


Vince McMahon and Arnold Schwarzenegger constructed a plot to bring New York to its knees - extreme right wing of the Republican party constructing a reason for the next arms race. Vince smuggled the bombers into the country dressed as Kaientai, as all foreigners look the same. The funding for the massive payoffs to every public official involved in the coverup (of which there were hundreds of thousands) came from the proceeds of the late 90s disaster movie boom, plus tickets to Wrestlemania 17.


The radical underground left of the television world obviously got wind of this, and tried to warn us via such syndicated shows as The Simpsons and The Lone Gunmen. At the same time, a public information campaign was launched with subliminal messaging designed to soften the blow through such diverse music acts as The Coup and Bouncing Souls.


Can't you see? IT ALL MAKES SENSE!

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As I recall, there was also an episode of the fantastic four from the old cartoon that had an alien invasion, the first scene of which was the towers blowing up.

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I've been rewatching Sherlock, and I just watch the Hounds of Baskerville last night. For those who don't know, in this version, Baskerville is a military science research facility, and they make reference to it being like Porton Down. My interest piqued, I looked up Porton Down on Wiki and while it looks like there are a few interesting tidbits to follow up on (the nerve gas stuff and Roland Maddison's death, the guys being given LSD without consent, and on a more thread-relevant front, rumours about people from the place turning up after suspected UFO sightings), there's not as much really freaky stuff on there as I'd hoped. So I thought I'd ask here: anyone read anything interesting about the place? Any wacky animal experiments been revealed? I know I could just Google but I'm very new to this stuff and wouldn't know what to trust.

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Bear in mind it's probably all bollocks, but there's plenty of scurrilous rumours there.


As I understand it, Porton Down was originally set up to create a British chemical weapons capability after the Germans unleashed the concept on the world during WW1. No side actually used chemical weaponry in WW2, but the Nazis has been creating some heavy stockpiles. Porton Down was also researching defences against chemical attack, and when Britain decided unilaterally to abandon chemical weapons capabilities in the 50s I think, defence against chemical attack became Porton Down's primary function.


So I guess it stands to reason that fucking around with some heavy shit is exactly what they do there. They certainly did do test trials on humans back in the 60s, and undoubtedly still do animal testing there. It's horrible, but I can't immediately see an alternative when trying to develop antidotes to shit like Sarin or whatever's about now.

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Bear in mind it's probably all bollocks


Posted by outerbongolia




Still, interesting read, thanks for that. I'll follow the links on there and report back with anything interesting I find, natch. The experimentation on army folk seems to be the biggest story to come out of the place and I imagine there's more on it floating around.


UPDATE: Just had a look on Nexis, which is a search tool for pretty much all English-language press ever that I can use through my uni account, and it looks like there's tons and tons of articles about the experiments on soldiers. Definitely gonna have a poke through some of those later.

Edited by opcws
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